有無靚女好似我咁,自己個胸其實都有c/d cup,但都想去隆胸?

  • push

  • pretty_girl
    <br>If you have C or D cup, you no need to improve it's size. In my opinion, you can apply some friming gel.lotion to improve their friming. The shape was most improtant than the size.

  • 咁A cup 咪好自卑! ;(

  • Pretty girl, how big do you want? F/G/H/I?
    <br>I am 34c-26-35
    <br>all i want is to reduce 2 inches round the waist

  • Suzie,
    <br>可以exercise or liposuction ar.

  • <香薰豐胸按摩精華油>-Bust Massage Oil @100% 純天然@效果明顯
    <br>而皮膚亦變得更幼滑細緻 絕不令皮膚油,更可使乳頭顏色變淡。
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  • I hardly see any C/D cup in the streets but how come there are so many ladies claim to have C or D cup size in SHE.com?
    <br>I don't believe there are so many large breasts women in town com'on!

  • I hardly see any C/D cup in the streets but how come there are so many ladies claim to have C or D cup size in SHE.com?
    <br>I don't believe there are so many large breasts women in town com'on!
    <br>by Playboy - 02/27/07 17:14
    <br>依個就係我所擔心0既問題,以後胸部只係一個common place,唔整大d,好難stand out of the crowd.

  • 下!唔係掛!再整大d!我都有你既cup數,不過就32吋,我己經覺得好大,好dum仲好縐,好似阿婆胸咁!不如諗下點keep得挻d,firm d好過啦!

  • i was 34C-23-35, now is 34D-23-35, better than before

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