有没有女仕聽過Cougar Club這個terms?

  • Cougar(美洲獅)是沿於加拿大的slang, 最初是指喜歡在酒吧"狩獵"年輕男性的3-40歲女性.後來定義引申至一般喜歡跟年輕男性發展關係的女仕.近年在外國亦興起一些稱為Cougar Club的網上俱樂部,專門撮合Cougar & Cub (cub者,尚未長出鬃毛的年輕雄獅,在此當然是指一些喜歡成熟女性的男仕)couple.

    我在中學的時候已經很清楚自己是一頭young cub. 比起班裡的女同學或是同級的校花,穿著絲襪高跟鞋,一身套裙的女老師反而更能引起我的遐想.

    但未知在這裡,可會有成熟女仕願意跟我這隻young cub談談?

  • 而家呃蝦條既人包裝好多,好多靚理由甘,我就話都係呃女仔,甘多理由直直接好過喇!

  • you should try your mother first

  • How young are you cub? And how old you want your cougar to be?

  • Hi Cougar,
    <br>I am 26 now
    <br>Normally I found ladies around 30-40s to be most attractive
    <br>But it really depends, some ladies are still quite hot even if they are almost in their 50s
    <br>So what is the target range for your cub?: )

  • Most of the guys who were attracted to me were surprised when I told them my real age. I'd say early 30s and up are fine with me, I don't like babysitting very much.

  • yeah, I knew some of the ladies who look much younger than they really are
    <br>It's really incredible.....
    <br>But usually you like to be with guys who are younger than you?

  • I prefer mature guys who have seen life, easier to communicate with.

  • haha, I think mature of not is a matter of Personality rather than a matter of Age
    <br>A 30-year-old man could still be naive
    <br>But a man in 20s can already be quite mature

  • What you find attractive in women who are much older than you?

  • I'd say it's Temperament.
    <br>Mature women have a feeling of elegance
    <br>That's what attract me the most
    <br>What's the age of the youngest man u have dated?

  • early 30s

  • Cougar replied at 2013-10-05 7:29 pm
    <br>early 30s
    <br>So what is your general impression on guys in mid 20s?: )

  • Guys in their 20s (early, mid or late) are still shaping up their outlook in life and establishing their career.

  • I agree on the latter
    <br>But generally men would start to settle down and establishing their own family once they steps into 30s
    <br>And still.....men could still focus on their career at that age, if they a ambitious enough

  • and How about u? have you ever have a thought of settling down?

  • Good question. Maybe I need to give it some thoughts from now on. Do you like kids? If you do, dating a woman who is older than might not be a good idea. However, living out your fantasy is totally different story.

  • To be honest, I still haven't had a thought of settling down
    <br>For now, I just want to live in the way I want to be
    <br>It's too tiring to take everything seriously
    <br>If I am taking it seriously, I wouldn't have posted this thread in the Relationship Board, but not in here : P

  • Hahaha very honest and I like that!
    <br>If you don't mind too much about the women's body shape and looks, it shouldn't be that difficult to meet your cougar.

  • Thanks Cougar
    <br>But I have another confession to make
    <br>If a man says he doesn't care a woman's body shape and look at all, then he must be lying
    <br>Nevertheless, I am not a picky man, I wouldn't imagine my cougar to be like Vivian Chow, I think it's all about feelings
    <br>How about you? Have you find your cub yet?: )

  • I am not looking for a cub. Despite I always attract guys who are younger than me, I still prefer a man who is closer to my age, and has seen the world with established career.

  • Alright
    <br>I hope you can find what you want as well : )

  • 以我所知相反既club就有

  • Snake:

  • Cougar,
    <br>it seems you like mature man but young in body.

  • iluvstocking replied at 2013-10-06 12:59 am

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