統計,有咩職業係5萬月薪以上 我想問,有什麼職業可以輕易上到50k 除了行蠱惑,i bank佬,會計師。我真係諗唔到。

  • 是旦一個公司exec level既都應該有啦

  • 做醫生,做老師,做校長,做lecture,做區議員(哈哈)

  • 仲有大把啦, 咁你都諗唔倒?
    <br>律師, 工程師, 公務員, 紀律部隊

  • 唔係個個公務員同紀律部隊都有50k............

  • me! me! me!

  • 我識得有人種有機菜可以搵到十萬一個月呀!

  • consultant

  • 金融、銀行、高層、2世祖

  • 你腦細 - i like you! hahah

  • Unix Support 都搵到 HKD$70k 一個月

  • 其實搵5萬以上既出多的是啦,不過一般都叫做管理或專業人仕,人地搵到錢一定有一技旁身架啦.

  • 唔係個個公務員同紀律部隊都有50k............
    <br>by 唔係個個公務員同紀律部隊都有50k............ - 02/23/07 12:57
    <br>咁梗係講緊中高層既職級啦...任何職業響entry level 都唔可能搵到5 萬一個月掛...

  • 好彩我係 i-bank 做... 呵呵~~~
    <br>大把 i-bank 佬

  • 寫作<作野>

  • 部分sale
    <br>或者sale manager過50k都唔奇架bor~

  • 股票經紀

  • 咩職業係5萬月薪以上

  • 在一間developer公司做senior manager

  • 公司exec level - NO, except executive level in big companies. As for medium size firms, executive level usually has 25k-35k mthly. But most of them are 35+ years old.
    <br>醫生 - YES, starting salaries are over 40k mthly.
    <br>老師 - NO, starting salaies are now about 17k-20k mthly. Secondary and primary school teachers have usually 40-45k mthly in maxumum, but when they reach this salaies, they are already 35+ years old already.
    <br>校長 - YES, but they are usually 45+ years old.
    <br>lecturer - YES for university professors.
    <br>區議員 - NO, their salaries are about 35k mthly.
    <br>律師 - DEPENDS, some solicitors/barristers have over 50k mthly, but some are NOT. Some barristers can not find customers and have not much salaries.
    <br>工程師 - NO, starting salaries are usually 10-15k mthly. 80% of engineers do not have 50k mthly. The construction industries in HK is hostile.
    <br>公務員 - DEPENDS, 80% of civil servants are below 50k mthly. in remaining 20% civil servants who earn over 50k mthly, a majority of them are 35+ years old.
    <br>紀律部隊 - DEPENDS, 80% of them are below 50k mthly. in remaining 20% civil servants who earn over 50k mthly, a majority of them are 35+ years old.
    <br>金融 - DEPENDS, e.g. financial traders, brokers, analysts, deriviatives analysts, etc, a rough estimate is every 8 out of 10 people are BELOW 50k mthly. Only less than 20% people have 50k mthly and many of them are 35+ years old.
    <br>銀行 - DEPENDS, a rough estimate is every 7 out of 10 people are small potato, 2 out of them are middle management, and only 1 out of 10 people have 50k mthly. e.g. My cousin is a Senior Program Analyst in a big bank, and he earns about 40k mthly + fringe benefits + low housing mortgage interest rate.
    <br>consultant - NO, e.g. financial consultant, human resource consultant, business consultant, computer consultant, etc, most of them have BELOW 50k mthly.
    <br>Unix Support - NO, I can only say most people in IT field have BELOW 50k mthly. Only about 10-15% people have 50k mthly.
    <br>會計師 - NO, starting salaries are usually 10-15k mthly (except you are chartered acc. in BIG ACC FIRM). Even after 10 years work, a majority of accountants have only 20-40k mthly (except you are chartered acc.). Many acountants work have been shifted to mainland China already (by setting up accounting office in mainland, jobs sent to mainland, calculation and analysis work finished and sent back to HK)
    <br>sale manager - DEPENDS, I can only say only about 1 to 2 out of every 10 sales managers have 50k mthly. Many of them are 30+ years old.
    <br>股票經紀 - DEPENDS, great portion of securities market shares are absorbed by banks, of where the bank brokers have fixed salaries of less than 25k mthly. Most brokers in broker firms have below 50k mthly. Only a small proportion of them have 50k+ mthly. Their salaries varies from years to years due to the up and down of stock market.

  • Please REMEMBER that, in HK:
    <br>Average individual income - $15,000 (app.).
    <br>Average household income - $27,000 (app.)

  • 職業賭徒

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