好驚奶奶 ~~~

  • 我想問下你哋有無人經
    <br>http://www.beauty- holic.com/catalog/index.php? cPath=2_260_261
    <br>買過嘢, 我想買肚紋gel, 因為比起卓悅平, 本來卓悅賣$184, 佢哋賣$135, 仲有其他大肚用的都比卓悅平, 大家應為信唔信得過呢???

  • man930,
    <br>oh no... i'm sorry to hear that you can't move out. but u really have to think about some solutions. it's hard to face those 'fake' and cunning 99 every day. u know my 99 is also good at that ga. she always pretends that she cant buy and asks my husband to help her buy this for a week and buy another for another week. u know why? cuz then she can see him every weekend as he has to bring her stuff back to her! i just told my husband that she's very 'cunning' lor. why couldnt she just write a list of things she has to buy sin? after all it's similar things! so angry!
    <br>your 99 is also very cheap wor. but please take care! cuz you've a baby now.

  • 各位,
    <br>我今日去咗聽babyplus個講座, 而家買咗陪機, 聽日開始用, 到時有咩再同大家報告啦, 昨日bb知道爸爸抽到$1000 sogo現金卷, 即時手手腳腳係咪郁, 搞到我好痛, 要即刻坐下先得, 我相信佢應得我老公把聲架, 唔係點會我老公好多時講嘢, 佢都郁下郁下呀

  • aa,
    <br>你99上咗去你度未呀? 最近有無咩特別嘢

  • cywong , 我同姑奶個老公. 講左, 唔想見到奶奶係我屋企出現. 如果,佢地堅持上來, 咁我會返外家!! 而老公.話一齊同我返外家
    <br>原本老公話一星期返去吃一次飯, 現在.過時過節先返. 佢自己都唔想對住奶奶
    <br>老公d 信無轉地址. 奶奶又打過來.話好多信. 叫我地返去吃飯,and 拎信. (老公寧願係屋企打機,都唔返)
    <br>最搞笑係.. 奶奶問我地拎屋企電話[sorry. 屋企無電話. 打手提la ]

  • 仲有, 我最Q 憎姑奶和奶奶"莢善怕惡", 大嫂累口黑面, 姑奶唔敢去佢地公司. 奶奶唔敢去佢屋企.
    <br>而我?!! 大家都當透明?.
    <br>今次,我唔怕佢地!!! 仲有, 千其唔好俾我有左. 否則, 一定對奶奶唔客氣,

  • aa,
    <br>我99食團年個日, 無端端叫我找人揀日子安墳, 搞到我都唔知講咩好, 後來媽咪話, 佢哋諗住我識人, 唔洗比錢, 嘩! 好心啦, 咁都唔想比, 找得人揀日子, 就要比錢架啦, 佢都short架, 後來佢話今年唔會安墳, 因為我同老公之前話唔好沖到我哋生肖, 咁我咪順勢話我有咗囉, 當時我無除褸, 佢哋睇唔到我個肚, 我99好似無咩咁話哦, 我62直頭扮聽唔到, 但當我一起身, 我99即刻問我老公, 我有咗幾耐, 好心啦, 想問咪問囉, 仲要一見我唔食飯, 好似餓親佢個孫咁, 即刻話, 你又唔食飯呀, 我老公咪即刻話, 佢係屋企有食架, 我食唔食關你咩事喎
    <br>都唔知佢真唔識定假唔識架, 花枝片又叫我食, 芋頭又叫我食, 連西米露都叫我食, 係咪想害我架, short架

  • aa,
    <br>我今朝用咗個babyplus同佢做胎教, 佢一聽到聲就係咁郁, 當時我好眼訓, 所以我無理佢, 照訓, 部機用張被蓋住都聽到聲, 搞到我差d訓唔到, 後來加埋個枕頭先聽唔到, 希望呢部機真係對bb有用啦

  • cywong ,昨晚發夢, 見到奶奶係我屋企. 仲拎左d 舊傢俬來.. 嬲到我死..於是同老公立即離開屋企.
    <br>講起安墳. 爸爸阿哥... 個女婿係做[賓yee]. 佢話每位兄弟姊妹夾三萬, total 三十萬. 將 百幾年前既祖墳,重新整理..... 我當場黑口黑面!!!
    <br>我問左自己既風水師傅. 佢話做陰宅.最先受惠係"第一房, 即係大仔.... then 二仔.. then 長孫!!!..至於女性. 就無任何好處. 我覺得uncle 好自私!!!!! . 佢一己私慾. 要其他兄弟姊妹夾$$$$$ . 我grand dad 過身. 個神主牌放係我爸爸屋企... 大伯身為大仔. 都唔肯放.家陣,想風水益自己和自己兩個仔, 就做咁多野!!!!
    <br>你大肚. 乜都唔好理, 一句"唔方便" 就得. 乜都話"唔識". 如果要出$$$. 就另想法子~!

  • aa,
    <br>比錢都唔係問題, 而家做到咁, 唔想比, 要找人搞就無謂啦, 我到時多數去私家生, 老公話明滿月唔會同佢食飯, 到時係醫院比佢哋抱一次, 中秋再見啦

  • 各位,
    <br>新年快樂, 心想事成, 有咗的姊妹大大細細都平平安安, 未有的姊妹, 來緊會好快有, 豬年好運!

  • aa,
    <br>我年初一去見咗99啦, 平時入屋要除鞋, 個日佢話唔洗除, 仲話驚我跌倒, 其實咪又係驚跌親個孫, 連咩要戒口都唔知, 佢老豆仲好笑, 問我飲唔飲茶, 有咗仲飲茶, 識唔識架, 你又點呀

  • Hi aa and cywong,
    <br>A Belated Happy Golden Pig Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy! Hope all your wishes come true in this special year!
    <br>hey let me update how i spent my CNY. well i didnt do much actually. but on Sunday we did go back to in-laws' place. i think it's cuz they're afraid i will ask my husband to never go back there, they were quite 'polite' to me this time. at least they dared not to complain 'why did u 2 come back so late?' or 'why dont u stay overnite?' or 'you should go back again tomorrow'. haha thats good!
    <br>but u know my lo yeah did 'inch' me a little bit when my hubby told him i got the driving license. my 99 said that it's fast, then my lo yeah said 'of course la, u think San Jose is like SF mei, it's very easy to get a driving license there. SF is much more difficult ga and u have to go on the freeway here to get the driving license.' wa... so inch! besides he really doesnt know! my instructor told me unless u cant pass your driving test for many times, otherwise u dont have to go on the freeway now (but still we've to learn). I told him that and he still insisted he knows that lor (wa! my driving instructor has been teaching driving for many years and knows less than him?! he really knows 'everything' then!) so u see? my lo yeah is just like that! he always thinks he knows everything and says bullshxt all the time! and u know luckily he didnt know that i couldnt pass the driving test for the 1st time, otherwise he'd say that i'm stupid. he really thinks it's as easy as 40 years ago lor (he didnt even have to take the driving test and got the license!). BUT he has DOUBLE STANDARD ga wor, he says that SF is difficult cuz i didnt take the test there! i really wanted him to shut up lor.

  • 我奶奶都好討厭, new year 比利是我同老公 $20, 等老公仲比 $1xxxx佢過年, so 我冇去拜年, 老公都話唔駛打电話拜年, 當然佢知我唔 like 佢嗰邊, 99仲有其它衰嘢, 我仲叫老公 cut 99家用, 自已一年都見 less than 5 times, 我哋揾得多就當人羊狜.

  • 我奶奶都好討厭, new year 比利是我同老公 $20, 等老公仲比 $1xxxx佢過年, so 我冇去拜年, 老公都話唔駛打电話拜年, 當然佢知我唔 like 佢嗰邊, 99仲有其它衰嘢, 我仲叫老公 cut 99家用, 自已一年都見 less than 5 times, 我哋揾得多就當人羊狜.

  • snow/candy88,

  • 我同老公搬開...唔同奶奶住.. 老公每月俾兩千銀家用奶奶.... (雖然奶奶過百萬身家). 不過, 老公係都要俾.我無計!!!!.

  • 個題目重話好驚奶奶, 你斑野剩係識省人地, 闊佬自己, 根本自私到無倫

  • aa,
    <br>我覺得比唔係一個問題, 只係同一齊住, 到時下下都老馮就好唔掂

  • 奶奶 !!!. 你估我好想搬走.!!!! 如果唔係你一次,兩次,三次,講大話. 又扮慘. 最後, 仲講大話"篤我" !!
    <br>如果,你唔係同我外家講. "男人三妻四妾" 好平常. 我媽咪就唔會俾你嚇親!!!!
    <br>奶奶!!!!. 你今日搞到得一個人. 全部都係你一手做成!!!!!!日日扮慘, 日日搬弄是非!!!!. 每個仔女都唔知信你定唔信你!!!!......

  • 補充多一句.我由驚你... 到變成憎你, 恨你!!!!!

  • aa,
    <br>我99今日又主動出擊啦, 打電話來問我老公我有咗幾多個月, 上次咪答咗佢囉, 又問, 又問我哋係咪請工人, 到時要唔要幫手
    <br>其實咩都唔洗佢幫手, 佢唔好搞我就得架啦, 唔好借d椅拉關係, 唔會比個bb佢架

  • cywong ,千其唔好俾奶奶知咁多野!! 費時煩.

  • SS, do you live in san jose? i just moved to cali last may, do you want to chat or hang out sometime? you can email me @ tomatowedding at gmail dot com.

  • aa,
    <br>我會請工人, 但係如果生咗先通知佢, 到時煩到我老公死呀

  • cywong,
    <br>yes i also think that you better not to tell your 99 too much about your baby. besides, she really wont help.
    <br>tell u what, my sis-in-law is pregnant and we had a party last Sat, my 99's 'chan ga' (she's very nice) asked her if she wants to help looking after the baby too. u know my 99 immediately made up some excuse. she said that 'i'm not healthy enough to look after the baby'. you know why? it's cuz she thinks my sis-in-law's baby is not under the same last name! she's very traditional. so it's like even though it's her duaghter's baby, she still doesnt wanna help.
    <br>haha but i'm sure my sis-in-law wont want her to help too! :P
    <br>i'm the same as you. i was afraid of my lo yeah/99 too. but now i havent gone back to their place for 3 weeks until CNY. i felt soooooo good not seeing them. and then when i went back during CNY, they dared not to complain so much. i guess it's cuz they were afraid i'd ask my husband not to go back again. so they just kinda pretended to be nice to me. well this is good!
    <br>Hi nice to meet you! you moved to California last May? did you move here for work or you're just like me?
    <br>i just sent u an email, just in case you won't come back here. :P

  • SS,
    <br>我媽咪都係唔like佢, 所以唔會叫佢幫手, 只係佢問我老公有無咩要幫手, 我老公同佢話咗工人係我同細佬兩份請, 佢就問我老公, 咁個bb放係佢哋個邊呀, 你話呀, 佢都short架, 唔係放係你度咩, 佢根本大安旨意, 諗住我哋一定比個bb佢揍咁, 諗都唔好咁諗呀, 無佢份呀

  • hi all,
    <br>sometimes, i think 62 & 99 are not the most horrible person!! I think the most horrible person are 三姑六婆親戚。Like last weekend, my husband & his side of family got together & 請his 舅父 whole family for dinner. His 舅父 said that it was totally up to us to choose the restaurant. At the end, I picked one & we found that he didn't like that restuarant. Then I needed to call several restaurants to find out. Eventually, we went to the restaurant with more expensive. At the end, we needed to pay $ for the dinner...
    <br>I found that these kind of relatives are so 大安旨意 & "老馮“. When they say something, then you have to follow & do it. That makes me so pissed off.

  • 仲有﹐我老公果姨仲low b. one of his auntie is celebrating her b'day and asked all of the family came over to her place for celebration. 但係我現在帶孝, not suitable to go to 紅事。In addition, I am pregnant which I don't want to meet those people which will make me angry or not comfortable.
    <br>I told his one of his aunts that 現在帶孝 so I couldn't go. But she kept on asking me that i should go. So low b......

  • AY,
    <br>yes you're right. sometimes relatives can be the same- ma fan. it's just like those older type of 'traditonal' relatives are the same. they always think that those who're younger have to follow whatever they say...i hate this too!

  • 大家好. 我已搬離奶奶已經第五個月. 其間,除了新年,佢生日,清明,母親節. 之後, 我和老公都沒有回去和她吃飯. 以為,搬走左,奶奶知衰, 唔會再對我過份, 過時過時,客客氣氣咪算. 但佢仍然"恰" 我, 真係好嬲
    <br>(1)清明節, 我買了黃菊花,+少少粉紫襯花. 奶奶一見到,就話我[你以後唔好買粉紅花, 會生女. 一定要買白菊花, 才會生仔], fuxk. 又唔會有左bb, 何來生仔, 佢恨孫恨到上腦.!!! 果下,我當聽唔到, 唔望佢. 亦唔出聲. 忍左去.
    <br>(2)母親節. 我第一次係其他人面前, 駁斥奶奶. 話說六點幾返到去, 叫聲'奶奶', 便入了書房放低手袋. 奶奶就跟入來,要我食榴槤. [你快d 食榴槤, 快d食左去...] 我好聲話[一陣先,吃完飯才吃生果] . 奶奶[ 唔得,你快d 食, 唔好等] 我問[ 下? 點解, 等埋老公一齊食la]
    <br>奶奶[ 大嫂唔鍾意,榴槤味, 佢話臭, 你唔好俾佢見到, 你快d 食左佢]
    <br>佢一講到大嫂,我就火都來, 大嫂又無小朋友, 又唔respect 你, 屋企食飯, 次次遲到. 七點食飯, 七點半先到. 點解你老人家咁驚佢?!!!!! 當場,我好大聲話[仲乜咁驚大嫂??? 點解我要就佢?!!! 你係都要我食, 我就偏偏係大嫂面前食榴槤!!!] . 姑奶係廚房聽到, 立即話佢阿媽.
    <br>以為奶奶醒目知我唔高興. 隔一陣, 又隊幾支香叫我拜祖先. 我嬲到唔拜. [叫佢搵個仔]. 唔通我真係好蝦??? 我學唔到大嫂咁, 有潔癖又黑面.

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