已婚的妳........有無同樣遇到感情上問題, 攪到自己好唔開心呢?

  • 我三十三歲男, 已婚, 同老婆關係好差, 成日鬧交, 攪到好唔開心<br />想搵一個已婚嘅secret lover, 一齊傾訴吓, 開心吓.<br />已婚的妳........有無同樣遇到感情上問題, 攪到自己好唔開心呢?<br />一齊傾訴吓, 分享吓.....<br />my email/msn:<br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

  • 鬧交就要找secret lover傾訴, 因住你老婆學你一樣找男人傾訴, 送埋綠帽過你戴!!

  • u r right, MM

  • should be..........you are right, MW

  • MM, you should try to handle the problems, not getting away from it, with SL......
    <br>can i help?

  • 鬧交就要找secret lover傾訴, 因住你老婆學你一樣找男人傾訴, 送埋綠帽過你戴!!..............
    <br>As long as she is happy, arguement made both of us very unhappy.... by the way...if you have a good realtionship with your husband ...you will never understand!!! Also you never know your husband may have an affair with another person even you have a good relationship with him..

  • ManinShe,
    <br>I try to understand her, i try to please her, I try to listen to her, I try to communcate with her and I try not to argue with her....... I think we have different thought which draw us apart.

  • how long u get married?

  • 你讀she讀壞腦喔! 唔死都無用!

  • 咁離婚啦! 搵咩sl呢! 無聊!

  • 車..有問題又吾去解決,吾揾老婆傾吾揾sl傾...

  • Lower grass....don't know how to respect ppl...

  • 搵食男要人respect架咩? 要respect去sex board啦!

  • 你讀she讀壞腦喔! 唔死都無用!
    <br>咁離婚啦! 搵咩sl呢! 無聊!
    <br>已婚女, 你講更你自己呀?? 人哋搵SL關你lun事!! 無聊嘅係你囉...得閒無事上嚟撩事鬥非
    <br>human, don't you read english, he said he already try his best to solve the situation, why can't he share his feelings with someone else....don't you have friend after marriage? Don't tell me you never chat to someone else beside your wife/husband??.....btw...I forgot you don't really quite understand since you can't read english

  • 唔順超

  • 唔順超係女! 我最鐘意鬧搵食男架啦! 怕人鬧就唔好係R board搵食啦,笨!

  • 搵食男真面目:

  • 唔順超真面目:
    <br>自我形象低落的80後青年男女為獲取成功感,數年來在網上討論區四出鬧人,平日生活中自我形象低落,缺乏正常社交生活, 喜歡在網上以虛擬身份發表自己見解, 找尋認同,渴望能怒罵其他不相識的別人以獲得成功感。思想及態度扭曲,特別視異性為發泄不滿的工具,對自己無關的別人沒憐憫之心,更惶論尊重人性。

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