
  • Sad~~~ their heart can contain more than 2 ppl for sure

  • 我諗女人無男人都可以生活,但男人無女人就會死...

  • man~好多男人都會好似你咁

  • wannacry...
    <br>sometimes love/relationship cant be measured by "what you give and what you get back"..... for me.. if i truly love someone... i dont care what i get back as long as I m willing to give.... if you start expecting something back.. you life will become miserable when things are not the way you wish for... of coz... in a perfect world your lover will do the same for you and care about you the same way... but we dont live in a perfect world... i can understand its very frustrating to give all the time when you get nothing back... but for me.. love is about doing whatever it takes to make your partner happy and feeling good without any expectation... as long as my partner is happy...i will be happy....

  • 拖到無得再拖先黎解決.....
    <br>but y dun solve this problem at the beginning.....
    <br>if u said so.... ur gf/bf won't feel happy..... u really will make them feel painful......
    <br>turn out the result may not be the one that u expect......
    <br>y can't solve it at the beginning together......
    <br>y....y always ask ppl to accept it but never think about to change it....

  • 一個男人是否內心放不下兩個女人?

  • man~唔通同老婆無感情都仍然係老婆最重要咩?

  • 你有權選擇接受....覺得傷心辛苦咪分手lo....出面大把男人....你驚搵唔到咩

  • Bounce~~ I understand what do u mean and what u are talking about is the ideal world....... maybe someone can do it..... but i want to say.... i dun expest anything when we start.... but he gives me an exspectation but he never can't make it....then he destory it by himself....... it's really hurt......

  • 同老婆點會無感情呢....淡左就會...不過都係老婆最重要...唔係男人就會選擇離婚....到時想點就點...

  • man~呢個世界唔係無男人,係無好男人,即等於死哂

  • y can't male just loving, caring,thinking, and missing for just one ppl?

  • wannacry...
    <br>man are stupid... plain and simple... especially HK men... we have this extermly "thin face skin" which sometimes is the biggest problem in relationships.... we over analysis things and we dont love with heart but with our brain... but I can be too irrational sometimes.. i dont care about how i feel but as long as my lover is happy.... thats the most important thing....

  • haha...死曬

  • y? if two ppl getting marry it doesn't mean that they choose each other to love and caring for their whole life? Why they can accept another person after that? Is just because they dun have the same feeling from the beginning? If so, y they need to get married at first?

  • 呢個世界唔係無男人,係無好男人,即等於死哂.....
    <br>sad.... dont "one stick hit everymen in the boat"... haha... i do agree very few "good" men are left... and even worst... very few good lovers are out there....

  • .唔好咁煩la...連個名都要sad....
    <br>我都要訓覺....good luck

  • 或者女人應該過住自己開心既生活會好點,不應對男人有所付出同祈望,同一個男人一齊,唔好諗住佢會對你好好,會照顧你一世

  • wannacry...
    <br>again... the odeal of marrigae is one life, one partner... but sometimes, men and women, can become bored and flat in our relationship... we go out and "play" not becuase we want to love another person... but to find that lovning or be loved feeling... to feel again....

  • Bounce...... do u think u can do what u said b4?
    <br>can u just love one person from the begining to the end?
    <br>If so, u are a gd man who left in this real world........and I am so apperciate u are appear to here today

  • 只願天下有情人終誠眷熟

  • sad , 有時仲覺得自己似妓女 , 無錢收不得止 , 你仲意插就插 , 我工作都會累 , 我唔係吹風公仔 ... 苦

  • I am as good as you think... wannacry... not to disappoint you but i have been unfaith to my wife... i guess love is a selfish thing... you seek the feeling you want and cant get and yet you still cherish the love you already have....

  • lvana~咁又唔好咁講,如果個男人對你唔好,只係為左同你上床先keep關係,呢d人唔死都無用,你又何必咁辛苦留係佢身邊

  • 有時仲覺得自己似妓女 , 無錢收不得止 , 你仲意插就插 , 我工作都會累 , 我唔係吹風公仔 ... 苦
    <br>Ivana... poor gal... i hate men who dont respect women and treat them like whores.... women are born to be cherished by men... its nature's law... haha

  • 愛情無分對錯既~離婚又好~點都好~都係想自己開心幸福

  • 或者人就係咁,越唔在乎你既你就越愛,越對你好你越唔在乎

  • sigh.............i really apperciate u are appear in here
    <br>Bounce~~ will u do whatever they said b4.......u will have another person just because u want to get back the love feeling?

  • wannacry....
    <br>every different person can give you a different feeling when you r with them... i just like being with someone who can share my interests and someone i can make happy and make them feel loved.... and maybe my wife cant give me all that... i still love her... but its like playing tennis.... its great to play with someone you love... but i also enjoy an osscaional game with a good tennis partner.... sometimes it will re-spark your relationship with my wife...

  • but i really dun understand y.....
    <br>y need to have another person to help u to get back the love feeling but not try to get it back with wife/husband?
    <br>y dun try to communicate and face the problem with wife/husband?
    <br>I really dun think this is a good excuse to have another person in their life just because want to feel again love and beloved.....
    <br>I really disagree and feel sick with this pt....

  • 但你又好愛他 , 那又可以如何 ?
    <br>沒有勇氣去離開 ....

  • maybe different ppl have different pt of view la........
    <br>I think when two ppl get married.. their life is belong to both of them or with their family....... y need the third person or the forth one to care about it? y bother to waste time to meet the third or forth one to solve that problem but not asking ur wife/husband to solve it together by two of them........

  • wannacry....
    <br>you r right its not an excuse... but its the reason... someone might think i am a complete pig being unfaithful to my wife... but i am a human being who have spontenious feelings.... many ppl say realtionships and marriages are about communications and talking thru problems.... but sometimes a good marriage is about when and what not to talk about... everyone have their scerets, you might not agree, but i am totaly against couple should have no sceret btw them... everyone need their own space and private little world...

  • i dun mean they can't have secrets and their own privacy.....
    <br>i just dun think this is not a gd excuse to cheat......
    <br>I respect ppl can give each other privacy~~ cause i love to have my own too

  • wannacry....
    <br>its not an excuse... its about being selfish... i am not having an affair bcoz it will make my marriage better... but in a strange way... the affair makes me happy.... i am not saying is right... its not... only if i can be as rational as you....

  • but y dun u consider about ur wife?
    <br>i know this is ur secret.......but this is not a right privacy.....
    <br>dun u think about what will happen when u wife know about that?
    <br>How about ur wife is doing the samething u are doing right now....what will u feel? Also, at that moment she said u dun give her any privacy because u know that she has another man?

  • wannacry...
    <br>i am very "ah Q" and what I dont know about I dont care about.... if she is seeing someone else... as long as i dont find out.... i dont care... what i dont know cant hurt me... its a stupid concept but thats how I function... its wrong but the best consideration for my wife is that I will do my very best to keep her from knowing.... i know it will hurt her if she finds out... but thats the trade-off i made when i started this affair... i will not leave her bocz my lover cant replace her....

  • hi wannacry,
    <br>I am not going to find excuse for man. But man and woman are different animals.

  • i know~~ Bond

  • For man, sex and love can be seperated. that may be true for some women also. So it doesn't mean he doesn't love u anymore.

  • wannacry, don't take it too serious.

  • wannacry....
    <br>just bear in mind that life is too short tobe unhappy.... i am trying say you need to do reckless things.... but like Mr. Bond said... take it easy.... dont be too rational.. it will only complicate things

  • wannacry:
    <br>seem you're also in a unhappy relationship wor

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