我叫她點金, 我想約大家飲野.

  • 人,my email: [email protected]

  • 我好似令大家玩埋一齊, 咁咪仲好.

  • 人,
    <br>it's ok, I didn't get mad at ya, i just didn't want anybody to describe how i look~ that's all.
    <br>btw, i didn't know that 她點金 posted the drinking gathering in the sex page, that's y i decided to join, i just wanna to relax and might be getting to know some new ppl, I didn't wanna to find a date there nor finding a bf, just fds! Hope you guys understand. Please just dun gimme hard feelings if i join u guys in the future, coz dat might scare me... sorry if i offened any of you, but I just have to say it before hand... so there wouldn't be any arguement in the future.... (well, i hope!)
    <br>Actually, it's ok for you guys to call me out next time if i am free.... Vivi can be the contact person. But can you guys have a more organise gathering in the future? ^^ I wouldn't mind to meet more ppl~ ^^

  • 她點金
    <br>妳咁衰架,人地send mail 俾妳(?).留埋電話,妳(?)就用email 留呢個電話俾其化 Net fds 叫人覆.....都幾冇品,
    <br>仲有妳留俾第一個男 net fd 亞人嘅 phone#又打得通喎.....妳(?)唔係玩人電話ar.....
    <br>妳都唔細 la....21歲....咁冇分串....

  • 不_不
    <br>她點金 said she is 23 the other day, she lied everything, who know if she is really a gal, maybe she is a man wanna date some gals.

  • yes .
    <br>I think 她點金 is a man too

  • 我好似令大家玩埋一齊, 咁咪仲好.
    <br>by 她點金 - 03/14/07 17:49

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