有冇人試過body check?

  • Body Check 問題<br /><br />我同我先生都未試過Bodycheck ..但係因為年紀都唔小..有時又有些小問題都想去check 下安心一些.<br /><br />坊間咁多Body check 的plan, 有時都收到宣傳單張…你地會去哪兒check ga?<br />...<br /><br />因為我想找個女E生染左婦科先...然後再告訴她我身體情況, 叫佢suggest 我驗什麼plan...(other  than 婦科)<br /><br />不過我hesitate係因為我冇相熟/reliable E生, 好怕d E生昆水...明明冇需要都叫你驗呢驗路, 未驗清楚就話你有病, 叫你食葯...因為我以前有bad experience ar!!!! <img alt="" src="http://www.mhv.com.hk/discuz/images/smilies/cry.gif" border="0" smilieid="4" /><br /><br />有冇人試過康健那些body check plan?

  • I am working in a health checkup company. I can mail some information to you and you can make a comparison with other body check companies. You can mail to me at: [email protected]. Thanks.

  • 有. 請寄e-mail 到 ([email protected]). 本人會儘快寄資料比你. Thanks.

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