「貓渡海4」: 貓貓聽音樂去.更為找一個家 CAT HOMING DAY

  • <div style="OVERFLOW: hidden">待領養貓貓會一面聽著音樂,一面等待著您和有意領養的人士來探訪<br /><br />待領養動物當中,有的是被遺棄、有的是流浪貓媽媽所生<br />為牠們找家,一生一世得到主人的照顧,不用再孕育出無家的下一代<br /><br />領養是一生一世的承諾,因為您,就是牠的所有!<br /><br />Cats needing homes will be enjoying music while waiting for you and anyone wanting to adopt a cat to come and visit them.<br /><br />Some of these cats are looing for homes were abandoned, others are off spring of feral cats. We hope to find them a home, where they will enjoy life long care by their owners and will breed no more homeless kittens.<br /><br />Adoption is for life, because you are all that your companion animal will have.</div>
    <br />「貓渡海4」的詳情如下︰
    <div>日期 / Date︰  03~04.5.2008<br />地點︰    香港銅鑼灣霎東街21號4樓3PM Records<br />Venue:    3PM Records, 4/F 21 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay<br />開放時間/Time︰  1200~1930<br />注意︰ 不設即場領養,稍後會另行通知適合領養人士辦理領養手續<br />Note: No on-site adoption -eligible adopters will be advised at a later date for the adoption process.<br /><br /></div>
    <table class="info_table" cellspacing="0" border="0">
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    <p align="left">Host:</p>
    <div class="datawrap" align="left"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=17780634232"><font color="#000000">LAWC- 南丫島動物保護組織</font></a></div>
    <div align="left">
    <table class="info_table" cellspacing="0" align="left" border="0">
    <p align="left">Contact Info</p>
    <td class="label">Phone:</td>
    <div class="datawrap">29820800</div>
    <td class="label">Email:</td>
    <div class="datawrap"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="#000000">[email protected]</font></a></div>

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  • Please mark your diary and come have a look la.

  • sure, will have a look if time allowed.

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  • Please give these lives a chance. They are free, they are perfectly good kittens, and they'll love you all the same.

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