新 寧 餐 廳 (Causeway Bay)

  • <p style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: top"><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-SIZE: 13.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><a href="http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1873776"><span style="COLOR: #333333; TEXT-DECORATION: none; text-underline: none">Disappointed...</span></a></span></strong><span lang="EN-US" style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><font size="3"> <o:p></o:p></font></span></p>
    <p style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; VERTICAL-ALIGN: top"><span lang="EN-US" style="COLOR: #007700; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><font size="3">this was the first time to hv dinner @ here.<br />the atmosphere of here is quite good, but the food were not so good..i thought the <br />bread was very normal.same as others hk style restaurants were better than here!!Firstly, talked about the service, there are a waiter who wears a glasses.he is so rude!!we need more time to discuss what should we eat, but he<br />asked us "what do u want to have?" so annoyed~<br />at last we ordered 5 set.firstly, the salmon was so salty!<br />the steaks, the bbq ribs ...nth special...<br />5 persons $879.crazy.wont go next time.<br />its better to go Tsui Wah restaurant.although the environment is not good as here.the food are more </font></span><span lang="EN-US" style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><o:p></o:p></span></p>

  • 物非所值
    <br>老 牌 西 餐 廳 , 不 過 光 芒 已 有 日 落 西 山 之 感 。
    <br>朋 友 來 吃 午 飯 , 點 了 金 必 多 湯 和 焗 豬 扒 飯 。 我 只 是 要 了 個 周 打 蜆 湯 。 朋 友 説金 必 多 湯 是 舊 日 西 餐 廳 的 招 牌 菜 之 一 , 雞 湯 之 上 還 放 了 數 條 魚 翅 ! 不 過 , 當 天 的 魚 翅 到 底 是 浮 是 沈 , 就 看 不 清 了 ....我 那 個 周 打 蜆 湯 , 味 道 稍 為 淡 了 點 , 有 蜆 肉 數 隻 , 只 可 算 交 差 之 作 。 焗 豬 扒 飯 賣 相 有 點 兒 那 個 , 番 茄 醬 焗 到 紅 紅 黑 黑 的 , 是 “ 焗 過 籠 ” 之 過 ? ! 豬 扒 過 瘦 , 焗 後 變 韌 , 味 道 也 不 怎 樣 , 失 望 之 選 。

  • <br>充 滿 期 望 地 與 男 朋 友 到 那 �� 為 慶 祝 生 日 ....但 有 點 失 望 .
    <br>這 是 我 們 第 一 次 去 這 間 餐 廳 , 已 被 它 的 迫 逼 嚇 怕 ...枱與 枱之 間 沒 有 空 間 ...好 似 茶 餐 廳 搭 枱咁 ...有 點 唔 自 在 ...
    <br>田 螺 係 幾 好 ....但 唔 可 以 話 係 超 正 .. ...而 且 每 份 餐 成 $150...有 點 不 值 ...
    <br>環 境 噪 雜 ..好 似 酒 樓 ,雖 然 燈 光 夠 暗 ,但 一 點 都 不 浪 漫 ,食 飽 都 拿 拿 淋 走 人

  • I dined there with my family to celebrate father's day. The set is quite expensive ($250 each). Yet, but since it is father's day that worth celebrating, we still went there. There were many ppl and we had to wait for around 15 minutes though we had made the reservation already. The waiting area is tiny and hot. The restaurant should improve on this.
    <br>The food is ok as expected but not much surprise. Yet, what i want to point out is the cool attitude of staff (esp. the manager) towards fresh customers (those who do not eat there regularly). We have an uneasy feelings since we obviously noted that there were different treatments to different customers...
    <br>Will not go there anymore! With the same budget, there are still many many choices!

  • 以為下次返港一試...

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