媽咪有肺癌, 已用了西醫的所有方法了, 而且她又中了風, 我可以點做呢?

  • <p>上年8月知道有肺癌, 而且已經係4期, 做了多次化療都有成效, 但係2月時中風, 醫生唔贊成再做化療, 開始食標把治療, 食到今個月醫生講都control唔到了, 停左藥. 都唔知點好.</p>

  • I feel very sad about your mother.
    <br>If the doctors said that there is no any treatment to control, then you can think of my mother's way.
    <br>My mother did not get cancer like your mother. But her situation was very bad, and doctors said they can't control. So my father's friend introduce my mother to use a product which 100% safe to use, no harm at all.
    <br>If you are willing to try, I can give u more information
    <br>Please email to [email protected]

  • 我朋友上網睇倒有隻藥話對癌有效, 但係我倆並唔清楚詳細資料, 如有需要請自行致電以下電話查詢是否適合
    <br>United Asia Medical Network Co Ltd.
    <br>Unit 1301, 13/F., East Point Centre,
    <br>555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    <br>tel : (852)2115-8238
    <br>fax : (852)3105-1227

  • 以下係 www.she.com --> 討論區的留言
    <br>10年前我也是未期癌症病人,我知道有一隻在美國已取得FDA專利#6288045的天然有療效於72小時內100%殺癌的產品,我認為直得一試。想要了解更多請電郵給我:[email protected]

  • <br>There are many types of qigong. Be careful. Dont learn the wrong type. You ended up wasting time, money and trust.
    <br>My understanding of qigong is purely meditation. It should be done by yourself and not someone else.
    <br>Cancer Treatment
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com/ images/20060822.jpg
    <br>Read these books. It's all the theory and not bullshxt.
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com /book_c.html
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com /press_c.html
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com /images/20020705.jpg
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com /images/20040315.jpg
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com /book_c.html
    <br>http://www.wishasiapacific.com/ contactus_c.html

  • would u mind to leave ur e-mail or msn? let see if my suggestion can help. thanks.

  • 點解唔試下中醫呀...我姑媽個老公都都係有cancer仲中風
    <br>我個朋友個媽咪都有cancer,而家都係睇e個中醫, 西醫話冇得醫唔代表
    <br>tel : 29978311

  • you can try chinese medicine or natural health practitioners!

  • my mother has same situration...and now having a kind of chinese medicine & ling chi currently..and her body is getting stronger day by day..lets see if my info can help..email to me at [email protected]

  • 你可以試下
    <br>你留個email 比我呀..
    <br>我email. [email protected]

  • My friend is a doctor and he told me that the energy for cancer cells is glucose. Therefore cancer patients should stop eating anything containing starch(white bread, rice noodles etc.) and sugar. Instead just give him meat and vegetables. Just remember everything the patient eat should contain the least amount of sugar and it can help. In this way the cancer cells cannot get enough energy and they would die.
    <br>I hope this can help you. Wish your mom recover soon = )

  • Sorry forgot to mention. It can somehow relieve the situation, but not eradicating it. but don't give up, miracles always happen = )

  • Bluesky

  • 多謝各位, 我媽媽上月已離開了我啦.
    <br>要小心d, 因為他們有好多病發症, 我媽最後都係因上左腦, 有其實影響才離開的, 所以小心d.

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