Plasmolifting PRP Tubes with separating Gel

  • Plasmolifting PRP Tubes with separating Gel
    When is the plasma therapy method effective?
    The method of plasma therapy is effective under the following conditions:
    With methodologically correct and correct plasma treatment. Plasma preparation should provide for the preservation of substances necessary for the treatment of a particular disease.
    With the correct sampling of the centrifuged plasma from the test tube, taking into account the fractionality.
    On our website you can buy prp tubes for the production of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
    With minimal time intervals from the fence to the introduction.
    When plasma is injected into strictly regulated areas, taking into account the nature of the pathology.
    Plasma injection is recommended to be carried out in areas of pathology or specially verified areas associated with pathology. Special SVT diagnostics allows you to accurately determine the most effective areas for the introduction of modified therapeutic plasma.
    The method of blood processing is important for obtaining plasma with the substances necessary for treatment. Special gel containing test tubes are used to facilitate the correct separation of blood into fractions. Specially regulated blood processing makes it possible to obtain plasma with a high content of substances necessary for treatment — platelets, fibrin, neuropeptides, etc.
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