do you like animals?

  • I don't understand people who don't like animals. I personally consider them small members of the family and have three dogs myself that I can't get enough of. How do you feel about them?

  • I love animals and especially dogs. I got myself a pet for emotional support. Emotional support dogs, as the name implies, provide emotional support to their owners. They don't need special training to do this, they don't have to have a degree or possess special skills. It's possible that your dog is one, too, if he helps you relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, or panic attacks. To do this, you must apply for an card online Letter is a recommendation written by a licensed occupational therapist or other mental health professional.

  • I love nature and animals, every single one of them, and it really hurts when I see unattended dogs living on the streets. And I just can't stand to see people spoiling and harming nature and animals. Everyone should take care of the environment. By disposing of waste in the form scrap metal, as well as in the form of finished appliances, products, there is an opportunity for recycling companies to produce metal products. Garbage will be less damaging to the environment and animal habitat.

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