Argument Structure and Presentation in an Essay

  • Presenting an argument in an essay is similar to visiting a new location; just as you'd need a map to navigate an unfamiliar path, you'll need to map out a structure or framework for your essay's argument. Furthermore, for an argument to be effective, it must flow from point to point in a logical and understandable manner. Without extensive planning, it is just impossible to offer a flawless argument.

    Writing your ideas and thoughts on a white sheet of paper or a white board is the simplest approach to outline your arguments. In reality, a white board is ideal for this task since it allows you to readily adjust the structure of your arguments, i.e. until you find the optimum strategy. You can also write your thoughts on separate sheets of paper and then arrange them in a specific order to build the framework you need. You can then pin the papers to a pin board once you've decided on the correct framework of arguments. You can also take digital photos of your structure to keep track of your progress and refer to it as needed.

    This method can also be quite beneficial while drafting examination answers. In an exam, the ideal approach to use this

    strategy is to first draw a map of the planned answer before you begin writing . This will assist you in staying on course until the finish of your answer, as well as ensuring that you include all of the crucial points. The best part is that even if you run out of time at the end, the examiner will still know you understand the subject well enough to assign you a grade or marks based on your overall mastery of the issue.

    Returning to the topic at hand, the following guidelines and suggestions will undoubtedly assist you in framing your arguments:

    Maintain the structure of your argument with effective headings.

    Headings are a clever method to direct readers through your entries. When you give each topic or segment its own heading, you make the most of headings. You must understand that the only approach to help your reader focus on your essay or paper is to use excellent headings. If you're still stumped on how to write a good heading, come up with a term or a short sentence that best reflects the theme of the paragraph that follows. You should also make an effort to include sub-headings at various levels inside your essay. It is critical to pay attention to the relative connotation and significance of your headings and their hierarchy when including sub-headings.

    Without a doubt, your essay's titles will fail to have the desired impact on your reader unless your paragraphs are well-written. Each paragraph should have a topic phrase that effectively assists the reader with the point that you wish to convey in that paragraph. There must also be a sentence or phrases that develop and support the idea being made in the paragraph with evidence. Last but not least, the concluding line should summarize the evidence and restate the main thesis.

    Avoid Differing Points of View

    Your major goal in the essay or paragraph should be to gradually but steadily guide your reader to the conclusion you desire. The most effective approach to achieve this is to provide the reader with a sequence of supporting reasons. Present the first argument to the reader; but, because not all readers will agree with you on the first argument, you should provide the reader with a few additional alternate arguments that support your point or case. You should be very careful not to bring up contradictory arguments in this situation, since it would inevitably undermine your case or position.

    Include a premise, conclusion, and inference to all of your points to enhance the structure of your argument, and inadvertently the framework of your entire essay or academic paper.

    You must understand that you are attempting to persuade readers to embrace your point of view on the subject by using an argument. And you can only do so if your essay and arguments are well-structured. You have the option of deliberating and designing your structure, or analyzing and determining it. You should strive to establish the premise of your argument by presenting it as an unproven truth. As previously said, your conclusion should be based on your premise. Between your premise and your conclusion, the claims you make should help the reader get to the end of your essay.

    In a Separate Paragraph, Mention Opposing Arguments

    While it is critical not to employ contradicting arguments when conveying your idea or argument, you can do so in a separate paragraph at the end. Indeed, discussing the views of other scholars or specialists gives the impression to the reader that you are well-versed in the opposing viewpoint. In such cases, though, you should essentially give the reader with a stronger argument than the opposing arguments. If you want the reader to agree with your point of view, this is critical.

    The core of your essay is your argument. It is not enough to discuss your thesis in your essay to have a favorable impression on your readers' minds. You must be able to outline your argument in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner; you must also ensure that the argument and its structure are not too hard for the readers to comprehend. To persuade the reader to agree with you, you should aim to establish a strong case and arrange your entire argument around it.

    Writing a research paper in college

    A narrative essay, case study, thesis, or any other type of essay

    in which research

    is required can be considered a college research paper. The goal of a college research paper is to help students enhance their analytical and writing abilities. It is designed to test a student's academic abilities while also bringing out the best in them. The aforementioned factors can make writing a college research paper tough. Many students dislike having their intelligence tested. Writing a college research paper can be a difficult undertaking for such slackers.

    The following suggestions will benefit both hardworking and lazy students who want to put their lethargy aside and go to work.


    Doing proper research means going to the library just for the aim of examining valuable books on your chosen subject. This is hardly the time to take a leisurely stroll through the library. If at all feasible, use the internet to get as much information as possible about the topic of your presentation. Doing effective research does not entail watching television or listening to the radio. If you spend the entire day in front of the television hoping that your local station would perform a magical broad cast on your issue, you are merely misleading yourself and wasting crucial time.


    It's time to build your outline now that you appear to have done a good job with your study. All of the information gathered throughout your research phase must be included in your outline. Make a list of all the important points that you believe will help your research paper in a notebook or on a piece of paper. Make sure your outline is organized in a logical manner. Each point should be logically connected to the one before it. It's pointless to have an outline if the ideas offered are disjointed and lack consistency. You'll just end up perplexing yourself. Consider what will happen to your readers if you, the author, are disorganized and confused.


    Begin writing out your points using the outline you created. Do not make the mistake of simply listing your points and moving on. You should elaborate on your points. Expand your horizons. Explain to your audience why you believe each of your points is important. Organize your thoughts in a chronological order. Your views and ideas should be well-thought-out and well-connected. There should be a shared goal. Make your point first, then refute it later in your research report. If you do this, you will just come across as perplexed.


    A bibliography is a list of all the books and articles literature you used to write your research paper. In your bibliography, make sure to include every piece of work you cited. This list should include contain any works that were not cited but that you used. It's important to thank anyone whose efforts have gotten you this far in your research. Find out what the proper reference format is from your teacher. Make use of the format that has been suggested. The reference type you use is critical for your paper's cohesiveness and unity.

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