
  • according to a 2008 study of United States and Canadian sex therapists, sex that is “too short” lasts one to two minutes, “adequate” lasts three to seven minutes, and “desirable” is seven to 13 minutes. The range for “too long” went from 10 to 30 minutes.

  • badguy replied at 2016-05-30 10:03 pm


    我平均15分鐘左右. 有冇she 女不愛support 愛時間? 哈!

    要求: 瘦(24腰, 靚OL)或 好身材(34E至36D- 25腰), 最好ol或keep得好。 不考慮肥師奶, 年齡不拘.


    email [email protected]


    email me yr whatsapp or line id ;)


    adult fun, no money involved. I got 6-pack, but not a big/tall guy, not fat, early 30s.


  • 我平均15分鐘左右. 但吊我老母時佢一叫我個名我就籟屎




    所以我不考慮肥師奶, 年齡不拘?話就話不拘.你話呢?

  • 徵下賤女奴比我凌辱調教 no fat lady, sorry.

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