Can I look for someone who can touch my heart, plz?

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-04-15 1:53 pm


    123, 可能係卦。



    一係痴線, 一係太保護自己

  • illusion71, 咁你覺得點過生活先係生活?


    123, 你就當我痴線架啦。

  • Uknowme don't know if u watch this advertising


  • Uknowme replied at 2015-04-15 7:42 pm


    illusion71, 咁你覺得點過生活先係生活?


    123, 你就當我痴線架啦。




  • Sure, you can, It hurts no body..

  • illusion71, 睇唔倒段片吖。:(

    有時我做人太壓抑,所以呢……我今日食左件 pistachio cake 獎勵自己。:)


    candidate, I know ar. :)

  • eating is a good way to release

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-04-16 6:34 pm


    illusion71, 睇唔倒段片吖。:(

    有時我做人太壓抑,所以呢……我今日食左件 pistachio cake 獎勵自己。:)


    candidate, I know ar. :)



  • 人生不是馬拉松!

    try this

  • 123 replied at 2015-04-17 11:08 am


    Uknowme replied at 2015-04-16 6:34 pm


    illusion71, 睇唔倒段片吖。:(

    有時我做人太壓抑,所以呢……我今日食左件 pistachio cake 獎勵自己。:)


    candidate, I know ar. :)




    Living under norms happens to every society. HK included...thats why ppl have more than one face

  • candidate, 係。我其實好為食,對食物係有要求既人。但我又要健康同要靚喎。哈哈,新鮮既食材好重要。


    所以我覺得萬寧劉青雲個廣告好正確,大部份女人……就係咁麻煩,食完野要keep fit, 晒完要美白。XD

  • 123, 你咁睇好灰。 Someone told me everything comes with good and bad together. When u look at the good side, it actually reflects the bad things. When u look at the bad side, it implies some good stuffs at the same time.

    人大個左,已經慢慢學識接受「咁唔正常既自己」。不過都要fine tune, 做人做事,永遠想自己變得更好。

    Thanks, illusion71.

  • 每當男人的陽具勃起。愛隨風而去。精液隨即而來

  • wechat: hellonbuddy

    skype: alexwong960

  • 逸風,I know that guys are pretty irrational physically.

    No. Thanks, eatrice.

  • Uknowme, 你說知我是誰,但我不知你是誰,我們有見過面嗎? 如果未見過面,唔好理他人閒言閒語,凡事都要信自己感覺

  • Ray, 其實係度吹水,不過萍水相逢。


    呢個係事實,而太真實既說話多多少少會傷人心既。Excuse me啦。

  • 我唔知道自己係度做過什麼傷天害理的事,我都唔知點解有班人成日要中傷我。上she只是想開心,不是求氣。

  • hi

  • 我不明白你真實既說話會傷人心是什麼意思呢?我唔會傷心,我只是唔想比人抹黑,你知道什麼,你說出來吧!

  • ray 好似唔開心喎。

  • Ray, 你太敏感啦。


    我有見過兩位she既男士(分別八年前同四年前)。Again, 萍水相逢,亦唔會有surprises啦。(我知呢句會冒犯唔少人。哈哈。:p)

  • 其實我咩都唔知架。:p

    Hi, Miss C.

  • Uknowme 見過2個she男,每4年見1個,幾特別。

  • Hello ukm, it's been ages since someone touched my heart

  • Miss C, 冇乜特別,網上岩傾同實際岩唔岩傾係兩回事。Right?

    我認份人比較麻煩,所以唔會再meet she既男士啦。


  • Dunno, 人就係咁。大個左,覺得重新認識同了解一個人其實係一件幾累人既事。

    理智多左,更加唔會咁易step forward or 付出。仲18,22歲果陣咁傻仔咩?


  • Miss C replied at 2015-04-18 11:48 pm


    ray 好似唔開心喎。


    Miss c ,你真細心,只是唔開心才上she, 一上就接近8年了,時光飛逝

  • It's more like I don't feel the need to reach out for the others anymore, and it applies to people whom I have known for a long time too. I dunno how to feel, and nothing really wow nor surprise me anymore.

  • ray replied at 2015-04-19 12:18 am


    Miss C replied at 2015-04-18 11:48 pm


    ray 好似唔開心喎。


    Miss c ,你真細心,只是唔開心才上she, 一上就接近8年了,時光飛逝



  • Uknowme replied at 2015-04-19 12:05 am


    Miss C, 冇乜特別,網上岩傾同實際岩唔岩傾係兩回事。Right?

    我認份人比較麻煩,所以唔會再meet she既男士啦。




  • Miss C replied at 2015-04-19 12:26 am


    ray replied at 2015-04-19 12:18 am


    Miss C replied at 2015-04-18 11:48 pm


    ray 好似唔開心喎。


    Miss c ,你真細心,只是唔開心才上she, 一上就接近8年了,時光飛逝




    逃避現實吧! 現在仍上來只是心癮,一年只是見一,兩個新she友。

  • ray replied at 2015-04-19 12:38 am


    Miss C replied at 2015-04-19 12:26 am


    ray replied at 2015-04-19 12:18 am


    Miss C replied at 2015-04-18 11:48 pm


    ray 好似唔開心喎。


    Miss c ,你真細心,只是唔開心才上she, 一上就接近8年了,時光飛逝




    逃避現實吧! 現在仍上來只是心癮,一年只是見一,兩個新she友。



  • Miss c, 我訓啦,下次再傾,晚安

  • 早抖

  • Dunno, 冇錯。就係呢種感覺。越老個人就越「冷冰冰」,有時所謂既熱情都假假地。覺得重新識一個人好累,而等緊你既人你又覺得有所虧欠。唉。So sad to be old.

    Miss C, never met any she ladies. U wanna try? XD

    ray, dun be sad. 你應該忘記以前既事,把握現在擁有既人。If u always focus on the shxt in life, u will never enjoy simple happinesses. :)))

  • morning Uknowme,我之前係she都識左好多朋友仔,男男女女都有,


  • What is old? Maybe life experience has made us less alive, or maybe we just prefer to stay in our comfort zone as time goes by. They call it loneliness, I call it solitaire. Do you enjoy your me time more as you age?

  • Miss C, 羨慕你可以係度識倒朋友仔。朋友,有時已經夠好啦。

    Dunno, I guess I try to enjoy my alone time more now. I went hiking alone whole day today...

    I like trying new things and challenges. Still, it is pretty dull without someone who knows me well, cares me and can touch my heart. Sounds quite demanding. Right?

    If I dun even request these, that isn't me.o

  • I haven't gone hiking alone but I do travel solo from time to time and enjoy it. Like you, I love trying out and learn new things, I just feel the people around me do not have the same passion like me in life and it's one of the reasons we grow apart.

    I don't think you are asking for too much, I wonder just any guy who would like to give you a try will do though, as he might not 'get' you if you know what I mean.

  • Passion for life. Thx a lot for reminding me this. :)

    I guess everyone has a certain extend for passion for life. Some put more in work while some devote more to family…

    Dear, we dun over estimate ourselves just like we never assume what others believe. 我冇串你意思。 :p

  • 你指我冇俾機會俾人了解我?定你指一開始大家人生態度唔同唔work?

    Excuse me, dun catch ur meaning.

    但其實core values一樣既人,都可以唔work.

    我估兩個人要走得遠,人生態度,價值觀,性格,相處包容,共同興趣,生活習慣,消費及理財態度,common network…… 太多太多要夾,從來一d都唔容易。


  • Uknowme,





  • illusion71, 正衰人,串我呀。:p

    你估搵就一定有架啦。= =’’

  • Uknowme,

    Sorry, 語氣重了。



  • afraid get hurt / induced ?

  • I used to put 110% of my time and passion into my work when I was younger too, but I've also learned that sometimes it's better to stay close to those things we have good control of them, e.g. our mood, outlook in life and choice of companionship etc.

    Having core values is a must, whether people are compatible in the long run have alot to do with their mentality, pace and willingness to grow together. That said, I don't think you are more troublesome than me.

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-04-17 10:16 pm


    candidate, 係。我其實好為食,對食物係有要求既人。但我又要健康同要靚喎。哈哈,新鮮既食材好重要。


    所以我覺得萬寧劉青雲個廣告好正確,大部份女人……就係咁麻煩,食完野要keep fit, 晒完要美白。XD


    食野和keep fit- 各有其趣

  • illusion71, 講笑。Dun take my words too seriously.

    升左咁多日,回少少好正常者。你un喜歡一個人,都想要personal time. 吊頸都要透氣吖,大佬。:p

    有d stock 可以長搾,有d 短炒。Guess the same theory applies for guys or ladies. U just knew it when growing up. 哈哈。選股票既眼光,from bad experience. :p

  • 123, 係。


    Pretty selffish approach but which is also the safe mode. 因為我曾經lai野。

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