
  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 10:52 am
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-13 5:07 pm
    <br>講真..我家人鐘意我呢份工作, 係我可以..係公司同佢地電話或落街處理曬他們雜務..我媽悶..又可打俾我傾電話, 諗唔到買咩色, 又可以call 我呀!
    <br>我都識到朋友, 好以我呢個甜蜜朋友係我教佢同呢個咁正sl 一齊,見到佢開心,都滿足,佢同個sl每次見, 唔係要上床, 去長洲玩一日, 去澳門travel, 去睇戲, 去試唔同好味食物...去share..好多事...如果有一個sl..唔係次次見面都係hotel 張床...講真真好好..sweet..
    <br>同你次次用一小時..去hotel 張床, 公廁..係sp ...kaka...(唔係..sl)

  • darren replied at 2014-11-14 10:56 am
    <br>do u want a sl now?
    <br>唔好攪candy 啦, 她不需要one night stand 靚仔....:)

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:28 am
    <br>darren replied at 2014-11-14 10:56 am
    <br>do u want a sl now?
    <br>唔好攪candy 啦, 她不需要one night stand 靚仔....:)
    <br>old woman, 你又知candy唔需要one night stand
    <br>莫非你想要one night stand?!

  • nick replied at 2014-11-14 1:22 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:28 am
    <br>darren replied at 2014-11-14 10:56 am
    <br>do u want a sl now?
    <br>唔好攪candy 啦, 她不需要one night stand 靚仔....:)
    <br>old woman, 你又知candy唔需要one night stand
    <br>莫非你想要one night stand?!
    <br>我們都不需要, Please leave ....

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:28 am
    <br>唔好攪candy 啦, 她不需要one night stand 靚仔....:)
    <br>Thanks, 都係女人比較了解女人想點.
    <br>要one night stand 落bar, 不需係度傾咁慢

  • old woman,

  • 我又回來喇

  • SL可遇不可求呀
    <br>大家安守本份, 幸福溫馨實在好

  • 其實玩過界..係男人驚多:)

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 2:14 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:28 am
    <br>唔好攪candy 啦, 她不需要one night stand 靚仔....:)
    <br>Thanks, 都係女人比較了解女人想點.
    <br>要one night stand 落bar, 不需係度傾咁慢

  • squirting replied at 2014-11-14 2:15 pm
    <br>Welcome back

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:10 am
    <br>講真..我家人鐘意我呢份工作, 係我可以..係公司同佢地電話或落街處理曬他們雜務..我媽悶..又可打俾我傾電話, 諗唔到買咩色, 又可以call 我呀!
    <br>我都識到朋友, 好以我呢個甜蜜朋友係我教佢同呢個咁正sl 一齊,見到佢開心,都滿足,佢同個sl每次見, 唔係要上床, 去長洲玩一日, 去澳門travel, 去睇戲, 去試唔同好味食物...去share..好多事...如果有一個sl..唔係次次見面都係hotel 張床...講真真好好..sweet..
    <br>同你次次用一小時..去hotel 張床, 公廁..係sp ...kaka...(唔係..sl)
    <br>咁你都好過我, 同阿媽咁好傾, 又有朋友可以傾訴.
    <br>我阿媽同我話不投機, 佢有需要我會幫, 但不會同佢傾太多, 比佢知得多仲煩. 我的朋友都好傳統, 如果知我找sl, 一定鬧爆我.
    <br>係呢, 你朋友同佢sl點識? 我覺得係生活上認識, 感情日深, 就可以注重交流多d, 上網的人多數都想食快餐.

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:21 pm

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 2:25 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:10 am
    <br>講真..我家人鐘意我呢份工作, 係我可以..係公司同佢地電話或落街處理曬他們雜務..我媽悶..又可打俾我傾電話, 諗唔到買咩色, 又可以call 我呀!
    <br>我都識到朋友, 好以我呢個甜蜜朋友係我教佢同呢個咁正sl 一齊,見到佢開心,都滿足,佢同個sl每次見, 唔係要上床, 去長洲玩一日, 去澳門travel, 去睇戲, 去試唔同好味食物...去share..好多事...如果有一個sl..唔係次次見面都係hotel 張床...講真真好好..sweet..
    <br>同你次次用一小時..去hotel 張床, 公廁..係sp ...kaka...(唔係..sl)
    <br>咁你都好過我, 同阿媽咁好傾, 又有朋友可以傾訴.
    <br>我阿媽同我話不投機, 佢有需要我會幫, 但不會同佢傾太多, 比佢知得多仲煩. 我的朋友都好傳統, 如果知我找sl, 一定鬧爆我.
    <br>係呢, 你朋友同佢sl點識? 我覺得係生活上認識, 感情日深, 就可以注重交流多d, 上網的人多數都想食快餐.
    <br>其實我呢個朋友都係網上識, 同自己一齊大個的好少深交..咁多面...

  • nicotine replied at 2014-11-14 2:28 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:21 pm

  • 點為之玩過介?

  • 分享的過界例子..來聽下....

  • 我朋友的他, 一有free time 會打俾我朋友, 有時我朋友總驚過佢, 因為他在家打俾我朋友傾電話, 我朋友提醒他叫他要小心....:)

  • hi,
    <br>just saw this thread.
    <br>I am looking for SL too

  • George replied at 2014-11-14 2:47 pm
    <br>just saw this thread.
    <br>I am looking for SL too
    <br>welcome share the thing...

  • I am 4x may be too late to find an SL.
    <br>I just want to find a girl can sharing happy and sad.

  • 入來傾下睇下得嗎?

  • Welcome .....

  • 我之前那位,會同我係街拖手,試過係少人既地方擁吻

  • hi,
    <br>would you mind chat via email.
    <br>[email protected]

  • JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:14 pm

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 2:25 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 11:10 am
    <br>講真..我家人鐘意我呢份工作, 係我可以..係公司同佢地電話或落街處理曬他們雜務..我媽悶..又可打俾我傾電話, 諗唔到買咩色, 又可以call 我呀!
    <br>我都識到朋友, 好以我呢個甜蜜朋友係我教佢同呢個咁正sl 一齊,見到佢開心,都滿足,佢同個sl每次見, 唔係要上床, 去長洲玩一日, 去澳門travel, 去睇戲, 去試唔同好味食物...去share..好多事...如果有一個sl..唔係次次見面都係hotel 張床...講真真好好..sweet..
    <br>同你次次用一小時..去hotel 張床, 公廁..係sp ...kaka...(唔係..sl)
    <br>咁你都好過我, 同阿媽咁好傾, 又有朋友可以傾訴.
    <br>我阿媽同我話不投機, 佢有需要我會幫, 但不會同佢傾太多, 比佢知得多仲煩. 我的朋友都好傳統, 如果知我找sl, 一定鬧爆我.
    <br>係呢, 你朋友同佢sl點識? 我覺得係生活上認識, 感情日深, 就可以注重交流多d, 上網的人多數都想食快餐.
    <br>有時好難講,正如你話,係人眼中你都係乖+傳統,話唔定你d fd 都一樣(純猜測)

  • old woman,驚俾人見到囉

  • JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:26 pm
    <br>old woman,驚俾人見到囉

  • 有時其實好想可以拖下錫下的,奈何有時佢仲緊張過我

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:47 pm
    <br>我朋友的他, 一有free time 會打俾我朋友, 有時我朋友總驚過佢, 因為他在家打俾我朋友傾電話, 我朋友提醒他叫他要小心....:)
    <br>又唔需要太羡慕, 初初一齊一定好SWEET, 問題係呢種甜密能維持多久.
    <br>每段關係都有起伏, 越投入就越容易傷到自己.
    <br>有時我都會諗, 就算比我遇到一個IDEAL SL, 但又明知大家不可能有將來, 可能自仲辛苦.
    <br>我都覺得自己好茅盾, 又想開心, 但又怕過份投入.

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 3:35 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:47 pm
    <br>我朋友的他, 一有free time 會打俾我朋友, 有時我朋友總驚過佢, 因為他在家打俾我朋友傾電話, 我朋友提醒他叫他要小心....:)
    <br>又唔需要太羡慕, 初初一齊一定好SWEET, 問題係呢種甜密能維持多久.
    <br>每段關係都有起伏, 越投入就越容易傷到自己.
    <br>有時我都會諗, 就算比我遇到一個IDEAL SL, 但又明知大家不可能有將來, 可能自仲辛苦.
    <br>我都覺得自己好茅盾, 又想開心, 但又怕過份投入.
    <br>enjoy everytime you meet with him and treasure.

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 3:35 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:47 pm
    <br>我朋友的他, 一有free time 會打俾我朋友, 有時我朋友總驚過佢, 因為他在家打俾我朋友傾電話, 我朋友提醒他叫他要小心....:)
    <br>又唔需要太羡慕, 初初一齊一定好SWEET, 問題係呢種甜密能維持多久.
    <br>每段關係都有起伏, 越投入就越容易傷到自己.
    <br>有時我都會諗, 就算比我遇到一個IDEAL SL, 但又明知大家不可能有將來, 可能自仲辛苦.
    <br>我都覺得自己好茅盾, 又想開心, 但又怕過份投入.

  • no pain no gain
    <br>but after pain, you will know how to treasure

  • candy replied at 2014-11-14 3:35 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 2:47 pm
    <br>我朋友的他, 一有free time 會打俾我朋友, 有時我朋友總驚過佢, 因為他在家打俾我朋友傾電話, 我朋友提醒他叫他要小心....:)
    <br>又唔需要太羡慕, 初初一齊一定好SWEET, 問題係呢種甜密能維持多久.
    <br>每段關係都有起伏, 越投入就越容易傷到自己.
    <br>有時我都會諗, 就算比我遇到一個IDEAL SL, 但又明知大家不可能有將來, 可能自仲辛苦.
    <br>我都覺得自己好茅盾, 又想開心, 但又怕過份投入.
    <br>但如果可以令自己有一刻開心, 今自己盡量開心...
    <br>我都係女..我都明女係想要有人寵愛, 當俾一個男人關心, 用佢大手摸摸自己個頭個感覺係幾warm....
    <br>總好個自己一個開心...人生有幾多時間, 轉眼無...

  • JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:34 pm
    <br>係擔心你關心你, 因為你俾人捉可能有一段時間無得見, 同無得一齊. 同明白你會有麻煩上身..(我朋友好擔心他時, 同我分享..)

  • George replied at 2014-11-14 3:45 pm
    <br>no pain no gain
    <br>but after pain, you will know how to treasure

  • old woman 9:56am nov 14, 2014
    <br>pctech replied at 2014-11-14 12:22 am
    <br>Hi old woman! How are you?
    <br>I have SL a few years ago. At that time I was with my gf (now my wife) and we only chat over the phone. As my gf at that time, slept early, so usually we chat over the phone to have sharing. All mind exchange through electronic world. Tailor-made Bday card for my SL big day. Finally, as both of us gets marry, so ends the relationship.
    <br>你好有心思, 做左...生日咭俾她..
    <br>我記得...我有個朋友, 佢收到個男仔..用高溫泥整左好多士多啤公仔盒..俾我朋友...有心思人真的不多...
    <br>我曾織過..個頸巾..同cheese cake 俾他...
    <br>Hi Old woman.... what's warm to both of us and you will feel your value when someone care you and aprreciate your care.... THe most important point is , both of us know what we need from each other, what support we would like to have and upto which level we can entertain with each other. You feel your importance from each other.
    <br>See each other in person or not, to me it is not necessary. Because, time can prove if your SL really cares about you or not. My ex-SL relationship is long lasting and both of us are not "hurry" personality, sth like 細水長流。

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 3:48 pm
    <br>George replied at 2014-11-14 3:45 pm
    <br>no pain no gain
    <br>but after pain, you will know how to treasure
    <br>if not happy and joyful why together ?
    <br>sometimes SL relationship is closer then husband and wife.

  • old woman replied at 2014-11-14 3:47 pm
    <br>JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:34 pm
    <br>係擔心你關心你, 因為你俾人捉可能有一段時間無得見, 同無得一齊. 同明白你會有麻煩上身..(我朋友好擔心他時, 同我分享..)

  • pctech replied at 2014-11-14 3:49 pm
    <br>Hi Old woman.... what's warm to both of us and you will feel your value when someone care you and aprreciate your care.... THe most important point is , both of us know what we need from each other, what support we would like to have and upto which level we can entertain with each other. You feel your importance from each other.
    <br>See each other in person or not, to me it is not necessary. Because, time can prove if your SL really cares about you or not. My ex-SL relationship is long lasting and both of us are not "hurry" personality, sth like 細水長流。
    <br>why separate with ex-SL ?

  • pctech replied at 2014-11-14 3:49 pm
    <br> old woman 9:56am nov 14, 2014
    <br>pctech replied at 2014-11-14 12:22 am
    <br>Hi old woman! How are you?
    <br>I have SL a few years ago. At that time I was with my gf (now my wife) and we only chat over the phone. As my gf at that time, slept early, so usually we chat over the phone to have sharing. All mind exchange through electronic world. Tailor-made Bday card for my SL big day. Finally, as both of us gets marry, so ends the relationship.
    <br>你好有心思, 做左...生日咭俾她..
    <br>我記得...我有個朋友, 佢收到個男仔..用高溫泥整左好多士多啤公仔盒..俾我朋友...有心思人真的不多...
    <br>我曾織過..個頸巾..同cheese cake 俾他...
    <br>Hi Old woman.... what's warm to both of us and you will feel your value when someone care you and aprreciate your care.... THe most important point is , both of us know what we need from each other, what support we would like to have and upto which level we can entertain with each other. You feel your importance from each other.
    <br>See each other in person or not, to me it is not necessary. Because, time can prove if your SL really cares about you or not. My ex-SL relationship is long lasting and both of us are not "hurry" personality, sth like 細水長流。

  • George replied at 2014-11-14 3:50 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 3:48 pm
    <br>George replied at 2014-11-14 3:45 pm
    <br>no pain no gain
    <br>but after pain, you will know how to treasure
    <br>if not happy and joyful why together ?
    <br>sometimes SL relationship is closer then husband and wife.

  • JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:53 pm
    <br>old woman replied at 2014-11-14 3:47 pm
    <br>JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 3:34 pm
    <br>係擔心你關心你, 因為你俾人捉可能有一段時間無得見, 同無得一齊. 同明白你會有麻煩上身..(我朋友好擔心他時, 同我分享..)

  • pctech replied at 2014-11-14 3:49 pm
    <br>old woman 9:56am nov 14, 2014
    <br>pctech replied at 2014-11-14 12:22 am
    <br>Hi old woman! How are you?
    <br>I have SL a few years ago. At that time I was with my gf (now my wife) and we only chat over the phone. As my gf at that time, slept early, so usually we chat over the phone to have sharing. All mind exchange through electronic world. Tailor-made Bday card for my SL big day. Finally, as both of us gets marry, so ends the relationship.
    <br>你好有心思, 做左...生日咭俾她..
    <br>我記得...我有個朋友, 佢收到個男仔..用高溫泥整左好多士多啤公仔盒..俾我朋友...有心思人真的不多...
    <br>我曾織過..個頸巾..同cheese cake 俾他...
    <br>Hi Old woman.... what's warm to both of us and you will feel your value when someone care you and aprreciate your care.... THe most important point is , both of us know what we need from each other, what support we would like to have and upto which level we can entertain with each other. You feel your importance from each other.
    <br>See each other in person or not, to me it is not necessary. Because, time can prove if your SL really cares about you or not. My ex-SL relationship is long lasting and both of us are not "hurry" personality, sth like 細水長流。
    <br>And also, relationship between my wife and my family is a bit confrontation, so sometimes feel tired in counselling my wife and my family.....

  • old woman,不如你話,點諗,你會開心D?

  • JohnConstantine replied at 2014-11-14 4:06 pm
    <br>old woman,不如你話,點諗,你會開心D?

  • there is no absolute right or wrong.
    <br>just like watching horror movie, you try to cover your eyes with hands but still want to peek from the gap.
    <br>this is "temptation".
    <br>after the painful (I mean separate) you will more understand yourself what you are looking for and how to make another relationship better.
    <br>please correct me if I am wrong.

  • pctech replied at 2014-11-14 4:05 pm
    <br>pctech replied at 2014-11-14 3:49 pm
    <br>old woman 9:56am nov 14, 2014
    <br>pctech replied at 2014-11-14 12:22 am
    <br>And also, relationship between my wife and my family is a bit confrontation, so sometimes feel tired in counselling my wife and my family.....
    <br>candy 問你why 同ex-sl 分開, 我得你話你ex-sl係結左婚..but..你答番..因為我怕講錯..thanks...:p

  • George replied at 2014-11-14 4:09 pm
    <br>there is no absolute right or wrong.
    <br>just like watching horror movie, you try to cover your eyes with hands but still want to peek from the gap.
    <br>this is "temptation".
    <br>after the painful (I mean separate) you will more understand yourself what you are looking for and how to make another relationship better.
    <br>please correct me if I am wrong.
    <br>If it is pain, I will give up ..

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