Very depressed now. Can I look for a listener to hear me crying, please?

  • :-(<br /><br />We all encounter difficulties in lives. But at the moment, can you please stop by and listen to me, my dear?

  • sure, i'm here

  • There should be a joke from the whatever God to me.
    <br>The person I have no feelings with treats me well while the person I love badly decided to ignore and leave me alone forever.
    <br>Love is not sympathy but I don't even deserve the one's sympathy. :...(

  • My heart is broken into many many pieces.
    <br>My pride fell down the cliff.
    <br>It is too painful to record any memories...

  • On my own
    <br>Pretending he's beside me
    <br>All alone
    <br>I walk with him till morning
    <br>Without him
    <br>I feel his arms around me
    <br>And when I lose my way I close my eyes
    <br>And he has found me
    <br>In the rain the pavement shines like silver
    <br>All the lights are misty in the river
    <br>In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
    <br>And all I see is him and me forever and forever
    <br>And I know it's only in my mind
    <br>That I'm talking to myself and not to him
    <br>And although I know that he is blind
    <br>Still I say, there's a way for us
    <br>I love him
    <br>But when the night is over
    <br>He is gone
    <br>The river's just a river
    <br>Without him
    <br>The world around me changes
    <br>The trees are bare and everywhere
    <br>The streets are full of strangers
    <br>I love him
    <br>But every day I'm learning
    <br>All my life
    <br>I've only been pretending
    <br>Without me
    <br>His world would go on turning
    <br>A world that's full of happiness
    <br>That I have never known
    <br>I love him
    <br>I love him
    <br>I love him
    <br>But only on my own

  • oh, sorry for urs…

  • 啱啱比男人呃完, 又即刻上網找男人
    <br>have you ever learned form you mistakes?

  • 因為版主on能9

  • I am not looking for anything here. :(
    <br>You guys don't know me and please be respectful.
    <br>Not everyone would like to show all emotions to friends and family. :(
    <br>Have you ever tried to the feeling of heart bleeding? If yes, please show me a bit pity. If not, please go away and let me cry alone. :(

  • be honest, ur situation is not that bad
    <br>at least there is a person who treat u very well, right?

  • Take care urself

  • Life is such a bitch but don't let it beats you down, life goes on whether you like it or not, learn to appreciate what you have and things that are worthy of your attention.

  • many people not even can find a person to love

  • That was my past tense (my ex) and we ca never go back.
    <br>My theory is if I fall here, I have to stand up here.
    <br>We separated due to some issues. If the issues are never settled, we can never return back.
    <br>And most importantly, my heart is cold and broken now. Do I still keep the ability and the courage of loving someone in my life again?

  • Thanks a lot, Katie.
    <br>I tried my very best to save my love but in vain finally. My feelings are really painful cos' I have never loved someone so badly. I don't even deserve his sympathy... not even look at me or listen to my calls. :...(
    <br>I am just nothing to him...

  • hi silly T, 呢d先真係叫做慘, 你果d.....

  • by the way.... 振作d!

  • 就係呢個時候, 我契細佬googe應該快出現, 用佢流利而無敵既英語, 來安撫這位寂寞中女

  • Silly T
    <br>Sorry to hear what you are going thru right now. Please bear in mind though, it's just a passing moment, and sadness is like happiness, it will pass in the course of time.
    <br>Hang in there and cry all you want, if it makes you feel better. We are all here for you.

  • Thanks a lot, Elize. You are so sweet.
    <br>I am a 'fast come, fast go' person, with the spirit of cockroaches. :)
    <br>Life must go on. There are other aspects in life. There is a passer-by telling me that I can be sad but can't spend too much time on sadness. If not, I will miss other good stuffs (like family, friends, career and own interests) in my life. I don't want to.
    <br>I was just too sad this afternoon and would like to have someone listening to me.
    <br>And the reason for being sad is I carried certain responsibilities as my direct words hurt his pride.
    <br>Anyway, pass by is pass by. Time to refresh myself and prepare for my better future, for sure.
    <br>Thanks a lot for all your care and comfort. :)

  • It's life. U grow up after had this experience

  • ----> my direct words hurt his pride.....
    <br>各位切記: 以上是港女死穴, 千年不改, 專家也打救吾到妳地

  • 【本報訊】父親癌病去世,母親智障,妹妹只有12歲,18歲青年幾年前開始要獨力照顧母親和妹妹。一家三口雖然申領了綜援金,但入不敷支,一年前,他決定輟學當學徒幫補家計,但「暗中」工作卻被社署揭發,不但被扣減綜援金並要每月向社署還款1,000元,加上本身債務纏身,在財政和家庭壓力下,青年昨日在深水家中割脈及吊頸自殺身亡,可憐遺下無法自我照顧的母親及妹妹。 記者:鄧偉明、黃江奇
    <br>愛兒吊頸慘死,智障媽媽大哭大叫。 鄧偉明攝

  • silly T
    <br>you can reach me at 55351228

  • I am as silly as you, no worries
    <br>He abandon me at last... heart bleeding but no way out

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