will you go to a trip with a guy you just met from the internet?

  • 如果有失身既打算yes

  • 如果只係玩下, WHY NOT?

  • no lar....too much unexpexted matter...if only for sex..can play in HK

  • just meet斷估唔係今日識聽日飛掛, 妳既然考慮得, 點都有一定認識啦, 如果唔係妳應該一口拒絕左啦

  • yes, if he offer you a business class ticket with 5 stars hotel and 20k pocket money.......and if you are willing to BJ, 69, ML with him .
    <br>That is fine!

  • 我4月先同個新識朋友去了杭州玩了4日

  • Norick replied at 2014-06-05 4:59 pm
    <br>did u enjoy the trip?

  • Thomas replied at 2014-06-05 3:48 pm
    <br>如果只係玩下, WHY NOT?
    <br>that's what i am thinking. i just want a holiday and don't want to go alone.

  • Hello, You wanna go for a short trip?

  • lady replied at 2014-06-05 5:06 pm
    <br>Thomas replied at 2014-06-05 3:48 pm
    <br>如果只係玩下, WHY NOT?
    <br>that's what i am thinking. i just want a holiday and don't want to go alone.
    <br>where do u want to go?

  • lady replied at 2014-06-05 5:06 pm
    <br>Thomas replied at 2014-06-05 3:48 pm
    <br>如果只係玩下, WHY NOT?
    <br>that's what i am thinking. i just want a holiday and don't want to go alone.

  • lady,
    <br>This is your judgement call; I suppose u mean u have met the guy a few times and then it depends on ur assessment of the guy.
    <br>Time is not the key factor. A smart person may take minutes to sense if a person is good or bad, genuine or fake. People nowadays forget that just decades ago, people do flash marriages n get married within days they meet, n I bet the divorce rate for these couples are lower than many modern couples who date for a decade n someday feel obliged to marry.
    <br>Thus, go if u feel comfortable; n bear with the consequences if u misjudged n he is a bad guy. Um, u should leave ur itinery n the details of the guy, real details of him, to ur trusted friend or relative, so that in case u get misfortune, he get caught more easily ;)

  • perverts abound... including those who pretend to give sound advice. lol

  • caution replied at 2014-06-07 11:27 am
    <br>perverts abound... including those who pretend to give sound advice. lol
    <br>Pls give respect to the ladies n don't think they r idiots who have no independent thinking abilities.
    <br>Perverts are those who take the fun on cyber brutalities, n those who have no guts to even use a nickname or login but to use aliases. These naive attacks will only end up turning this forum into one for cyber attackers, and drive away those who are genuine to share ideas and chat with others, leaving only attackers attacking each other. Of course, if your motive is to kill the forum in this way, you are smart n achieving ur purposes.

  • this place has long been dead... drowned in the depth of horse shxt and crap.

  • 一名三十四歲女子凌晨一時許,在觀塘通明街一間酒店的房間內懷疑被人強姦。事主報稱早前在互聯網認識一名男子,並相約到觀塘康寧道消遣,之後她飲醉酒,被男子帶到酒店房間,期間懷疑被人強姦,她之後又發現約值五千元的手提電話,及有二萬元現金的銀包被人偷走,於是報警。警方正調查案件,暫時未有人被捕,。

  • 真係又食又扲

  • human trafficking

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