
  • Vancouver is very warm in winter compared to Toronto..^^

  • iso, good to know that you back to HK, for long. How are you?

  • your thread is only for those literate. DOnt you think so?

  • thehelp
    <br>Yes Toronto is worse...it's 10x colder and dryer....scary lol...are you from Toronto?
    <br>Long time no see!! I'm good.......How have you been doing?
    <br>lol but that doesn't make it any less dangerous

  • Iso my dear, so nice to see you here again :)
    <br>Remember that we should eat around when you were back. And now you are tellingus you are going to leave, what a naughty you ><

  • My goodness my ss is here !! Many of my old friends are back!! ^^
    <br>It's nice to know that I'm remembered by you all :)

  • isoleucine
    <br>just page me opr cal you when you are free. no pressure as you should be quite busy lately to get your memories and things done. I know the feeling. But again, I believe it would be better off to be away this place instead

  • hi isoleucine
    <br>it's officially autumn here now, so we meet again ^^
    <br>oh you have been in hk for a few months, why not come up early? how's life? I'm doing good, life goes on

  • Leucine
    <br>Why better off to be away from here ? Something bad happened to you on here before?
    <br>Autumn Roy
    <br>Yea it's Autumn....I'm back once a year, 每年一度燕歸來, haha
    <br>I actually have been back for about 9 months already, worked for several months then resigned. LIfe is....chaotic, lol

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-10-01 12:08 am
    <br>Why better off to be away from here ? Something bad happened to you on here before?
    <br>Autumn Roy
    <br>Yea it's Autumn....I'm back once a year, 每年一度燕歸來, haha
    <br>I actually have been back for about 9 months already, worked for several months then resigned. LIfe is....chaotic, lol
    <br>take care, are u going back to Canada soon?

  • Autumn
    <br>Guess I'll go back at the end of the year or the beginning of next year.... so heartbreaking....I didn't know I would love Hong Kong this much...

  • do u remember we once talk about visiting you and then go bar hopping, maybe we can do it in hk instead ^^

  • 無錯,當你離開了香港,就會掛住佢,就算d"強国人"幾討厭,香港仍有人、事、物, 令你喜歡佢 ~__~

  • 傻豬iso, it is really a long time that i havent called you this, hehe
    <br>you know, you are so bad > <, i had sent an emai to your she email and am still waiting your reply la
    <br>and now i can feel my 傻豬iso who is a happy gal, that's good enough ^^

  • Autumn and my dear ss
    <br>......actually I have been in a very bad mood lately....I'm heartbroken not only because of leaving Hong Kong, it's also because of this one guy at work. I had to resign because of him, sigh.

  • Passing by and obviously noisy.
    <br>May I know why you need to quit a job because of one guy. There are bad people every where. Perhaps can use this chance to learn better how to cope with these kind of stuff?

  • Iso, not a guy.....

  • He is not a bad guy.....long story short, me and this married guy at work developed feelings for each other. We tried hard to suppress our feelings but the more you suppressed the more it grew. So in order to prevent myself from becoming a "third person", I decided to quit the job after discussing with my family.
    <br>The last day at work he tried to hug me but I refused as this is totally against my principle to hug a married guy.

  • I feel depraved for ever having feelings for married guy.

  • He is not a bad guy.....long story short, me and this married guy at work developed feelings for each other. We tried hard to suppress our feelings but the more you suppressed the more it grew. So in order to prevent myself from becoming a "third person", I decided to quit the job after discussing with my family.
    <br>The last day at work he tried to hug me but I refused as this is totally against my principle to hug a married guy.
    <br>I see. This is indeed a wise thing to do. I am sure you heard it a lot - Don't shxt where you eat. Another thing is.... better not mingle up work life and personal life too much. This can hindle your future judgement in staying or looking for new jobs. Work is work should be nothing more.
    <br>By the way, I am not saying not to get friendly but we should have a clear mind they all are colleagues and should remain "political". This can probably make life simplier too. :)

  • I feel depraved for ever having feelings for married guy.
    <br>Don't worry about it. We are all human. You made the right call and that is what that really matters.
    <br>This always happens. Just like tv shows are never attractive until exam times. Desserts taste the best when on diet.....

  • onlybs
    <br>lol yes 係到食唔好係到X.....
    <br>Thank you onlybs your words are so comforting :) Wise advice indeed.

  • Nothing you have not already know. :)
    <br>HK is not as good as you think. Probably same logic kicks in. Not able to stay here makes this place more wonderful and attractive...
    <br>If you ask me, Canada is much better as one grows older. Just walk around, everyone on the streets look pissed. You rarely see people smile....

  • True, not being able to stay here makes this place all the more attractive....we human being are 犯賤....we only like what's unattainable...lol
    <br>Talking about people not smiling, when I first came back to Hong Kong I tend to beam at every salesperson when our eyes met (that's what I always did when I was in Vancouver).... and they all have this surprised look on their face lol
    <br>Now I rarely look at people while on the street...Often times I'm just totally oblivious to the surrounding ....
    <br>Are you from Canada too?

  • onlybs are you a counselor of some sort? Just saw your advice from the suicide thread.

  • I only went to Canada a couple of times. I did live in US a few years. I guess both places can be similar in certain way.
    <br>I think HK is a cool exciting place for youngster as every place is close. Friends are always a fingertip away. As I grow older and starts having kids, I gradually find HK a lesser place to live. And don't even get me started on politics? You will find me become an angry old fart.
    <br>BTW, I am just a noisy guy that like to talk. Not a counselor. :)

  • Good morning isomer. How are you? Well your story is quite touching but at least it also tells us that you are a candid person and I admire you have the will power to walk away. Not easy but it is the right thing to do.
    <br>When would you be leaving? BTW, whats the job that you did? Pharm? or scientist?

  • my strong iso, bravo!!
    <br>it's not an easy decision for you!! i'm proud of you ^^
    <br>Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

  • onlybs
    <br>lol angry old fart...........whenever I see your handle, "only bus" always come to mind, I dunno why, lol

  • I guess all western countries are similar? But then once I was watching the news, when the Americans were asked about their opinions on Canadians, they all said "peaceful", however when the Canadians were asked about the Americans, they said "materialistic, aggressive, mean....etc.," the opinions were so negative. I guess that's jealousy at work? Somehow those Canadians felt inferior to the Americans.....but the news was long time ago, not sure about now.
    <br>I personally find Canadians extremely lazy, very "hea" (myself included, no offence to those outstanding Canadians that are hardworking, their are always exceptions), lol
    <br>Just last week a 38 year old guy friend of mine actually stayed up all night lining up for kindergarten for his son because he had to outcompete those mainland parents ..... I was like...what the hack?? I agree that Hong Kong is not a good place to raise kids....

  • Leucine
    <br>I'm still kinda depressed....I guess that's what I deserve for getting involved with the wrong person...
    <br>I didn't want to walk away but I knew I had to because to me it's always easier to sever ties completely than to drag out and dealing with the mess as I invariably get more tangled up when I try to untangle the mess. To me severing ties has always been an easy way out, I guess that's escapism .....
    <br>I guess I'll leave at the end of the year ?

  • ss honey
    <br>It was hard...but still better than the grim consequence I have to face otherwise....but it hurts...love hurts....forbidden love hurts even more....
    <br>How have you been doing ss? Have you got over that guy yet?

  • Actually onlybs is short for only bullshxt. Thus, whatever I said, people should know how to weight it.
    <br>Canadian or Americans being lazy is a blessing. If I can be lazy, I don't mind being one too. As for the materialistic part, I think this has more to do with the scale of the city. In metro areas, most people are materialistics. I bet a fellow in NYC can be worse than one in some middle of no where town in say Kentucky.
    <br>BTW, kindergarten is not even the start of the game.... P1 is ten times worse.... :(

  • isomer
    <br>i can see your pouint and I agree with you 100% Just this is not easy for you but you have to live with that. Honestl,y you should try hard to find the right one now. Life is not easy and it should be difficult if you start to find the one even later.

  • onlybs
    <br>I knew it stands for only bullshxt, but somehow "only bus" just keep popping up...I must have seen this phrase often enough...but i can't remember where I've seen this phrase.
    <br>Yes laziness is a blessing but full blown laziness makes you feel so powerless and you don't have energy and motivation for anything...in my case, whenI was in Vancouver I feel my laziness slowly progresses to mild depression which I hate, but then that's just me .... laziness is only good in moderation, lol
    <br>Your kid has reached P1 already?
    <br>It was, and still is, very tough. I think the right guy will appear when it's time? Leucine are you married too?

  • "There are tiny bugs closely related to spiders living in the pores of your face, which crawl about your face in the dark to mate."
    <br>Just saw this on facebook....true fact ....ewwwwww

  • Probably, it is because your dictionary is too clean and gentle. You read "BS" and the word "bus" pops up. For me, when I see the word "BUS" and "bullshxt" pops up.
    <br>Actually, laziness is only confine to work. What I like about those places is that people can be lazy for work but work is never everything for them. They work little and can have more time to afford to spend on other things more important to them. (Of coz, a lot of them are coach potato.)
    <br>Yet, we can have choices. We can spend time doing things we like. Imagine, getting work at 4 and get home at 5 when the sun is still up. I can do some bbqing, perhaps rush to seaside for a picnic. Do some cycling at Stanley Park.
    <br>This is life.... :)

  • lol it could be that I have a simple mind plus a narrow vocab range....
    <br>I've been living the life of the retired since I quit my job, life is pretty much the same everyday...I yum chat at noon, doing nothing the whole afternoon, take a stroll at waterfront after dinner... I miss my job, my colleagues, my clients....and him. Sigh.
    <br>Anyways, I find ppl in MK the happiest. There are several bargain malls in MK and those shoppers looks so happy comparing to those at high scale malls....

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-10-03 5:33 pm
    <br>lol it could be that I have a simple mind plus a narrow vocab range....
    <br>I've been living the life of the retired since I quit my job, life is pretty much the same everyday...I yum chat at noon, doing nothing the whole afternoon, take a stroll at waterfront after dinner... I miss my job, my colleagues, my clients....and him. Sigh.
    <br>Anyways, I find ppl in MK the happiest. There are several bargain malls in MK and those shoppers looks so happy comparing to those at high scale malls....
    <br>Is that the life of a retiree??? If so, I don't look forward to that day. lol

  • lava
    <br>lol...I was comparing myself to those old men resting on the bench I came across in the park.....haha

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-10-03 5:39 pm
    <br>lol...I was comparing myself to those old men resting on the bench I came across in the park.....haha
    <br>Maybe u can go play Chinese Chess with them too .. :P

  • HomeM
    <br>lol right...but before I learn how to play chinese chess I'll stay as a 塘邊hog...

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-09-30 5:13 pm
    <br>Nice to see you too ! LOL it doesn't matter if I'm the one you met before because 四海之內皆兄弟 hahaha

  • I_am_fly
    <br>梗係算喇,我記得有同你傾過 (但唔記得傾過咩了,嘻嘻),你都幾紅下 :)

  • 個頭好痛阿....><

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-10-03 7:08 pm
    <br>梗係算喇,我記得有同你傾過 (但唔記得傾過咩了,嘻嘻),你都幾紅下 :)

  • 我頭同頸都痛,一陣剪減d 頭髮唔知會唔會好d

  • fly
    <br>我記得你本來叫“飛”,但因為She唔比用中文名開account, 先用"I_am_fly"姐 :)
    <br>我頭痛其實係因為食得太多香蕉...寒涼....而家都重痛緊 >_<

  • isoleucine replied at 2013-10-03 10:01 pm
    <br>我記得你本來叫“飛”,但因為She唔比用中文名開account, 先用"I_am_fly"姐 :)
    <br>我頭痛其實係因為食得太多香蕉...寒涼....而家都重痛緊 >_
    <br>then why don't you leave home and be on your own. you are not a little girl anymore, I suppose. lol

  • Agree with Lava,0係外國唔係應該18歲就離開屋企既咩?

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