want to support a high Q girl/wife this Sat pm, do @ hotel

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    今個星期6 下晝/晚  想support一個真係有質素ge 女/wife. </p>
    我自認要求高(唔該睇清楚, 以免浪費大家時間),</p>
    但我有技術, 乾淨(除左我個ex-GF, 我未試過唔用套, 同女友以外的玩伴從來唔口交).  樣唔叫醜, 唔肥, 唔係光頭佬.</p>
    只係食得多肥妹(我SP), 想食下d 好野.</p>
    1. 最緊要好身材 (基本要求 係:  <span style="color:#0000ff;"><strong>大胸</strong></span>(D cup -F cup)  +  <strong><span style="color:#0000ff;">冇肚腩</span></strong>.  如果你自問好curvy...即係只係得波同LAW, 大比...總之該肥的肥, 該瘦的瘦...C cup 都ok ge.     <strong><span style="color:#0000ff;">要大lin</span></strong>[即係乳云, 如圖2].  我唯一冇所謂的是長腿...可有可無.  唔鍾意高妹, 高過166 可以byebye.)   要有張show 到胸的全裸照(如圖2, 不要著bra, 無遮擋), <span style="color:#ff0000;"><em>冇相不要浪費時間(可不見樣)</em></span></p>
    以下有露點相, 小心!!</p>
    2. 樣ok靚(如圖1, 3.   唔洗你send 相, 但唔該有d 自知之明, 到時出到黎我發覺係頂唔順, 大家都冇癮)</p>
    3. 有基本禮貌, 如果你睇到依家已經又媽又X ...  無謂浪費時間, 我唔會比錢受氣(亦都唔係要你委屈, 我只要亙相尊重.)</p>
    4. safe sex.  condom 係一定.   不口交, 我不會要求你幫我, 你亦都唔洗旨意我會幫你奶下面. (lin 我就好樂意)</p>
    <a href="http://www.imageporter.com/05q29jzh3n8g/20130615_8e3f9c5e61a881d63860S43s0CD2HYm7.jpg.html" target="_BLANK"><img border="0" src="http://img30.imageporter.com/i/02156/05q29jzh3n8g_t.jpg" /></a></p>
    <a href="http://www.imageporter.com/009vchz1pper/20130314_bdc2025ee2ac4d395f9bTRBdOo2vIkn7.jpg.html" target="_BLANK"><img border="0" src="http://img30.imageporter.com/i/02156/009vchz1pper_t.jpg" /></a></p>
    <a href="http://www.imageporter.com/eulgq9t4gvg0/04.jpg.html" target="_BLANK"><img border="0" src="http://img30.imageporter.com/i/02156/eulgq9t4gvg0_t.jpg" /></a></p>
    email send 你的CV(波波相, 介紹高, 重, 3圍, cup..etc) </p>
    留個聯絡方法(whatsapp, 唔要msn/skype, 冇whatsapp起碼都要line/wechat. 係有心先好, 唔好浪費大家時間)</p>
    [email protected]</p>

  • i.e. ball ball photos are needed, but face is not necessary

  • offer?

  • How is your offer ?

  • 小蓮 replied at 2013-07-12 8:45 am
    <br>not much, it's "support", not trade.
    <br>I am a man with great skills on bed, find me if u fulfill the above requirements and only if you ENJOY SEX.
    <br>if you are doing it for money, i am sorry, i am not your choice.
    <br>I am the man who can make you enjoy the excitment and then u will get some pocket money, that s it.
    <br>btw, 人地offer 幾多?

  • You dont even deserve a girl!
    <br>So disgusting of you to maintain SUCH level of courtesy.
    <br>How arrogant!

  • It's not easy to find gal. With this attitude,perhaps the chance even go down to zero.

  • Priscilla replied at 2013-07-12 2:06 pm
    <br>You dont even deserve a girl!
    <br>So disgusting of you to maintain SUCH level of courtesy.
    <br>How arrogant!
    <br>sorry to piss u off, i just wanna go straight to the point. save the time of both of us^^
    <br>maybe u are such a high Q girl/lady, priscilla. but i dont have the time and patience.
    <br>I just want sth simple--beauty(face/body) that's it.

  • finale replied at 2013-07-12 3:10 pm
    <br>It's not easy to find gal. With this attitude,perhaps the chance even go down to zero.
    <br>of coz la, u guys support to or trade w/ a girl without requirements...
    <br>almost just want a hole.
    <br>my reason behind is simple: I am not bad (face/body, and especailly skills. all my SPs, ex-GFs love me licking their nipples). If I have to pay, then I should find a girl of HQ. that's my values.
    <br>u can disagree, as I know my values are different from the ppl here.
    <br>Just like i will never agree that finding SP/SL should be regarded as "FREE lunch". u trade girls want more business then that's fine, dont need to blame the others.

  • 同埋我預左搵唔到就算, 我要的是有質素~~~
    <br>我情願食餐好, 大家enjoy 下 ~~~
    <br>有冇高質女士? let's have fun

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