want to support a high Q girl/wife this Sat pm, do @ hotel

  • 今個星期6 下晝/晚  想support一個真係有質素ge 女/wife. 

    我自認要求高(唔該睇清楚, 以免浪費大家時間),

    但我有技術, 乾淨(除左我個ex-GF, 我未試過唔用套, 同女友以外的玩伴從來唔口交).  樣唔叫醜, 唔肥, 唔係光頭佬.

    只係食得多肥妹(我SP), 想食下d 好野.



    1. 最緊要好身材 (基本要求 係:  大胸(D cup -F cup)  +  冇肚腩.  如果你自問好curvy...即係只係得波同LAW, 大比...總之該肥的肥, 該瘦的瘦...C cup 都ok ge.     要大lin[即係乳云, 如圖2].  我唯一冇所謂的是長腿...可有可無.  唔鍾意高妹, 高過166 可以byebye.)   要有張show 到胸的全裸照(如圖2, 不要著bra, 無遮擋), 冇相不要浪費時間(可不見樣)


    以下有露點相, 小心!!


    2. 樣ok靚(如圖1, 3.   唔洗你send 相, 但唔該有d 自知之明, 到時出到黎我發覺係頂唔順, 大家都冇癮)

    3. 有基本禮貌, 如果你睇到依家已經又媽又X ...  無謂浪費時間, 我唔會比錢受氣(亦都唔係要你委屈, 我只要亙相尊重.)

    4. safe sex.  condom 係一定.   不口交, 我不會要求你幫我, 你亦都唔洗旨意我會幫你奶下面. (lin 我就好樂意)



    email send 你的CV(波波相, 介紹高, 重, 3圍, cup..etc) 

    留個聯絡方法(whatsapp, 唔要msn/skype, 冇whatsapp起碼都要line/wechat. 係有心先好, 唔好浪費大家時間)

    [email protected]

  • i.e. ball ball photos are needed, but face is not necessary

  • offer?

  • How is your offer ?

  • 小蓮 replied at 2013-07-12 8:45 am




    not much, it's "support", not trade.

    I am a man with great skills on bed, find me if u fulfill the above requirements and only if you ENJOY SEX.

    if you are doing it for money, i am sorry, i am not your choice.

    I am the man who can make you enjoy the excitment and then u will get some pocket money, that s it.

    btw, 人地offer 幾多?

  • You dont even deserve a girl!

    So disgusting of you to maintain SUCH level of courtesy.

    How arrogant!

  • It's not easy to find gal. With this attitude,perhaps the chance even go down to zero.

  • Priscilla replied at 2013-07-12 2:06 pm


    You dont even deserve a girl!

    So disgusting of you to maintain SUCH level of courtesy.

    How arrogant!


    sorry to piss u off, i just wanna go straight to the point. save the time of both of us^^

    maybe u are such a high Q girl/lady, priscilla. but i dont have the time and patience.

    I just want sth simple--beauty(face/body) that's it.

  • finale replied at 2013-07-12 3:10 pm


    It's not easy to find gal. With this attitude,perhaps the chance even go down to zero.


    of coz la, u guys support to or trade w/ a girl without requirements...

    almost just want a hole.

    my reason behind is simple: I am not bad (face/body, and especailly skills. all my SPs, ex-GFs love me licking their nipples). If I have to pay, then I should find a girl of HQ. that's my values.

    u can disagree, as I know my values are different from the ppl here.

    Just like i will never agree that finding SP/SL should be regarded as "FREE lunch". u trade girls want more business then that's fine, dont need to blame the others.

  • 同埋我預左搵唔到就算, 我要的是有質素~~~

    我情願食餐好, 大家enjoy 下 ~~~

    有冇高質女士? let's have fun

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