Feeling so 內疚,love my hubby but he really sxxks in bed, I got 3 SPs.

  • Hi Sammijoan,
    <br>No one dislike too much SPs. Please add me [email protected] to further chat.

  • boss replied at 2012-10-23 1:44 pm
    <br>版主,睇完晒妳呢板同另一"奇想"版嘅留言,好同情妳,亦好同情妳丈夫。妳已經為他盡量設想,生孩修身相夫教子不在話下,連選SP都十分謹慎,必以先為大家保留面子保護家庭為前題,不是亂來。小時候的同學,想必定亦有頭有面有家底,信得過。不會出賣妳。前度男友亦然,也信得過。北京山高皇帝遠。若將心比心,我猜妳先生多半早知妳喺出面有男人。我相信佢亦都好愛妳同好錫個仔。也許,他亦明白,妳-現在於心理生理上係有呢個需要,換轉我,如果我好愛個女人,我都寧可睜眼開,隻眼閉,也不願deprive她of呢個空間,小小嘅pleasure。單是呢樣,不是離婚理由。其實,呢個境況係好悲哀。I've seen it in many high powered women; over work, over pressure, over everything in endless frantic effort to meet deadlines, achieve goals, often leads to a sex drive completely off the rails. That's just one of the side effects. A strong character over compensates, a weaker one just shrivels and finds a quiet place to die or simply suicides, as we often see in the news. 誰不想另一半係自己唯一。但心痛就難免了。如假設他早就心裡有數,為什麼他不願意同妳進行,或力不從心,就是這個原因。I am not judging at all, only sympathising and if you also feel you have a problem, perhaps you might consider seeking professional help.
    <br>If I am off base, just treat me as 9up.
    <br>嘩,你好似感同身受,好了解我的處境咁bor, 你留msn我過兩日add你大家詳談吧。
    <br>我呢個星期工作超忙,未必有時間chat, 十一月要飛兩次。今日紅假我都工作至四點至返家。
    <br>所以各位其他朋友,雖然都想add大家,但add了也抽不到時間chat, 請多多包涵!

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-23 8:29 pm
    <br>Roger replied at 2012-10-23 11:39 am
    <br>我都睇哂你的留言, 即係你而家只有2個SP?
    <br>第3個係之前出trip先至有sex, 而家冇再見面?
    <br>根據你描述, 你都幾需要sex, 2個SP, 夠唔夠架?
    <br>而且好似第1個SP就滿足到你, 第2個好似麻麻地, 我有冇理解錯?
    <br>點解唔飛左第2個SP, 搵個新的?

  • Roger replied at 2012-10-23 10:39 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-23 8:29 pm
    <br>Roger replied at 2012-10-23 11:39 am
    <br>我都睇哂你的留言, 即係你而家只有2個SP?
    <br>第3個係之前出trip先至有sex, 而家冇再見面?
    <br>根據你描述, 你都幾需要sex, 2個SP, 夠唔夠架?
    <br>而且好似第1個SP就滿足到你, 第2個好似麻麻地, 我有冇理解錯?
    <br>點解唔飛左第2個SP, 搵個新的?
    <br>一來我自己工作忙又要照顧bb, 好難抽時間,add多幾個都無用無分別。
    <br>咁見SP都唔係次次精彩次次cum, 有時錫吓攬吓都感覺好好。
    <br>而且我唔可以同陌生人做,so far除了ex bf, 兩個在she認識的SP(包括小學同學),都傾左兩年,有感覺至試下上床。
    <br>我婚後第一次同ex bf, 做的時候好僵硬,走左仲忍唔住喊,後來係no 2 SP開解我,我至想通,至可以同SP享受性愛。

  • 咁可能SP No.2真係因為你生完BB, 身材走樣, 所以令佢同你生之前做的表現唔同喎!!!!!

  • 哦. 你都好忙喎.
    <br>其實咁, 試下同老公會唔會簡單啲

  • Listened your story, I feel sad. Just think you are not bad but just want to pursue something satisfy yourself. Hope u can be happy and enjoy with your SPs....
    <br>In my case, I am married and have a SL. Similar case as you.

  • k replied at 2012-10-23 11:01 pm
    <br>哦. 你都好忙喎.
    <br>其實咁, 試下同老公會唔會簡單啲

  • Lady 38 replied at 2012-10-23 10:59 pm
    <br>咁可能SP No.2真係因為你生完BB, 身材走樣, 所以令佢同你生之前做的表現唔同喎!!!!!

  • Spaceship replied at 2012-10-24 12:11 am
    <br>Listened your story, I feel sad. Just think you are not bad but just want to pursue something satisfy yourself. Hope u can be happy and enjoy with your SPs....
    <br>In my case, I am married and have a SL. Similar case as you.
    <br>Thank you for your understanding.
    <br>Hope you have a good life too.
    <br>I just saw my ex bf tonight for a quick sex before his dinner, it's great!^^

  • quick sex also great??
    <br>how come??
    <br>i prefer to have a full sex ..
    <br>btw, how often do you have sex with your SP

  • 偷情的犯罪感, 令妳不能自拔

  • Add me
    <br>[email protected]

  • have u ever thought of having 3P with your No.1+No.2 SP?

  • Curious replied at 2012-10-25 11:54 am
    <br>have u ever thought of having 3P with your No.1+No.2 SP?
    <br>I'm curious to know too, do your SPs know you have more than 1 SP?

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-24 11:02 pm
    <br>Spaceship replied at 2012-10-24 12:11 am
    <br>Listened your story, I feel sad. Just think you are not bad but just want to pursue something satisfy yourself. Hope u can be happy and enjoy with your SPs....
    <br>In my case, I am married and have a SL. Similar case as you.
    <br>Thank you for your understanding.
    <br>Hope you have a good life too.
    <br>I just saw my ex bf tonight for a quick sex before his dinner, it's great!^^
    <br>其實我要再找sp都是因爲sex 需要大,不知道是否錯,不過每次完事後不久又再找sp, by chance, add: [email protected]

  • k replied at 2012-10-24 11:07 pm
    <br>quick sex also great??
    <br>how come??
    <br>i prefer to have a full sex ..
    <br>btw, how often do you have sex with your SP
    <br>I cannot afford too much time too, it's ok it's not that rush, I enjoyed it so much. ^^

  • 戰狂300 replied at 2012-10-24 11:08 pm
    <br>偷情的犯罪感, 令妳不能自拔

  • Curious replied at 2012-10-25 11:54 am
    <br>have u ever thought of having 3P with your No.1+No.2 SP?
    <br>No 1 佔有慾很強,最近知道我還有見no 2, 開開有唔開心
    <br>No 2 好開放,我有問過他,有無想過3p, 他話mmf他會嫉妒,mff他又覺得自己應付不了。

  • 咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?

  • King replied at 2012-10-25 1:10 pm
    <br>Curious replied at 2012-10-25 11:54 am
    <br>have u ever thought of having 3P with your No.1+No.2 SP?
    <br>I'm curious to know too, do your SPs know you have more than 1 SP?
    <br>I have 3 SPs, they all know I hv 3 SPs, I am always honest w them
    <br>They are not only my SPs I can treat them as friends, we chat we share our family issues our plans.
    <br>We hv dinner we go movie sometimes
    <br>Before I hv baby sometimes I treat them as bfs, now not anymore...
    <br>It's difficult to stop the relationship when no 2 becomes bf, we chat almost every day
    <br>It took me a long time to stop communicating, and treat him simply SP.

  • k replied at 2012-10-25 11:19 pm
    <br>咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?
    <br>Still very busy at work, need to work on this sat
    <br>Then biz trip for 2 weeks, 3 days each week
    <br>I never hv sex in office. Well a young guy had kissed me and touched me once, quite funny
    <br>He is 20+ and wants to be my secret lover...

  • it sounds no.2 is a sweet guy

  • partnerwanted28 replied at 2012-10-25 7:04 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-24 11:02 pm
    <br>Spaceship replied at 2012-10-24 12:11 am
    <br>Listened your story, I feel sad. Just think you are not bad but just want to pursue something satisfy yourself. Hope u can be happy and enjoy with your SPs....
    <br>In my case, I am married and have a SL. Similar case as you.
    <br>Thank you for your understanding.
    <br>Hope you have a good life too.
    <br>I just saw my ex bf tonight for a quick sex before his dinner, it's great!^^
    <br>其實我要再找sp都是因爲sex 需要大,不知道是否錯,不過每次完事後不久又再找sp, by chance, add: [email protected]
    <br>你有固定SP 以解決你的需要嗎?

  • Lady replied at 2012-10-25 11:27 pm
    <br>it sounds no.2 is a sweet guy
    <br>He is truly very sweet
    <br>He sends me very often, take me to hiking, movies, dinners, I stayed at his place once overnight,
    <br>When I go to biz trip he sends me little gifts such as small box of biscuits
    <br>We still keep contacts although not meeting often for sex now

  • haha he must be disappointed.
    <br>just wonder. what do you do?
    <br>so you meet up with your sp regularly. I am jealous. you can find a sp that can communicate well. That's what i am looking for too

  • Lady replied at 2012-10-25 11:27 pm
    <br>it sounds no.2 is a sweet guy
    <br>And we share everything for sex
    <br>He told me how many SP he got recently and how he met the girls...
    <br>I told him things about me and my ex bf.

  • um... can imagine having sex with this no.2 guy is sweet too. For me, i prefer a caring SP to a sex machine on bed.

  • k replied at 2012-10-25 11:31 pm
    <br>haha he must be disappointed.
    <br>just wonder. what do you do?
    <br>so you meet up with your sp regularly. I am jealous. you can find a sp that can communicate well. That's what i am looking for too
    <br>Hmm he is not disappointed he got gf and will get married soon
    <br>I try to meet SP regularly as I need sex every week but really depends on my schedule, if we match our schedule to meet, not easy sometimes
    <br>U can find one too, chat w those u can connect with...then you hv sex

  • Lady replied at 2012-10-25 11:33 pm
    <br>um... can imagine having sex with this no.2 guy is sweet too. For me, i prefer a caring SP to a sex machine on bed.
    <br>I agree w you
    <br>I like no 2 to cuddle me, feels great, he is not sex machine but very caring...
    <br>He does not hv big JJ but take things slowly
    <br>I enjoy my sex w him even I did not cum every time

  • your stateent is very correct. However, it is not easy to find a gal who can only accept SP relationship, given that you can communicate well. Guess you can give me some advice how to catch these type of gals

  • really envy you, can have SPs with different styles, satisfying your physically and mentally

  • Lady, why cant you find one?

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:26 pm
    <br>k replied at 2012-10-25 11:19 pm
    <br>咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?
    <br>Still very busy at work, need to work on this sat
    <br>Then biz trip for 2 weeks, 3 days each week
    <br>I never hv sex in office. Well a young guy had kissed me and touched me once, quite funny
    <br>He is 20+ and wants to be my secret lover...
    <br>本身有女朋友, 仲就快結婚, 都咁狼死?

  • Ted replied at 2012-10-25 11:50 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:26 pm
    <br>k replied at 2012-10-25 11:19 pm
    <br>咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?
    <br>Still very busy at work, need to work on this sat
    <br>Then biz trip for 2 weeks, 3 days each week
    <br>I never hv sex in office. Well a young guy had kissed me and touched me once, quite funny
    <br>He is 20+ and wants to be my secret lover...
    <br>本身有女朋友, 仲就快結婚, 都咁狼死?
    <br>你睇漏了,狼死的是公司的年輕同事,不是no 2 SP

  • 我都结左婚,但都仲有見sp

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:36 pm
    <br>k replied at 2012-10-25 11:31 pm
    <br>haha he must be disappointed.
    <br>just wonder. what do you do?
    <br>so you meet up with your sp regularly. I am jealous. you can find a sp that can communicate well. That's what i am looking for too
    <br>Hmm he is not disappointed he got gf and will get married soon
    <br>I try to meet SP regularly as I need sex every week but really depends on my schedule, if we match our schedule to meet, not easy sometimes
    <br>U can find one too, chat w those u can connect with...then you hv sex
    <br>我唔係睇漏, 你之前話俾k聽, 你同事伸手入你內褲, 跟住k答 "he must be disappointed"..... 係唔係你誤會了呢?

  • When you don't have gf/bf, then I guess the priority would be finding a gf/bf first and not a discreet sp/sl. Seriously, I'm in the camp to think that there's nothing wrong about having an SP - you just get what you wanted and can't get it from somebody whom you loved, while preserving the love for him/her. It helps to keep your legit relationship intact and lasting. Guys can pay for prostitute to release, it's not easy for woman I suppose.
    <br>I'm a dude, btw.

  • Add me if u r bored, u'll be surprised coz I always need sex!!
    <br>[email protected]

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-26 7:48 am
    <br>Ted replied at 2012-10-25 11:50 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:26 pm
    <br>k replied at 2012-10-25 11:19 pm
    <br>咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?
    <br>Still very busy at work, need to work on this sat
    <br>Then biz trip for 2 weeks, 3 days each week
    <br>I never hv sex in office. Well a young guy had kissed me and touched me once, quite funny
    <br>He is 20+ and wants to be my secret lover...
    <br>What is your company policy on sexual harassment?

  • helenmelody replied at 2012-09-23 6:01 pm
    <br>tin replied at 2012-09-23 1:42 pm
    <br>No need to feel guilty, separate sex and love ! Support
    <br>Thx for your support!
    <br>Yes one of my SPs taught me, now I separate sex and love, i think it's a good balance.
    <br>Sometimes just feel guilty.
    <br>Add me at [email protected]

  • Sammijoan,
    <br>first of all, i do not read through all the threads yet...
    <br>sex is important of course, but suggest you can create some hobbies for yourself and/or together with your husband such as sports.... put your efforts to concentrate in others field so will be less demand on sex.

  • helenmelody replied at 2012-09-23 6:01 pm
    <br>how would you like to have an new SP? i know you have bb but can try once, condom on if you want ;)

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:16 pm
    <br>戰狂300 replied at 2012-10-24 11:08 pm
    <br>偷情的犯罪感, 令妳不能自拔
    <br>每一個都屬於後備,當妳有需要時, 就要一個得閒的出現,
    <br>若妳DIY 就能得到滿足, 就可以減少SP的數量
    <br>GOOD LUCK

  • Ken replied at 2012-10-26 4:00 pm
    <br>first of all, i do not read through all the threads yet...
    <br>sex is important of course, but suggest you can create some hobbies for yourself and/or together with your husband such as sports.... put your efforts to concentrate in others field so will be less demand on sex.
    <br>I usually like most kind of sports
    <br>I like to go to gym, now still goes 3 times a week and 1 hour each time
    <br>I like swimming hiking etc
    <br>But my hubby only likes running by himself and I cannot run as fast as him.
    <br>Believe me, I tried everything and it does not work.
    <br>I know its a gd way to keep gd marriage if we hv one common interest but we don't hv, the only common hobby we share is to enjoy gd food together!
    <br>Most importantly I don't like to DIY. I feel sad and lonely every time I DIY. ; (

  • man replied at 2012-10-26 2:36 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-26 7:48 am
    <br>Ted replied at 2012-10-25 11:50 pm
    <br>Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-25 11:26 pm
    <br>k replied at 2012-10-25 11:19 pm
    <br>咁都啱既, 你工作咁忙. 連自己鐘意既野都得唔到. 又真係幾辛苦.
    <br>so how's work recently? did you have sex at the office?
    <br>Still very busy at work, need to work on this sat
    <br>Then biz trip for 2 weeks, 3 days each week
    <br>I never hv sex in office. Well a young guy had kissed me and touched me once, quite fun
    <br>He is 20+ and wants to be my secret lover...
    <br>What is your company policy on sexual harassment?
    <br>He is young and nice guy,i won't report him
    <br>It's just funny how he approached me

  • carrie replied at 2012-10-26 7:55 am

  • Sammijoan replied at 2012-10-26 11:09 pm
    <br>carrie replied at 2012-10-26 7:55 am
    <br>you just only want sex?

  • 我仲以為無人回覆

  • carrie replied at 2012-10-26 11:12 pm

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