有無人見過Dilyschong ? 係未好索架?

  • <br><span><img class="thickbox adjust" src="http://img.eastweek.com.hk/article_multimedia/6384/2_n.jpg" alt="" /> </span>

  • nana replied at 2012-08-09 4:11 pm

  • 問心講句,我都好認同she女講,睇下自已咩料子先,有錢既去叫雞囉,唔需要係度搵,係度搵既就要明白人地有權選擇你,做人要有點品德呢!

  • Dilys姐勁呀! 好多人撐妳耶!

  • nana replied at 2012-08-09 4:11 pm

  • 六壯士個個有頭有面
    <br>邊個蛋散再玩嘢,D she 女一個月吾好出來見新仔

  • hi,dilyschong....我buy妳,比個like妳..

  • 宜家無尖東喇

  • HippyBon replied at 2012-08-09 8:45 pm
    <br>做得cc都好可憐,吾好look down佢哋
    <br>叫過cc的男人 , 請吾好當she女係免費cc
    <br>見面仲要無嘢食super sandwich自付自取

  • 我仲慘, 好少見, 但一見就係我請, 永無 AA.

  • MuscularAsss replied at 2012-08-09 10:00 pm
    <br>我仲慘, 好少見, 但一見就係我請, 永無 AA.

  • she 男大部份3冇。

  • same for she 女

  • 依度的pk 真係好冇品, 最仆街係食完唱

  • 打 黃蓋

  • 周瑜 replied at 2012-08-10 12:56 am
    <br>打 黃蓋
    <br>使唔使咁深呀 ~.~

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-08 1:26 pm

  • support ^^

  • haha replied at 2012-08-10 12:25 am
    <br>same for she 女

  • lady replied at 2012-08-10 12:01 am
    <br>she 男大部份3冇。
    <br>無耐性我都一樣, 男人對無耐性嘅女人,除非鐘意佢 ,否則不用有耐性

  • man replied at 2012-08-10 12:48 am
    <br>依度的pk 真係好冇品, 最仆街係食完唱

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-09 11:30 pm
    <br>MuscularAsss replied at 2012-08-09 10:00 pm
    <br>我仲慘, 好少見, 但一見就係我請, 永無 AA.
    <br>佢耐唔耐都彈句正常 出嚟架~~ ^^

  • lady replied at 2012-08-10 12:01 am
    <br>she 男大部份3冇。
    <br>好彩我中得一飯.....就係~~ 冇樣掂 ^^

  • nana replied at 2012-08-09 9:18 pm
    <br>nana replied at 2012-08-09 4:11 pm
    <br>唔洗改啦~~ 無人學到你d文筆, 化灰都認得邊個係你~~ 哈哈

  • mattluvyou replied at 2012-08-10 8:34 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-09 11:30 pm
    <br>MuscularAsss replied at 2012-08-09 10:00 pm
    <br>我仲慘, 好少見, 但一見就係我請, 永無 AA.
    <br>佢耐唔耐都彈句正常 出嚟架~~ ^^
    <br>我偶像話呀,佢無 ma 咁無創意
    <br>我偶像最有創意 haha

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 8:39 am
    <br>mattluvyou replied at 2012-08-10 8:34 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-09 11:30 pm
    <br>MuscularAsss replied at 2012-08-09 10:00 pm
    <br>我仲慘, 好少見, 但一見就係我請, 永無 AA.
    <br>佢耐唔耐都彈句正常 出嚟架~~ ^^
    <br>我偶像話呀,佢無 ma 咁無創意
    <br>我偶像最有創意 haha
    <br>我開始要寫去She.com投訴 <---------------十分同意。

  • mattluvyou replied at 2012-08-10 8:37 am
    <br>nana replied at 2012-08-09 9:18 pm
    <br>nana replied at 2012-08-09 4:11 pm
    <br>唔洗改啦~~ 無人學到你d文筆, 化灰都認得邊個係你~~ 哈哈

  • TG配冇品男,有乜男人咪有乜女人囉,you deserve each other. 就如有乜人民就有乜當權者。

  • 冇車冇樓冇學識冇品格冇耐性 | 冇樣冇身材冇波冇腦冇禮貌
    <br>^^^seems good match

  • 婊子遇到脂粉客,互取所需

  • 我宜家識分什麼叫動物行為同做愛

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:11 am

  • <br><span><img class="thickbox adjust" src="http://img.ihktv.com/image/2010/06/1751309II.jpg" alt="" /> </span>

  • Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:13 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:11 am

  • 當年呢本書賣廿皮,哈哈

  • 吾似

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:21 am
    <br>Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:13 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:11 am

  • Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:27 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:21 am
    <br>Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:13 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:11 am
    <br>我都識 , 仲好叻

  • 我邊到似杜麗莎

  • Dilyschong , 你講得對呀, 希望d男人食完唔好唱囉...
    <br> replied at 2012-08-08 12:55 pm
    <br>I have no comment on this thread, but please don't list out people here.

  • <table style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #cccccc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #cccccc 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cccccc 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #cccccc 1px solid" class="topic_form_bg" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
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  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:30 am
    <br>Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:27 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:21 am
    <br>Future replied at 2012-08-10 9:13 am
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:11 am
    <br>我都識 , 仲好叻

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 9:44 am
    <br>唔怪得Alan tam 都出來。

  • 又俾我搵到

  • Free lunch easy to find!

  • Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 1:40 pm

  • 爆料 replied at 2012-08-10 11:22 pm
    <br>Dilyschong replied at 2012-08-10 1:40 pm

  • Here is the official announcement from [email protected]
    <br>I have only one and only one official ex here, his love to me completed my uncompleted tasks in my past years in my life. He is the one knocking me the difference between pure animal behaviour and make love. I found him in this small small world. While love understands love, it takes no word. I complaint why no content in the story however, the content and language is meaningless. Yes, sweet memories count. We were in different modes, ons , ss, sp, friends, sl, lover, sex lover, no matter what it is, romance is romance.
    <br>I never asked him about his stories and never asked him about his background (like general girls ask about wealth, educational, family or else), he might think that I didn't care about him but the fact is, I rather use the plain heart, the raw mind to feel what man he is. I don't want to conditionally seek for unconditional love.
    <br>On 'romantic' way, we met firstly inside hotel room, with no picture and no even a sound, yes, very mad not even a call, we did words ms n and SMS. Compulsory accepted a strange stranger guy lol. Followed with times and months encounters, our language is wordness. Can anyone explain nonstop orgasms in 30 mins even not rest a second? I can tell you, it is love. I learnt from the day my mother brings me down the earth. Why I remember that day one? Coz I brought my future - my little one with same way. It called human are genuine products of love making.

  • 起碼應先請個女仔吃個DINNER先再食佢啦。我就會喇。連晚餐都欠奉,個女仔好慘㗎!

  • Same with all else guy who I encountered for more than 3 months, as devil words all want me bring them kids. Might purely due to rely my huge tits and mammal milk. I am not sure if he is, while no plastic cap then I assume it is the physical possibility as the way it is. I didn't ask rather the cap put or not, I found a bit difference but while in mind there isn't a cap, it isn't a cap.
    <br>Finally, a fate believe guy counting choices. A dice gal counting fate. In a small small world. If u say can find such a kind of 'relationship' on sexboard @she.com?
    <br>While the dice gal trusted the fate, the fate guy said, let fate go while it should let go.
    <br>I gave him chances and freedom, he doesnt want a heavy relationship in his life. It doesn't mean or do mean any love between. I got it from a wedding picture, says - love understands love, it takes no word.
    <br>As romanticism gal me, if could continue the story as a tvb bubble shows, surely I want our first picture be the wedding photo. However too heavy for him lol, better I say I am too romantic in love bubbles.
    <br>Yes, life as bubbles, old days, new days, passed, sunrise again. The reborn and reunion as my idol - Pua said.
    <br>To likewitty - my only one official ex in she.com
    <br>I chose you as the only one, as you are the way you are.
    <br>No matter what form, how u hide, how u present, u are in me.
    <br>Once a life, never regret.
    <br>While I said solid dependent, I trust it presence and I know how, nothing solid but u tried a day with me.
    <br>To dilyschong - I dunno Who are you actually. Dilyschong witty is not a witty lol, it is just a fake name. No matter what alias talking to me, I dont care who exactly is. Who is in my mind who is writing to me. It is mad, yes it is mad.

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