Relax and free in the office - lady looking for a chat

  • Bad weather but good mood - how are you doing?

  • mimi,
    <br>free at office too!!

  • hi mimi
    <br>yup, humidity up to 100% !!
    <br>but gonna cool this evening wor..

  • Stepshk replied at 2012-02-24 9:45 am
    <br>free at office too!!
    <br>you are always free la!

  • Hi mimi,

  • norman replied at 2012-02-24 9:46 am
    <br>hi mimi
    <br>yup, humidity up to 100% !!
    <br>but gonna cool this evening wor..
    <br>so does it affect you on anything?

  • Hugo replied at 2012-02-24 9:48 am
    <br>Hi mimi,
    <br>tell me about it!

  • mimi,
    <br>i am not always free at office ka....!!
    <br>I am busy but moody only:P

  • 曾經和自己所喜歡的人在雨中分手

  • mimi
    <br>need to think how to dress this morning....... too much clothes is too hot now, too less afraid not enough this evening..

  • norman replied at 2012-02-24 9:54 am
    <br>need to think how to dress this morning....... too much clothes is too hot now, too less afraid not enough this evening..
    <br>you are really making things complicated, i just bring along sth extra ^_^.

  • Hmm... Happy Friday, guys!
    <br>What a relaxing Friday in the office.... Mimi... any plan for today at all?

  • how are you? mimi
    <br>i'm a bit boring in the office but still have jobs to do

  • jamesjordon replied at 2012-02-24 10:10 am
    <br>how are you? mimi
    <br>i'm a bit boring in the office but still have jobs to do
    <br>I m doing good james, afterall its Friday :-)

  • Lamp replied at 2012-02-24 10:09 am
    <br>Hmm... Happy Friday, guys!
    <br>What a relaxing Friday in the office.... Mimi... any plan for today at all?
    <br>Right, its Friday!
    <br>Just a simple dinner, how about u?

  • mimi: same here... want to make myself relaxed as much as I can.... maybe having a "GUINNESS" and enjoy the moment tonight...

  • Lamp replied at 2012-02-24 10:18 am
    <br>mimi: same here... want to make myself relaxed as much as I can.... maybe having a "GUINNESS" and enjoy the moment tonight...
    <br>not bad, a light touch of alcohol always relaxing~

  • mimi: I enjoy the moment being half-drunk and half-awaken... The feeling is goofy and silly....

  • mimi replied at 2012-02-24 10:14 am
    <br>jamesjordon replied at 2012-02-24 10:10 am
    <br>how are you? mimi
    <br>i'm a bit boring in the office but still have jobs to do
    <br>I m doing good james, afterall its Friday :-)
    <br>u seems to do a 5 day work, right?

  • hi mimi,
    <br>How are u, nice to see that you have good mood under bad weather, cuz it is friday right?

  • mimi
    <br>isn't bringing some clothes extra is complicated itself?

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