classy and fabulous

  • ftt replied at 2012-02-06 12:24 am
    <br>I am good and doing well. a relaxed weekend for some quality rest.
    <br>seems that you are kind of well planned person, and you sound you know enjoy life much, though you might not be able to relax in most time.
    <br>good to know that u had a quality of rest la.
    <br>i m well planned , but sometimes things would go wrong without any signs..
    <br>ya talking about enjoying life..i know all the ways of enjoyment and knowhow spending money....but it would be in a trouble if your income cannot afford your sense of taste.......

  • smalllady
    <br>yup, thing can be always different, even it is well planned, that's life, the colour of life to meet and tackle new challenges.
    <br>to know how to enjoy life and how to spend money for quality thing is an art. on contrary, many people have the money, but they don't know how to spend for quality. it appears to me that you can always make a difference.

  • ftt replied at 2012-02-06 12:40 am
    <br>yup, thing can be always different, even it is well planned, that's life, the colour of life to meet and tackle new challenges.
    <br>to know how to enjoy life and how to spend money for quality thing is an art. on contrary, many people have the money, but they don't know how to spend for quality. it appears to me that you can always make a difference.
    <br>haha.. first time to chat here and u know i can make a difference?? ;)
    <br>ya .. i like challenges and changes .. but at the same time i prefer something stable....

  • Hi

  • <br>so u have diversify business...!!
    <br>i start to wonder how old are you , and what do u do for a living..haha..
    <br>thx for your advice , i did have some refresh and relax this afternoon..
    <br>one thing not so perfect is that, i still can't squeeze the time to wathch a movie during holiday..
    <br>my job and age range is not hard to guess, and u can give a try, haha
    <br>but i still cannot find any hints about what u do
    <br>it is a really good weather weekend, nice to hear that u have a good afternoon, so am i.
    <br>but there is another busy day start again.
    <br>u like movie too? what kind u like?
    <br>i dont watch movie for a while,
    <br>luckily, i finished one movie just now
    <br>got to sleep, hope u have a sweet dream

  • oh no.. its not easy for me to take a guess on u.. any hints? just wonder do u need to work night shift?
    <br>as regarding me, maybe u can ask me privately... im more then welcome to tell u .. its really an exhausting Monday.. just wonder
    <br>if you will be here? to chat with a lonely heart..
    <br>so waht movie did u just finished? watch dvd at home?

  • hi smallady, want to have a causal chat on phone b4 sleep?
    <br>add me msn ^^
    <br>[email protected]

  • why dun u send a private msg to my email..
    <br>small_lady at she dot com? :)

  • smalllady replied at 2012-02-07 1:37 am
    <br>oh no.. its not easy for me to take a guess on u.. any hints? just wonder do u need to work night shift?
    <br>as regarding me, maybe u can ask me privately... im more then welcome to tell u .. its really an exhausting Monday.. just wonder
    <br>if you will be here? to chat with a lonely heart..
    <br>so waht movie did u just finished? watch dvd at home?
    <br>tuesday is an exhausting day too?
    <br>how r u today?
    <br>dont know if u will be here tonight

  • Hi SmallLady,
    <br>How are you today, we should be content with what we have

  • u replied at 2012-02-08 12:50 am
    <br>smalllady replied at 2012-02-07 1:37 am
    <br>oh no.. its not easy for me to take a guess on u.. any hints? just wonder do u need to work night shift?
    <br>as regarding me, maybe u can ask me privately... im more then welcome to tell u .. its really an exhausting Monday.. just wonder
    <br>if you will be here? to chat with a lonely heart..
    <br>so waht movie did u just finished? watch dvd at home?
    <br>tuesday is an exhausting day too?
    <br>how r u today?
    <br>dont know if u will be here tonight
    <br>Hi there,
    <br>Yes Tuesday is another busy day to clean up all the things for the week. exhausted!
    <br>I m preety good today , i mean at the moment. Waiting my laundry to be finsihed again...

  • waton replied at 2012-02-08 11:38 am
    <br>Hi SmallLady,
    <br>How are you today, we should be content with what we have
    <br>hi there, content and always feel grateful for everything we have..

  • hi smalllady,
    <br>its dennis, a decent fit guy, and well educated. do u mind to have a chat? please add me [email protected] looking forward to see you. thanks.

  • Hi smalllady,
    <br>its Jerry, 30, nice to meet u , hope we can chat more on msn, [email protected]

  • smalllady replied at 2012-02-11 3:06 pm
    <br>u replied at 2012-02-08 12:50 am
    <br>smalllady replied at 2012-02-07 1:37 am
    <br>oh no.. its not easy for me to take a guess on u.. any hints? just wonder do u need to work night shift?
    <br>as regarding me, maybe u can ask me privately... im more then welcome to tell u .. its really an exhausting Monday.. just wonder
    <br>if you will be here? to chat with a lonely heart..
    <br>so waht movie did u just finished? watch dvd at home?
    <br>tuesday is an exhausting day too?
    <br>how r u today?
    <br>dont know if u will be here tonight
    <br>Hi there,
    <br>Yes Tuesday is another busy day to clean up all the things for the week. exhausted!
    <br>I m preety good today , i mean at the moment. Waiting my laundry to be finsihed again...
    <br>sounds like u had a busy week.
    <br>can get some rest on weekend?
    <br>sound like u have a quiet sat and did some housework
    <br>btw, i tried to email u to say hi :)
    <br>feel bad that i drink a bad coffee today, cold and not taste good
    <br>and feel wired after had the first slip

  • 一個人不好的地方是沒有人與你分享一瓶紅酒。我也不知道什麼時候我學懂了喝!只是我喜歡那微昏的感覺,那種全身軟軟,from head to toe ,暖暖的感覺。想起你從來不好杯中物,想起那夜我們喝了一瓶white, 我知道你是為了我而喝的。想起那年除夕我們在新加坡的大吵架,我很害怕你丟了我在陌生的街道,那時我們還相識不久。想起那些跳樓價樓盤廣告的日子,我過着節衣縮食,皮黃骨瘦,可你卻常常帶我去吃好東西。我把最好的都給了我,我也把最好的都給了你。可是今天。。。

  • Good Old Days...........

  • 回憶總在節日中偷偷走出來,
    <br>鈎起哪一份感覺 、一個人、一些零碎片段
    <br>Happy V-day!

  • How are you?
    <br>Hope find you well.

  • add msn
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>i wanna chat with you

  • Small ass, you are not classy and fabulous.

  • u================================================
    <br>sounds like u had a busy week.
    <br>can get some rest on weekend?
    <br>sound like u have a quiet sat and did some housework
    <br>btw, i tried to email u to say hi :)
    <br>feel bad that i drink a bad coffee today, cold and not taste good
    <br>and feel wired after had the first slip
    <br>where did u get the bad quality coffee?if there's a choice, i will always go for tea first...cos a cup of bad coffee will make u feel uncomfortable for the whole day and and you stomachac just suffer.
    <br>thx for the email and i wrote u back ..

  • i read this somewhere from the internet and would really want to share with you..
    <br>sometimes i always query myself deep is
    <br>my love ? how much i really love him if i cannot just let him go? and why i cannot just forgive him and forgive myself??

  • 22 小時候後,我又回來這裡留言,大概是寂寞吧。

  • 對, 我們都寂寞

  • "Love" is not only element in relationship,
    <br>Right time, right place and right person,
    <br>No matter how deep of our love, if it is wrong time or wrong place
    <br>it still won't work
    <br>追尋過去, 只會更辛苦
    <br>放開心情, 或會有新景象

  • <br>一個人的夜,再給自已開了一瓶酒,最近就是如此放縱,今天才星期三!對於公司那些還處於work in progress 的projects,我完全採取let it go 的態度!是我看得開?其實我極度demo!!
    <br>美女酒商果然沒有介紹錯,這一瓶很潤滑,果香留齒!(sry ,我不是扮嘢)所以我定了一箱是沒錯的。其實她是個sale rep, 說得一口流利法語!她老闆;眞正的酒商只是個三十出頭的法籍男子!賣酒真的很不錯。。。
    <br>這几年,那些investment grade 的vintage 升到痴晒綫!入場費二十五萬euro。。。

  • A french guy who speak french?

  • ya.. he speaks french english and mandarin... have a sunshine smile..

  • 你知道嗎?我每天也想着你。。。想起你那個眼神。。。你知道嗎?我的心還痛着。。。。
    <br>你知道嗎?你帶給我點點的希望......but please handle
    <br>me with care..........

  • Hi hi

  • hi

  • 你知道嗎?我曾經想着我委屈了自己,可當你緊緊地握着我的手,我心甘情願的認定了你。。

  • hi ... 咁夜仲未瞓?

  • 我自私,因為…我貪心

  • Small_Lady replied at 2012-02-23 1:34 am
    <br>你知道嗎?你帶給我點點的希望......but please handle
    <br>me with care..........

  • Small_Lady replied at 2012-02-23 1:10 am
    <br>一個人的夜,再給自已開了一瓶酒,最近就是如此放縱,今天才星期三!對於公司那些還處於work in progress 的projects,我完全採取let it go 的態度!是我看得開?其實我極度demo!!
    <br>美女酒商果然沒有介紹錯,這一瓶很潤滑,果香留齒!(sry ,我不是扮嘢)所以我定了一箱是沒錯的。其實她是個sale rep, 說得一口流利法語!她老闆;眞正的酒商只是個三十出頭的法籍男子!賣酒真的很不錯。。。
    <br>這几年,那些investment grade 的vintage 升到痴晒綫!入場費二十五萬euro。。。

  • 你知道嗎?你的那种自信,毫不修飾,令我完全要坦白,放下裝備,完全忠心,可是我的事業停濟不前。。

  • Small_Lady replied at 2012-02-23 2:31 am

  • 流乾了眼淚,就當是為眼晴好好的排毒吧!胃痛,就讓自己好好睡一睡吧!good night my dear.....

  • small lady,從你的字裡行間,你對那個他的愛和掛念很深!

  • how's ur stomach?
    <br>it is better to have some snack with wine
    <br>after read ur posts, make me think of 彭玲的來讓我跟你走
    <br>逃避你的眼光 還是要一再偷看
    <br>逃避卻偏退不去 氾濫我心裡掛念的感覺
    <br>容許在這晚上 什麼都不聽不看
    <br>坐在房的中央 對著燈光 想你又想你
    <br>小心一些不算過分 不想再愛會再次痛心
    <br>假使拘謹不去接近 剩餘寂寞伴我繼續做人
    <br>就以畢生的勇敢 將我的愛賭這下半生
    <br>來讓我跟你走 流浪到天邊海角
    <br>如若你肯靠緊我 你願疼惜我未悔當初
    <br>來讓我跟你走 尋覓最真摯感覺
    <br>陪著痛苦也經過 快樂也經過 讓你好好愛我
    <br>來讓我跟你走 流浪到天邊海角
    <br>如若你肯靠緊我 你願疼惜我未悔當初
    <br>來讓我跟你走 一生一世都不夠
    <br>陪著痛苦也經過 快樂也經過 讓你好好愛我

  • YoneZ replied at 2012-02-23 2:33 am
    <br>Small_Lady replied at 2012-02-23 2:31 am

  • Tas replied at 2012-02-21 12:05 am
    <br>對, 我們都寂寞
    <br>ya..the worst is that even we fill up our schedule ... but sometimes still feel lonely...><

  • woodhead replied at 2012-02-23 9:14 am
    <br>small lady,從你的字裡行間,你對那個他的愛和掛念很深!
    <br>我也不知道呀。。。不過那時有點drunk......想什么便type la~

  • samllady
    <br>we can chat?
    <br>msn: [email protected]

  • i was ok ... thanks !
    <br>this is also a lovely song.....
    <br>u replied at 2012-02-23 1:57 pm
    <br>how's ur stomach?
    <br>it is better to have some snack with wine
    <br>after read ur posts, make me think of 彭玲的來讓我跟你走
    <br>逃避你的眼光 還是要一再偷看
    <br>逃避卻偏退不去 氾濫我心裡掛念的感覺
    <br>容許在這晚上 什麼都不聽不看
    <br>坐在房的中央 對著燈光 想你又想你
    <br>小心一些不算過分 不想再愛會再次痛心
    <br>假使拘謹不去接近 剩餘寂寞伴我繼續做人
    <br>就以畢生的勇敢 將我的愛賭這下半生
    <br>來讓我跟你走 流浪到天邊海角
    <br>如若你肯靠緊我 你願疼惜我未悔當初
    <br>來讓我跟你走 尋覓最真摯感覺
    <br>陪著痛苦也經過 快樂也經過 讓你好好愛我
    <br>來讓我跟你走 流浪到天邊海角
    <br>如若你肯靠緊我 你願疼惜我未悔當初
    <br>來讓我跟你走 一生一世都不夠
    <br>陪著痛苦也經過 快樂也經過 讓你好好愛我

  • I am 29 and have car ka~~
    <br>could you please add me at MSN to chat?
    <br>MSN : [email protected]

  • 小玩意 is a good song too
    <br>Any plan for ur weekend?

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