
  • <p><font color="#b03000">港女絕種</font> 港人不婚、遲婚及不育種下的「禍根」,將帶來港女「滅絕」的後果?由於人口更替「斷纜」,英國雜誌《經濟學人》(The Economist)推算,港女經歷25代後便絕種,最後一名港女會在2798年出世,是全球最快出現女性絕種的地方之一。</p>

  • Economist is full of sht

  • 港女绝不會 extinct.....as long as there are 港男宅男電車男.....kikiki.....

  • man2 replied at 2011-12-09 12:58 pm
    <br>Economist is full of sht
    <br>hard to believe!!!
    <br>不婚、遲婚及不育 are very common, same things happen to singapore, japan etc.

  • givepeaceachanc replied at 2011-12-09 1:14 pm
    <br>man2 replied at 2011-12-09 12:58 pm
    <br>Economist is full of sht
    <br>hard to believe!!!
    <br>不婚、遲婚及不育 are very common, same things happen to singapore, japan etc.
    <br>And? Do they look like their populations are going extinct anytime soon? 1000 years into the future is just pure silliness seeing TE can't even tell us for sure what will happen in 1 year.

  • World become peace without Hong Kong Women :-)

  • NASA Research Center replied at 2011-12-09 1:26 pm
    <br>World become peace without Hong Kong Women :-)

  • carpediem replied at 2011-12-09 1:13 pm
    <br>港女绝不會 extinct.....as long as there are 港男宅男電車男.....kikiki.....
    <br>move to and live in Hong Kong island la

  • 港女從沒絕種, 也不會不存在. 你班呆佬, 不問自己有什麼Quali, 祗會在此說廄話. 真係可憐.

  • 以後港女將會成為 TOP 1 搶手貸

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