下星期一女友生日 唔知同佢去邊度慶祝好

  • 巴打絲打有無好介紹

  • 去開房 wakakkkakaa

  • my bf will never spend time to arrange any activities with me even on my birthday. you are so nice.

    it depends on what your gf likes and expects. maybe you can book a new macau hotel room and go to macau with her on sunday first. Then at 12:00, you bring her a bunch of flower and a bday cake.

  • 去西九坐下DHL個熱氣球, 升上維港上空吹吹風再送上禮物, 佢應該開心掛

    good luck 喎 bother

  • thanks all, i think DHL one and Macau one is a good idea - but we went to Macau not long ago la

  • I_am_fly replied at 2011-11-16 11:54 am


    去西九坐下DHL個熱氣球, 升上維港上空吹吹風再送上禮物, 佢應該開心掛

    good luck 喎 bother



  • 女友生日, 買什麼禮物好呢? 三千元以內. 有沒有人可以教我?

  • 去昂坪睇魔術同大澳1日遊,影靚相,夜晚去novotel食燭光晚餐~

  • xx replied at 2011-11-16 11:49 am


    my bf will never spend time to arrange any activities with me even on my birthday. you are so nice.

    it depends on what your gf likes and expects. maybe you can book a new macau hotel room and go to macau with her on sunday first. Then at 12:00, you bring her a bunch of flower and a bday cake.


    I prefer to spend my bday in Hong Kong instead of Macau and explore some nature stuff. I would like to go to Lantau by cable car then go to Tai O village and take photos

  • louisc replied at 2011-11-17 9:21 am


    女友生日, 買什麼禮物好呢? 三千元以內. 有沒有人可以教我?


    去昂坪,整個愛心朱古力俾佢,再同佢到昂坪過飄雪聖誕,晚上去novotel hotel/ ritz carlton 食燭光晚餐,實鍾意~

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