
  • Marcus replied at 2011-09-25 2:44 pm


    Yes, I also met several of them. Actually, those gals i met in here kept asking to go to high end restaurants or pubs, but when they are in the pub, they kept playing their iphones, chatting with their friends on phone or talk in no content. I don't think I will treat normal friends like that. If I am bored to them, they can just don't call me out and not to see each other again. I don't mind to pay for them but just they did not show much respect to others. Just to share several experiences, I am sure that I am just bad luck and not all of them are like that ...



  • hk g replied at 2011-09-26 1:16 am




    r u trade?

  • yes

  • 估唔到變左大家搵對象既場!

  • she.com都係俾人搵對象架啦

  • 都岩,我係指變左搵trade 對象...


  • 哦,咁我又唔係恨錢恨到發晒狂既。


  • 新移民的女人係容易上, 不過會要你買野...

    好唔好就見人見志啦, 幾年前玩過幾個, 都OK..

    老公就可憐, 出去捱生捱死, 老婆就俾人搞

  • The thread really so interesting. Indeed I never know any new immigrant. But sound really funny

  • 我成日都覺得,免得過真係無謂做.......

    我多事/口啫,good luck!!

  • 你咪當我不甘無錢又無關係,所以要返D錢

  • 都唔係,做完可能變陌路人, 要返D錢都好應該

  • 點架, D trader訓晒喇?

  • 收開幾錢? 之前有個開價1200

  • 錢點為之多,見人見智啦...


  • 呢度個個都係同陌生人搞, 上得S版, 唔通搵LIFE PARTNER 咩

  • 我又唔係要好多...


  • u


  • time就講得岩喇,男人都係搵個玩伴姐,大家唔係咩關係,我做咩唔要返D錢

  • 係我又唔怕認喎,唔要錢清高D咩而家,香港地來架!

  • 係啊,食飯睇戲都要錢,如呃女上床, 不如直接D, 用錢搞掂..

    人地如有心同你KEEP一段關係, 都唔會再收啦, 我估

  • g


    一齊夾又開心既==>同搵一個又有錢,又靚仔,又真係對你好既bf 一樣,係理想,現實中有幾大機會?

    anyway 你地慢慢傾岩唔岩啦,我訓先!

  • 我SINGLE既..如你覺得岩既...又計錢, 可以直接D..

    如唔計錢, 可以當平時一樣娛樂,

    我msn 係 [email protected]

  • Marcus replied at 2011-09-25 2:44 pm


    Yes, I also met several of them. Actually, those gals i met in here kept asking to go to high end restaurants or pubs, but when they are in the pub, they kept playing their iphones, chatting with their friends on phone or talk in no content. I don't think I will treat normal friends like that. If I am bored to them, they can just don't call me out and not to see each other again. I don't mind to pay for them but just they did not show much respect to others. Just to share several experiences, I am sure that I am just bad luck and not all of them are like that ...



  • Raymond replied at 2011-09-24 11:53 am


    CHIU replied at 2011-09-24 11:51 am


    你向低質料下手冇話難嘅,你同搵狗餅引流浪狗冇分別,總有一兩隻埋來食. 但個POINT係佢需要狗餅,而唔係你有何個人之處





    咩叫"食唔食係你選擇"?, 係你作孽呀! 人地條命水已經唔好,仲要俾你地淫辱. 你可以話市場供求,但冇你班福佳求,又點會有苦命女上當?

  • 膠...


  • LADY replied at 2011-09-26 11:14 pm


    Raymond replied at 2011-09-24 11:53 am


    CHIU replied at 2011-09-24 11:51 am


    你向低質料下手冇話難嘅,你同搵狗餅引流浪狗冇分別,總有一兩隻埋來食. 但個POINT係佢需要狗餅,而唔係你有何個人之處





    咩叫"食唔食係你選擇"?, 係你作孽呀! 人地條命水已經唔好,仲要俾你地淫辱. 你可以話市場供求,但冇你班福佳求,又點會有苦命女上當?



  • push

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