
  • xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>出pool is the unique term of hku ppl
    <br>so you are from hku?
    <br>haha, i dun know it's unique term worrr ><
    <br>u too?

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>newwilson replied at 2011-08-07 2:40 pm
    <br>花千零蚊搏一搏啦. 扮漏留個電話.
    <br>There are many contact and SMS inside ga wor...
    <br>no no...
    <br>當然要買個新電話啦. 唔通用IPHONE咩?

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:49 pm
    <br>xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>出pool is the unique term of hku ppl
    <br>so you are from hku?
    <br>haha, i dun know it's unique term worrr ><
    <br>u too?
    <br>yup, but graduated loh. ur still there in hku?

  • newwilson replied at 2011-08-07 2:50 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>newwilson replied at 2011-08-07 2:40 pm
    <br>花千零蚊搏一搏啦. 扮漏留個電話.
    <br>There are many contact and SMS inside ga wor...
    <br>no no...
    <br>當然要買個新電話啦. 唔通用IPHONE咩?

  • xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 2:53 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:49 pm
    <br>xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>出pool is the unique term of hku ppl
    <br>so you are from hku?
    <br>haha, i dun know it's unique term worrr ><
    <br>u too?
    <br>yup, but graduated loh. ur still there in hku?
    <br>I am similar of your age... grad. already...

  • haha, how can u know you are around my age?

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:55 pm
    <br>newwilson replied at 2011-08-07 2:50 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:48 pm
    <br>newwilson replied at 2011-08-07 2:40 pm
    <br>花千零蚊搏一搏啦. 扮漏留個電話.
    <br>There are many contact and SMS inside ga wor...
    <br>no no...
    <br>當然要買個新電話啦. 唔通用IPHONE咩?
    <br>If you want to wait for something happen, don't need to ask for idea here la.

  • xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 2:57 pm
    <br>haha, how can u know you are around my age?
    <br>U have said your age in your thread ga ma...

  • haha, u visited my thread, secretly!

  • xyrena replied at 2011-08-07 3:13 pm
    <br>haha, u visited my thread, secretly!
    <br>not secretly laa...
    <br>just occasionally :)

  • i saw u in msn lol

  • 不如你比錢我幫你問佢扲電話啦

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:31 pm
    <br>Thank you for your support!
    <br>But I will wait and see if he will take action or not~

  • analyst replied at 2011-08-11 11:15 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:31 pm
    <br>Thank you for your support!
    <br>But I will wait and see if he will take action or not~
    <br>I think I have given up la...
    <br>The reason why I hesitated is that I think he is younger than me...
    <br>I cannot prove that... but i have the feeling that he may not suitable for me if we start our relationship.
    <br>Close file la...
    <br>Maybe I should wait for the next one...

  • 今日,又如常見到佢。

  • This is just a wind-up, isn't it?

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-14 4:32 pm
    <br>analyst replied at 2011-08-11 11:15 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:31 pm
    <br>Thank you for your support!
    <br>But I will wait and see if he will take action or not~
    <br>I think I have given up la...
    <br>The reason why I hesitated is that I think he is younger than me...
    <br>I cannot prove that... but i have the feeling that he may not suitable for me if we start our relationship.
    <br>Close file la...
    <br>Maybe I should wait for the next one...
    <br>空想係冇用架. 如果你要俾藉口自己放棄, 冇所謂. 這段緣份是你的. 是得是失也只是你的問題.可惜的是如果那個男仔又是有意思的話,這就是大家的損失了.
    <br>可能你會覺得男仔應該主動吧. 不過, 乜感情有應該和不應該的嗎? 在感情上, 不是只有"一起" 或是"分開"嗎?

  • It seems really strange; this girl can either react in a normal, sociable way, give a friendly smile and say hi pleasantly to the guy, strike up a normal conversation if only to meet a new acquaintance. Or she can treat him in the classic way HKgal way, avert her eyes and turn her face to his approach, demonstrate to him with her body language how far out of her league he is and how guys like him need not bother thinking about young, pretty, well educated, sophisticated girls like herself, and that if he steps within three feet of her or tries to speak to her, she will instantly call the police to report him for assault, harassment and stalking.
    <br>But no, she does neither of these things, she just sort of flirts with him in a wishy washy way delighting in making him wonder, keeping him guessing with a "shy" look or two, with some purposefully ambiguous signals. Without knowing it, he's already into her trap being jerked about on her strings and wound up this way and that way, while on this thread, she does the exact same thing. Some people actually replied seriously.
    <br>If the guy in this story were to start a similar thread here, I'd just say to him, dude, she's just flirting and being playful with you because you showed her an opening. This is called being a "tease". Ignore her already is better for you.

  • And I might further add (to the guy), she has zero real interest in you except for enjoying watching you squirm around in confusion as she teases you. Nothing special about this situation. Get real. Her type of gal, you aren't good enough to lick her cast off Louboutins. LOL

  • mo replied at 2011-08-16 9:15 pm
    <br>It seems really strange; this girl can either react in a normal, sociable way, give a friendly smile and say hi pleasantly to the guy, strike up a normal conversation if only to meet a new acquaintance. Or she can treat him in the classic way HKgal way, avert her eyes and turn her face to his approach, demonstrate to him with her body language how far out of her league he is and how guys like him need not bother thinking about young, pretty, well educated, sophisticated girls like herself, and that if he steps within three feet of her or tries to speak to her, she will instantly call the police to report him for assault, harassment and stalking.
    <br>But no, she does neither of these things, she just sort of flirts with him in a wishy washy way delighting in making him wonder, keeping him guessing with a "shy" look or two, with some purposefully ambiguous signals. Without knowing it, he's already into her trap being jerked about on her strings and wound up this way and that way, while on this thread, she does the exact same thing. Some people actually replied seriously.
    <br>If the guy in this story were to start a similar thread here, I'd just say to him, dude, she's just flirting and being playful with you because you showed her an opening. This is called being a "tease". Ignore her already is better for you.
    <br>I get your point and somehow agree with you. I will no longer say anything here. thanks.

  • mo replied at 2011-08-16 9:22 pm
    <br>And I might further add (to the guy), she has zero real interest in you except for enjoying watching you squirm around in confusion as she teases you. Nothing special about this situation. Get real. Her type of gal, you aren't good enough to lick her cast off Louboutins. LOL
    <br>You've got the point...
    <br>In fact, it's me the first to discover his presence and imagine that he would be my bf... but later, I have given up becoz I dun see that he has noticed me.
    <br>But somehow, I now find that he is interested in me... And I am not sure whether I should start the relationship.
    <br>I know that it would be not long-lasting... Our background is different... Just because of appearance is not make sense... to me, this would be only a small happiness that can make me feel good for a whole day.
    <br>I broke up with ex-bf so quickly... I discovered that they are not my cup of tea after a few times of dating...
    <br>That's why I still dun want to start this relationship... Or he has the same concern...
    <br>Then, should I just avoid him...? Let him know that I refused? (Back to reality...) I should look for another better target...

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-14 4:32 pm
    <br>analyst replied at 2011-08-11 11:15 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-07 2:31 pm
    <br>Thank you for your support!
    <br>But I will wait and see if he will take action or not~
    <br>I think I have given up la...
    <br>The reason why I hesitated is that I think he is younger than me...
    <br>I cannot prove that... but i have the feeling that he may not suitable for me if we start our relationship.
    <br>Close file la...
    <br>Maybe I should wait for the next one...

  • just ignore my last post...

  • analyst replied at 2011-08-01 1:21 pm
    <br>等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-07-28 9:45 pm
    <br>呢個 ok.

  • 你識到佢個人未呀?? 不如搵次佢又坐你隔離.. 你詐訓.... 訓到過左龍無落車... 睇下佢叫唔叫你啦...
    <br>如果佢叫你.. 你可以第日借頭借路多謝佢叫醒你從而打開話題...
    <br>如果佢唔叫你... 你可以晌下個站扮驚醒之後一面惘然... 睇下佢會冷眼一切.. 定係會令你有意外驚喜?

  • 露晒底就用login 啦!!!

  • 過左三十都仲係處女...

  • 直接D!!唔洗怕衰!!大把人俾你選啦!

  • 可能人地同你想做炮友姐...你肯主動d...佢實會約你爆房...插你一獲勁既

  • littlekelvin replied at 2011-08-22 10:41 pm
    <br>你又知大把人俾我選~~ hahaha

  • lulu replied at 2011-08-22 10:34 pm
    <br>你識到佢個人未呀?? 不如搵次佢又坐你隔離.. 你詐訓.... 訓到過左龍無落車... 睇下佢叫唔叫你啦...
    <br>如果佢叫你.. 你可以第日借頭借路多謝佢叫醒你從而打開話題...
    <br>如果佢唔叫你... 你可以晌下個站扮驚醒之後一面惘然... 睇下佢會冷眼一切.. 定係會令你有意外驚喜?
    <br>有次差d訓到過左龍, 不過我突驚醒趕得切~ 他好像有點兒想叫我...
    <br>過一個站都還可以... 兩個站就要行好遠la...
    <br>現在發展中~~ 今朝都有叫早晨~~
    <br>唔知仲有咩可以講~ 破冰ing~

  • haha replied at 2011-08-22 10:41 pm
    <br>下... 唔會咁狼fa??!!

  • 等出pool的女人 replied at 2011-08-22 7:59 pm
    <br>just ignore my last post...
    <br>anyway, 試左唔一定得,唔試九成唔得

  • 等出pool replied at 2011-08-23 8:21 pm
    <br>haha replied at 2011-08-22 10:41 pm
    <br>下... 唔會咁狼fa??!!

  • 睇左你地d留言... 令我更唔知點算好@___@

  • 我一直很有自信 平常不怕說出口
    <br> 但在你身邊時候 突然感覺好害羞
    <br> Boy, you make me so shy everytime you walk by
    <br> 怎麼我會變這樣 身體不聽我的
    <br> 從沒有過這感覺 情緒失去控制
    <br> Dont know what you do to me I just know it feels right <br> Never felt this way like Im outta control
    <br> 好想跟你表白 好想跟你表白
    <br> 為什麼為什麼不知道怎麼說喜歡你說不出口
    <br> 好想跟你表白 好想跟你表白
    <br>Repeat #,*
    <br>女:hey boy, how ya doing
    <br>男:whats up girl, Im doing good
    <br>女:想要告訴你一件事情 Im dont know if i should
    <br>男:沒有關係說吧 不要想太多啦
    <br>女:我要讓你知道 That I wanna be your girl
    <br>  一直想要問你 想不想 rock my world
    <br>男:Wa 怎麼這樣 你打動我的心
    <br>  我整個 feel like I outta control
    <br>Repeat *
    <br> 好想跟你表白 好想跟你表白
    <br> 好想跟你表白 好想跟你表白

  • 他會否在我最需要安慰和支持時
    <br>可是... 都沒有說出口呢...
    <br>我真的很懷疑... 他當我是什麼?

  • 唔係個個男仔都咁大膽

  • we have finally exchanged our telephone la... (He asked me!)
    <br>luckily he was a bit older than me :)
    <br>Well... but our backgrounds are so different.
    <br>Anyway, I will enjoy this friendship.

  • 終於有好消息!

  • 直覺上我同佢都會幾夾~~ :D
    <br>跟住佢問我facebook,我心想,我要落車la wor... email咁長點俾你呀...
    <br>不過自那日後,我都未見到佢la... 佢放緊大假 >__<

  • 其實佢係我生命之中呢一刻表白,

  • 結果係點依家唔知

  • I am not sure... I still know little about him...
    <br>He had to study for exam and I just support him quietly...
    <br>I just keep waiting... though I really miss him...

  • 我好奇想知道你地多d事情及往後的發展
    <br>可否email keep contact ?
    <br>my email is ke_ana_941 hotmail.com

  • o麥咁似中學時期的暗戀

  • puba replied at 2011-09-15 8:21 pm

  • 有咩新進展?

  • 一起了近一個月,其實開始有d覺得悶...
    <br>佢好鹹濕,我出過2晚街就係咁不停french kiss... 令我有點反感... 我好驚佢要我的1st night >___< 我唔要!
    <br>同埋我最唔鍾意佢成日話要我養佢、請佢...etc... 好煩呀
    <br>我最憎d男人係咁... 令我覺得佢好窮,唔好佢破費,唔出街唔駛用$囉...
    <br>點解d靚仔真係比唔上d樣貌平凡的Gentlemen?? 以前人人都當我公主、女王,唉呀,算吧,唯有接受殘酷現實啦...

  • 我都是覺得應該直接D,既可以馬上知道答案,又不用讓自己成日疑神疑鬼,沒覺好訓!

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