點樣兩日內揾到兩萬蚊, 好煩, 瞓唔到

  • she has many cats????

  • She has dog

  • 就算你比左一筆錢后, 都會成日有突發事會問你攞錢, 搬屋, 比財仔追, 幫細佬還錢..., Maria, SexyC9, Elsa, 似是同一人

  • Sexy c9 之前係trade, 同人熟左就問人借錢

  • I met her few days before, I have her address and company address, who wanna know?

  • why you know so much in details?
    <br>dont play with others address?1

  • 呢度好多女都係搵食(錢),大家小心d!!

  • 麻甩佬 replied at 2011-05-30 12:38 pm
    <br>why you know so much in details?
    <br>dont play with others address?1
    <br>she asked me money, so I request to watch her name card and her home

  • Taihoi replied at 2011-05-30 12:52 pm
    <br>麻甩佬 replied at 2011-05-30 12:38 pm
    <br>why you know so much in details?
    <br>dont play with others address?1
    <br>she asked me money, so I request to watch her name card and her home
    <br>u mean SexyC9?

  • Whose address?

  • 幫老細接一團GROUPSEX就得啦, 一晚已經夠錢

  • <br>

  • Fa replied at 2011-05-30 3:36 pm

  • <br>
    <br>班男人會唔會瘋狂咁凌辱妳? 玩弄妳?

  • Fa replied at 2011-05-30 3:57 pm
    <br>班男人會唔會瘋狂咁凌辱妳? 玩弄妳?
    <br>唔玩SM, 屎尿, 其他咩野要求都要照住做

  • 其他咩野要求都要照住做 << 包括 d 咩架?

  • Gi replied at 2011-05-30 4:02 pm
    <br>其他咩野要求都要照住做 << 包括 d 咩架?

  • 會要做肛交、飲精之類類嘔心行為嗎?

  • Fa replied at 2011-05-30 4:08 pm
    <br>點會冇, GROUP好難冇呢D要求

  • 肛交,,..他們會戴套進入嗎?

  • 講左8版,仲唔入題? 你點收費?

  • Gi replied at 2011-05-30 4:21 pm

  • 囡 replied at 2011-05-30 4:23 pm
    <br>Gi replied at 2011-05-30 4:21 pm
    <br>wa ~ 如果唔戴套肛交, 對女仔咪好危險, hpv, 咩都有可能

  • 班客係老細搵, 唔係隨便上街搵的

  • <br>

  • .

  • 我之前有困難, 呢度都有人幫過我, 不過要傾好多好多個至得, 重要冒險俾人玩俾人唱, 板主你自己都要小心d 至好, 私人informations 真係唔好隨便講, 你講完, D 人扮到好識你, 好熟你, 然後說三道四

  • 上兩個月, 見到一D 話 support 你嘅post, 咁我未試吓傾吓, 原來傾一大餐,最後都無結果, 發覺原來好多男人根本無心support, 只係返工悶悶哋, 咪留一個MSN揾人吹吓水, 攞吓你張相望吓, 約都唔約出嚟見吓, 就算約又話下一個月先, 死得啦, 唔急都唔係度揾啦, 下個月喎.....
    <br>所以我都怕咗係度揾人幫, 最衰呃人個D同無聊無錢嘅人, 令我哋想真係想support 又或者揾support 嘅人驚晒

  • Justin replied at 2011-05-29 8:32 pm
    <br>Justin replied at 2011-05-29 8:21 pm
    <br>又話自己個樣普通 身材又話好好 見到真係想嘔
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>請大家小心 版主 之前叫 marie 尊門上黎 扮可憐呃錢的
    <br>本人就係借左幾千蚊比佢 當然唔會還 各位小心

  • Tom replied at 2011-05-30 11:34 am
    <br>就算你比左一筆錢后, 都會成日有突發事會問你攞錢, 搬屋, 比財仔追, 幫細佬還錢..., Maria, SexyC9, Elsa, 似是同一人

  • 女人, there are really sincere guys around willing to support. But strange that many women usually claim it urgent and ask for immediately help. Sometime they even say they can't meet but they're serious. Some foolish (like me) did help a couple of them here. One of them decided to disappear. Another just never make her words until now.
    <br>How you feel on those women who decided to cheat guys here? With my real life bad experience here it makes perfect sense for guys here to think twice before giving real helps...
    <br>Seems not many women here will keep their words.

  • Rachel replied at 2011-05-29 10:42 am
    <br>Elsa replied at 2011-05-29 10:39 am
    <br>好多人叫我trade 喎, 邊有時間trade 十幾個喎
    <br>一個月咪賺到廿幾萬 ...利害..

  • A C9 Lover replied at 2011-05-31 10:08 pm
    <br>女人, there are really sincere guys around willing to support. But strange that many women usually claim it urgent and ask for immediately help. Sometime they even say they can't meet but they're serious. Some foolish (like me) did help a couple of them here. One of them decided to disappear. Another just never make her words until now.
    <br>How you feel on those women who decided to cheat guys here? With my real life bad experience here it makes perfect sense for guys here to think twice before giving real helps...
    <br>Seems not many women here will keep their words.
    <br>phone cheating case ?
    <br>why you are willing to lend money to a gal she doesn't let you meet her ???

  • 我都明白, 但事實亦有好多男人呃女人, 比率女人被人呃多d 囉, 我自問無呃過人, 但亦試過人哋post 我 D informations, 又話我呃過幾多人, 又話我係邊個邊個, 我見到都想笑, 宜家有困難我都自己解決, 唔再係度求人

  • 其實呢度我都有add 人, 板主比人話都預咗, 一定有d 人說三道四, 其實D 男netfriend 同我講佢哋兩個人嚟嘅, 不過年齡背景差唔多, 跟住D 無聊人玩嘢咁者

  • i help girls here before, but finally no money repay to me and disappeared. So i suggest dont give money in any way before meet.

  • 不過你嘅遭遇都值得同情嘅(如果係真)

  • 女人, yes it was my real life bad experience. Maybe people here can't understand why a guy who's already over 3x is still so naive. To me I was just trying to show my sincere to her, and hoped she would treasure me. Of coz it didn't happen as my wishes.
    <br>The failing rate I experienced is 100%. I feel it's somehow some of the women here made some men reluctant to give at the first step... since the endingof the sincere guy is usually not good...

  • A C9 Lover,
    <br>can you tell the details how the gal cheat you money...

  • to be honest, I only believe the woman sleeping with me everynight. I dont trust on anyone other than her. Cos..... she is the biggest liar in this world and thats why I am with her.

  • Ray replied at 2011-05-30 7:03 pm
    <br>係, 我有試過冇套

  • 事情已經發展到第三日嘞,咁即係解決咗啦!

  • G4 9:41am jun 01, 2011
    <br>兩日內揾到兩萬蚊, 靚女好易搵錢啊...

  • zxy, they just asked for urgent helps, and saying they promise to do this and that but just can't commit now. They requested me to show my sincere first since they were in hot water... so and so...
    <br>Of coz after helps given, they forgot what they promised...

  • 總之大家小心啦
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>個marie 最常用既方法 就係 真係好急用
    <br>希望你地可以入左錢比我先 無錢會死人 無屋住 訓街
    <br>通常會叫你電話傾 跟住扮喊 借到錢 就唔會有機會再搵到佢

  • Justin replied at 2011-06-02 4:31 am
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>個marie 最常用既方法 就係 真係好急用
    <br>希望你地可以入左錢比我先 無錢會死人 無屋住 訓街
    <br>通常會叫你電話傾 跟住扮喊 借到錢 就唔會有機會再搵到佢

  • 個marie 最常用既方法 就係 真係好急用
    <br>希望你地可以入左錢比我先 無錢會死人 無屋住 訓街
    <br>通常會叫你電話傾 跟住扮喊 借到錢 就唔會有機會再搵到佢
    <br>電話騙財, 小心..
    <br>在sex 版, 吾好太過信人, 吾好太有同情心..
    <br>女仔未除衫, 都吾好比錢support..

  • in any sense.....dont trust men and women here..... in particular when it comes to money

  • A C9 Lover replied at 2011-06-02 1:20 am
    <br>zxy, they just asked for urgent helps, and saying they promise to do this and that but just can't commit now. They requested me to show my sincere first since they were in hot water... so and so...
    <br>Of coz after helps given, they forgot what they promised...
    <br>A C9 Lover too easy to believe a gal in phone..
    <br>give support after the gal has committed her promise.

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