識左幾個SHE男, 但最後都發現我只是別人的SL

  • Olletto replied at 2011-02-14 10:11 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 10:06 pm


    Olletto replied at 2011-02-14 10:03 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 9:58 pm


    Olletto replied at 2011-02-14 9:56 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 9:52 pm


    Ollette replied at 2011-02-14 9:49 pm


    I had same experience......on the day after we had sex, she told me that she was married...I was so shock and so upset, because I was really loved her so much.....




    我那個, 2個月


    I did not take it as a lie, she told me her reasons. Because both we start like playing a game, but both we took it serious eventually....and she told me, and I felt so bad after she told me her reasons. That makes me love her more.....


    HER SEASON就是已婚?


    No, anyways, I wont tell her reasons, any it really doesnt matter.....




    Kill time, if meet someone who is right for me, we may start a relation. whatever the relationship is. I am not looking for a girl friend here, at least now I am not thinking that way, because usually quality of girls are just SOSO...not offensive to anyone......


    明白了, 多謝你

  • laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 10:12 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 10:02 pm


    laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 9:59 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 9:55 pm






    不過, 都祝你以後可以識到個好男人啦





    我未婚, 也沒有女朋友



    哈哈, 又不用驗證





    做第三者, 會造成很大的傷害 (不論對自己或別人)


    好似另一位she友講, 男男女女都唔鍾意對方說謊

    但我相信, 世界總有人肯對你誠實


    Yes, 世界總有人肯對你誠實...you are right, but this theory can apply in the real life only....because all people do not want to hurt their friends, or friend's friends. But this is not apply to the virtual world, people come to virtual work because after they do whatever is bad to others, just disappear... does it effect his job? his friendship with all people??? NO...!!!!!!

  • laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 10:12 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 10:02 pm


    laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 9:59 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 9:55 pm






    不過, 都祝你以後可以識到個好男人啦





    我未婚, 也沒有女朋友



    哈哈, 又不用驗證





    做第三者, 會造成很大的傷害 (不論對自己或別人)


    好似另一位she友講, 男男女女都唔鍾意對方說謊

    但我相信, 世界總有人肯對你誠實

    ================================================================未入SHE時, 我從來未做過第三者


  • LAUGH_1, 郡你又在SHE找什麼呢

  • 做第三者, 會造成很大的傷害 (不論對自己或別人)


    好似另一位she友講, 男男女女都唔鍾意對方說謊

    但我相信, 世界總有人肯對你誠實


    Yes, 世界總有人肯對你誠實...you are right, but this theory can apply in the real life only....because all people do not want to hurt their friends, or friend's friends. But this is not apply to the virtual world, people come to virtual work because after they do whatever is bad to others, just disappear... does it effect his job? his friendship with all people??? NO...!!!!!!


    you have your point

    that's why some people choose to be active in the net


    well, yes.

    probably she.com is not the appropriate place to find a real love

  • laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 10:23 pm


    做第三者, 會造成很大的傷害 (不論對自己或別人)


    好似另一位she友講, 男男女女都唔鍾意對方說謊

    但我相信, 世界總有人肯對你誠實


    Yes, 世界總有人肯對你誠實...you are right, but this theory can apply in the real life only....because all people do not want to hurt their friends, or friend's friends. But this is not apply to the virtual world, people come to virtual work because after they do whatever is bad to others, just disappear... does it effect his job? his friendship with all people??? NO...!!!!!!


    you have your point

    that's why some people choose to be active in the net


    well, yes.

    probably she.com is not the appropriate place to find a real love


    You got it, Right??? There so many so called nice, decent guy in Relationship Board Sincerely looking for GF......that's fxxking BS......!!!! I dont believe, it does't make any sense at all...the only reason is they cannot not cheat their friend' or friend's friend..........its too risky....

  • JJ replied at 2011-02-14 10:12 pm


    cycleincircle replied at 2011-02-14 10:07 pm


    唔知你幾大啦. 不過le 樣野一早要識. 做人唔好太天真. 幸福唔係必然. 無 - 唔洗唔開心, 有 - 味當bones low. 你唔係無choice 味得low. 開心d啦, 我以前都成日比人呃, 我以前有個sp 都係比佢個bf 呃唔少. 而加好中意我以前sp 成日講果句, "唔記得左啦woo lol". 無謂比個根本唔care 自己既人影響心情ar, 如果你因為咁唔開心, 係你味夠高. 開心d 啦傻女



    我真的是傻女 好傻好傻





    never never let your head down, if you act like a loser, you will doom to be a loser forever. 好似打boxing, 唔係睇你個punch 有幾重, 係睇可以承受幾多. 你要win, 你就要受得住. 之後以牙還牙, 以眼還眼. 如果你唔去保護你自己, 就無人會去保護你. 好人d, 易信人d, 唔代表就要比其他人hurt. 壞男人, 壞女人, 係比人train 出黎.

    等我呃下飯食先 ... 想傾多d 可以 add 我 XDDD [email protected]

  • cycleincircle replied at 2011-02-14 10:49 pm


    JJ replied at 2011-02-14 10:12 pm


    cycleincircle replied at 2011-02-14 10:07 pm


    唔知你幾大啦. 不過le 樣野一早要識. 做人唔好太天真. 幸福唔係必然. 無 - 唔洗唔開心, 有 - 味當bones low. 你唔係無choice 味得low. 開心d啦, 我以前都成日比人呃, 我以前有個sp 都係比佢個bf 呃唔少. 而加好中意我以前sp 成日講果句, "唔記得左啦woo lol". 無謂比個根本唔care 自己既人影響心情ar, 如果你因為咁唔開心, 係你味夠高. 開心d 啦傻女



    我真的是傻女 好傻好傻





    never never let your head down, if you act like a loser, you will doom to be a loser forever. 好似打boxing, 唔係睇你個punch 有幾重, 係睇可以承受幾多. 你要win, 你就要受得住. 之後以牙還牙, 以眼還眼. 如果你唔去保護你自己, 就無人會去保護你. 好人d, 易信人d, 唔代表就要比其他人hurt. 壞男人, 壞女人, 係比人train 出黎.

    等我呃下飯食先 ... 想傾多d 可以 add 我 XDDD [email protected]


    add me to share if you would like to.....MSN: [email protected]

  • 我有gf....只想搵人傾下計


  • Olletto replied at 2011-02-14 10:30 pm


    laugh_1 replied at 2011-02-14 10:23 pm


    做第三者, 會造成很大的傷害 (不論對自己或別人)


    好似另一位she友講, 男男女女都唔鍾意對方說謊

    但我相信, 世界總有人肯對你誠實


    Yes, 世界總有人肯對你誠實...you are right, but this theory can apply in the real life only....because all people do not want to hurt their friends, or friend's friends. But this is not apply to the virtual world, people come to virtual work because after they do whatever is bad to others, just disappear... does it effect his job? his friendship with all people??? NO...!!!!!!


    you have your point

    that's why some people choose to be active in the net


    well, yes.

    probably she.com is not the appropriate place to find a real love


    You got it, Right??? There so many so called nice, decent guy in Relationship Board Sincerely looking for GF......that's fxxking BS......!!!! I dont believe, it does't make any sense at all...the only reason is they cannot not cheat their friend' or friend's friend..........its too risky....


    sigh, that's right

    in reality, a decent guy doesnt need to say a word, people would just look and know he is a decent one

    in the net,


  • JJ replied at 2011-02-14 9:57 pm






    有好既男仔, 不過可能太悶, 唔悶既都去左識女仔啦, 有冇睇過黃沾寫既野, 好好笑, 好多好辛苦好傷心既野都可以笑左佢就算. 經歷多d啦, 唔好既野會令你好.

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