Why do ladies have to ask questions about your job?

  • Carl,
    <br>He's not just an SP, he's the love of my life, he makes me feel like a woman all over again. :)

  • Disagree with 英文人, (just my point of view)
    <br>Bro英文人, I am not trying to second guess why you dislike to chat about work with whoever you are dating. You must have your good reason.
    <br>- Security. I also would like to know more about the woman, including her work. This may not help anything with the sex, but it increases my sense of security. If you do not know her background at all, what happen if she blackmails you after sex by saying : "You Rape Me" (It could happen even you know her work, but it is always better not to go for a blind fxxk)
    <br>- Better Sex. I like alternative sex including anal, group and others. Trust is needed between the two parties in order to do that. Better communication, including background, will increase the enjoyment.
    <br>Just my 2 cents

  • but how can u verify what the person (guy/gal) discloses is true?
    <br>nobody will tell u he's a 地盤工人!!

  • 地盤工人又點?
    <br>可能係耐力持久, 高潮實有.

  • 食完飯

  • O.... 我要....

  • Max兄
    <br>There are a few possibilities. Am I really telling the truth and how can you ascertain whether I am speaking the truth. Say for instance I am a doctor who graduated from John Hopkins or I read law in Cambridge or I finished my MBA in Wharton and I am working for Goldman. How is anyone able to tell the truth?
    <br>And this question is for the ladies, does it really matter what that person does when it comes to Sex?
    <br>Would you cum harder if he's a wealthy businessman or let him fcuk you without a condom if he is a fireman or swallow his cum if he is a professional?
    <br>I really wish to know. Please enlighten me.

  • 很有趣的題目.

  • 呢個世界你揀人人揀你家家有求~HAHA

  • 咁你地女士們係咪一定要知男人嘅工作呢?

  • 浪子兄
    <br>讓我的手指warm up

  • mabe some lady or gentleman like a certain profession, such as FA, Nurse, or Fireman.<br /><br />it is not closely related to sex performance.<br /><br />sometimes, I will imagine to have sex with a Judge, but I know they are same as a common woman.<br /><br />

  • 開帖果個問得真on9.
    <br>Take it, or leave it. This is the game and this is life unless you buy out this forum and allow who you wanna allow to enter.

  • 我估無女仕係吾鍾意白領一簇LOL

  • 男同女唔同架.<br /><br />女人都係要有FEEL.<br /><br />男人就熄左燈, 唔係太差都會上既.

  • 唉呀九叔
    <br>Take it leave it game 呀life呀
    <br>剩肯想啱feel就叫佢perform blowjob

  • 咁好似板主咁講,地盤佬又未必一定差。我見好多藍領都好cool/好strong。

  • dude replied at 2011-01-05 2:45 pm
    <br>啱,但唔係個個接受,可能地盤佬"wo wet"外型一早深入民心.

  • 英文人,who are YOU?
    <br>We are seriously interested in your REAL identity.
    <br>Do u work in Central?

  • 啱,但唔係個個接受,可能地盤佬"wo wet"外型一早深入民心.
    <br>just upgrade their names from say;
    <br>street cleaner = outdoor sanitation engineer
    <br>地盤佬 = Dry earth excavation executive
    <br>then all the guys can be "professional"^^

  • 咁如果地盤佬夠strong,可以將你fing高fing低,拋上拋落,係咪好正呢?
    <br>當然好多白領都strong,不過少啲。at least i cannot

  • 英文人 replied at 2011-01-05 2:45 pm
    <br>Take it leave it game 呀life呀
    <br>剩肯想啱feel就叫佢perform blowjob
    <br>haha, is you again..
    <br>please don't write english, use your special tone and skillful tongue as it is the best of you, don't just stupidly 'deal' and 'numbering' people, it gives you no credit and extra score on sex topic. :)

  • jason replied at 2011-01-05 3:05 pm
    <br>啱,但唔係個個接受,可能地盤佬"wo wet"外型一早深入民心.
    <br>just upgrade their names from say;
    <br>street cleaner = outdoor sanitation engineer
    <br>地盤佬 = Dry earth excavation executive
    <br>then all the guys can be "professional"^^

  • 樓上位lady,可吾可以用lady2分開2個lady?

  • so many ladies around haha

  • dude replied at 2011-01-05 3:06 pm
    <br>當然好多白領都strong,不過少啲。at least i cannot

  • 講真, SP關係, 好多都係外表行先.<br /><br />男既唔係太差.有D風度, 衣著有少少品味, 基本都唔會衰.<br /><br />女既, 唔好太肥太老, 男既都唔會點介意.<br /><br />出度黎, 閒聊一陣, 大家打量一下, 冇咩問題, 應該都可以去馬.<br /><br />甘男既都要有D風度, 安排一下去邊. 就係甘啦.

  • Guess guys need the 3 S's to be successful here
    <br>Sex appeal
    <br>am I right?

  • lady 你講乜?
    <br>乜special tongue?

  • just upgrade their names from say;
    <br>street cleaner = outdoor sanitation engineer
    <br>地盤佬 = Dry earth excavation executive
    <br>then all the guys can be "professional"^^
    <br>agree! Just names only....
    <br>i was listening to a radio show about fancy titles... the show was talking about companies being cheap by not giving out raises, but giving out fancy titles instead: there was a guy calling in the show. He was a 入油員 - he asked for raise but the company rejected his request but gave him a title as Petroleum Distributor! LOL

  • 哈哈...我吾需要fing高fing低,拋上拋落,只需要skillful.hehe

  • Bro 英文人,<br /><br />Just to follow up. Yes one can lie. But I think you are also smart enough to do the due deligence rightly. The converstion does not stop at the simple question.  At the end of the day, what I care is not whether she is a lawyer or a housewife or an I-Banker. I care 2 things<br /><br />- Am I in danger.... I like adventure (and new pussy), but I have more to worry about.<br />- Will I have good fxxk.... more than just one time.<br /><br /><br />Have a good one. bro<br />

  • 英文人 replied at 2011-01-05 3:13 pm
    <br>lady 你講乜?
    <br>乜special tongue?

  • 好似有女對我有興趣?
    <br>Irene and Michelle
    <br>我係南丫島返工not central

  • 好似有女對我有興趣?
    <br>Irene and Michelle
    <br>我係南丫島返工not central

  • Max,
    <br>How can you tell if they are a potential rabbit boiler (the Glenn Close character) just from chit chatting for a ONS?

  • 我對MAX有興趣~

  • 浪子brother,
    <br>um....品味.....我覺得斯斯文文,啲女仔就buy ga la

  • max

  • lady replied at 2011-01-05 3:09 pm
    <br>sure. :)

  • dude 3:06pm jan 05, 2011咁如果地盤佬夠strong,可以將你fing高fing低,拋上拋落,係咪好正呢?

  • <p>我返就西裝一套, 都唔要咩品味.<br /><br />悶西裝....</p>

  • 邊度咁快知係咪福呀 哈哈

  • <p>Bro Jason,<br /><br />No one really can guarantee anything. I am (and hopefully most are) here to play a controllable adventure game.<br /><br />For the Bunny boiler part, that is after the fact (nite) damage control process. You will not know after you slept with her.<br /><br />But I do believe the more you talk, the more you can find out. As you all are already asking good question here.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br /><br /><br /></p>

  • 悶?? i dont think so...
    <br>simple and wont make mistake...
    <br>= 好似著校服咁,包冇衰

  • 英文人 replied at 2011-01-05 3:25 pm
    <br>dude 3:06pm jan 05, 2011咁如果地盤佬夠strong,可以將你fing高fing低,拋上拋落,係咪好正呢?
    <br>你都幾大力, 果然係地盤工人, 人肉打裝機.
    <br>你個對手都要有身高同重量限制, 如果唔係會OVERLOAD.

  • 我對Max兄都好有性趣!

  • Lady2,<br /><br />Thanks and you may see me around... in another name. <br /><br />:)

  • 英文人 replied at 2011-01-05 3:25 pm
    <br>dude 3:06pm jan 05, 2011咁如果地盤佬夠strong,可以將你fing高fing低,拋上拋落,係咪好正呢?

  • Bro <span class="author">英文人,<br /><br />My ass is still a virgin. :)</span>

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