點解有d女人咁鐘意溝人老公 ?

  • 頂!!! 忍唔到笑添


  • on79 replied at 2010-11-30 3:42 pm


    diu le lo mo, what's so surprise woman want married lei? it's a fair world ar ma. all men want married women as sp la.


    yes only have fxxk ma,no responsibly,no need to know how they are feeling,only if have time come out have dinner and then fxxking,that is great,all man want like this

  • Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 3:52 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch




  • dorlina replied at 2010-11-30 3:57 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 3:52 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch





    for the man is good lor,the man it doesnt care her feeling,only want have a crazy fun ma,so she also no brain bitch the hocker smart then her

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:01 pm


    dorlina replied at 2010-11-30 3:57 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 3:52 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch





    for the man is good lor,the man it doesnt care her feeling,only want have a crazy fun ma,so she also no brain bitch the hocker smart then her



  • cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 4:21 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:01 pm


    dorlina replied at 2010-11-30 3:57 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 3:52 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch





    for the man is good lor,the man it doesnt care her feeling,only want have a crazy fun ma,so she also no brain bitch the hocker smart then her




    collect skin la, stink cxxt.

  • cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 4:21 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:01 pm


    dorlina replied at 2010-11-30 3:57 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 3:52 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 3:44 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:55 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 2:51 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 2:49 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 2:47 pm


    Actually it is not that hard to understand, as a female they want to proof that they are better than the men other half,




    this is bitch mind lor




    就係有你呢d 咁既人...shxt


    bitch ma i told u at the end i can tell they have nothing but also have no brian dog go for bitch





    for the man is good lor,the man it doesnt care her feeling,only want have a crazy fun ma,so she also no brain bitch the hocker smart then her




    u need think about ur behavioral,this is good time to think

  • 嘩 ... 呢個話題咁激烈既 ?

    咁一個願姣 , 一個願落撘

    冇話應唔應該既 ~

    而家既人 , 無論男女 , 其實對結婚呢兩個字睇得太簡單

    真係鐘意就去結婚 , 唔鐘意就離婚

    同埋 .. 個個 (不論男女)都係自己鐘意就同人好


  • 一句鐘意就咩都得. 所以有咁多婚外情,偷食, 第三者,造就了好多單親家庭

  • PAULINE replied at 2010-11-30 4:32 pm


    一句鐘意就咩都得. 所以有咁多婚外情,偷食, 第三者,造就了好多單親家庭


    同意 X 1000000000000000000

  • 硬野 replied at 2010-11-30 4:28 pm


    嘩 ... 呢個話題咁激烈既 ?

    咁一個願姣 , 一個願落撘

    冇話應唔應該既 ~

    而家既人 , 無論男女 , 其實對結婚呢兩個字睇得太簡單

    真係鐘意就去結婚 , 唔鐘意就離婚

    同埋 .. 個個 (不論男女)都係自己鐘意就同人好



    i dont think u have chinese mind

  • People don't take marriage as heavy as in the past, you have to agree that some husbands do allow room for their wife ... in return tthey have their private time also

  • 可以確定自己仲有吸引力

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:34 pm


    硬野 replied at 2010-11-30 4:28 pm


    嘩 ... 呢個話題咁激烈既 ?

    咁一個願姣 , 一個願落撘

    冇話應唔應該既 ~

    而家既人 , 無論男女 , 其實對結婚呢兩個字睇得太簡單

    真係鐘意就去結婚 , 唔鐘意就離婚

    同埋 .. 個個 (不論男女)都係自己鐘意就同人好



    i dont think u have chinese mind


    對 ~ 我冇 ~





  • PAULINE replied at 2010-11-30 4:32 pm


    一句鐘意就咩都得. 所以有咁多婚外情,偷食, 第三者,造就了好多單親家庭


    AGREE , 咁鐘意新鮮感就唔好結婚, 一世做個 "無腳既雀仔"囉

  • Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 4:39 pm


    PAULINE replied at 2010-11-30 4:32 pm


    一句鐘意就咩都得. 所以有咁多婚外情,偷食, 第三者,造就了好多單親家庭


    AGREE , 咁鐘意新鮮感就唔好結婚, 一世做個 "無腳既雀仔"囉


    但有 D 人會因為面子問題而結婚 , 所以呢 D 情況都造就左好多偷食男女

  • 偷食---->刺激感

  • 其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....

  • climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....



  • climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....


    different feeling

  • 會有罪惡感....不過真係好刺激


    *** 以上都係偷食既借口***

  • longtimeago replied at 2010-11-30 4:50 pm




    *** 以上都係偷食既借口***


    hahahahahahah ......

    或者我真係樣衰得滯搵唔到女朋友 :p


    有時我都會想 , 咁同 3p 有冇唔同呢 ?

    又或者聽過有人講話溝左人地兩姐妹 ... 咁咪仲堅 ??

    有冇兄弟姐妹有咁既經驗呀 ?

  • Yes, steal eat excite your mind to start with..

  • cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 4:49 pm


    climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....




    so u are real bitch,even u got married u still a good bitch for sex lor,i think so many people like u so that is made u confidence but when the time is gone u are very pity lor

  • climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....


    我都唔理解, 其實我肯離婚, 但佢又係到挽救,次次都話無下次, 佢咁唔滿意段婚姻, 點解又唔同我離婚??

  • ginna replied at 2010-11-30 4:53 pm


    Yes, steal eat excite your mind to start with..


    this is right la! steal eat very tempting ga. but too bad all women in here r only waste time 9up law. til

  • Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 4:56 pm


    climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....


    我都唔理解, 其實我肯離婚, 但佢又係到挽救,次次都話無下次, 佢咁唔滿意段婚姻, 點解又唔同我離婚??


    somethings u must is good

  • you have someting special law

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:55 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 4:49 pm


    climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....




    so u are real bitch,even u got married u still a good bitch for sex lor,i think so many people like u so that is made u confidence but when the time is gone u are very pity lor


    u r wrong la brother. she must be a very pork chop stink cxxt in real. can only post sexy pic here to waste time 9up, it makes her think she is a princess lor. inderstand?

  • 你咪溝番人老公報復囉!

  • But I don't know why people would wish to 'change' it become long term, steal eat is steal eat, and that's the only way it be, and it will not convert to some perm relationship

  • ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:02 pm


    But I don't know why people would wish to 'change' it become long term, steal eat is steal eat, and that's the only way it be, and it will not convert to some perm relationship


    agree! and 9 up is 9up, won't come true tim.

  • on79 replied at 2010-11-30 4:59 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 4:55 pm


    cherrybala replied at 2010-11-30 4:49 pm


    climactic replied at 2010-11-30 4:46 pm


    其實偷食真係好 D 咩 ?

    我意思係 ...

    真係要自己有一個女朋友/老婆/男朋友/老公, 再背住佢地出去同第二個男/女人上床會開心 D 咩 ~?

    呢樣我真係唔理解 ....




    so u are real bitch,even u got married u still a good bitch for sex lor,i think so many people like u so that is made u confidence but when the time is gone u are very pity lor


    u r wrong la brother. she must be a very pork chop stink cxxt in real. can only post sexy pic here to waste time 9up, it makes her think she is a princess lor. inderstand?


    haha...shxt she is not call bitch,she call pork chop stink cxxt smelly pussy axxhole bitch

  • Thx for being supportive on79, but..your 9 can't up??..what you mean won't become true??

  • carl replied at 2010-11-30 5:02 pm




    fxxking stupid mind dont teach how to do,u are son of the bitch

  • ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:07 pm


    Thx for being supportive on79, but..your 9 can't up??..what you mean won't become true??


    stop the bullshxt la, my 9 can up ga if you are for real and not pork chop in real.

  • 佔有慾o瓜

  • on79 replied at 2010-11-30 5:11 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:07 pm


    Thx for being supportive on79, but..your 9 can't up??..what you mean won't become true??


    stop the bullshxt la, my 9 can up ga if you are for real and not pork chop in real.



  • 唔好嗌交啦, 我只係想係度呻下.

  • Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..

  • Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 5:14 pm


    唔好嗌交啦, 我只係想係度呻下.


    u should ask ur husband what is going on with u,and what does he want,take the time find out what happen and then solution it

  • ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..


    congratulation on79,i very happy

  • ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..


    waste 9 air la, stop the 9up loh waste time bitch. u can't play me ge, go play the other on9 lo la. stink cxxt

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 5:20 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..


    congratulation on79,i very happy


    diu 9 you ar. why the fcuk happy lei?

  • on79 replied at 2010-11-30 5:21 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..


    waste 9 air la, stop the 9up loh waste time bitch. u can't play me ge, go play the other on9 lo la. stink cxxt


    at least she tell like u,even 9up or not,right

    at least u have two people like u ma


  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 5:14 pm


    唔好嗌交啦, 我只係想係度呻下.


    u should ask ur husband what is going on with u,and what does he want,take the time find out what happen and then solution it


    有傾過, 他說有時會覺得悶, 有時會覺得無人關心他, 我檢討過, 想去彌補, 但我關心他時, 他覺得我管他, 令他無空間. 可能我做得不夠好. 你可以要求我做好些. 而不是去做一些傷害我的事.

  • megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 5:23 pm


    on79 replied at 2010-11-30 5:21 pm


    ginna replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Haha, I like you on79, always direct to the point and no BS,some people here like to put good looking mask on faces.. where their dick betray them..


    waste 9 air la, stop the 9up loh waste time bitch. u can't play me ge, go play the other on9 lo la. stink cxxt


    at least she tell like u,even 9up or not,right

    at least u have two people like u ma



    diu 9 you la, many people like me very much in the reality ga. but here is different law! dui ar...

  • Emily, haven't you hear 'one eye open one eye close' is the besg way to maintain a relationship?? Assuming he is not doing anything harm to the family, been good to you all, take up what is expected to be a husband response..

  • Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 5:26 pm


    megahk01 replied at 2010-11-30 5:17 pm


    Emily1225 replied at 2010-11-30 5:14 pm


    唔好嗌交啦, 我只係想係度呻下.


    u should ask ur husband what is going on with u,and what does he want,take the time find out what happen and then solution it


    有傾過, 他說有時會覺得悶, 有時會覺得無人關心他, 我檢討過, 想去彌補, 但我關心他時, 他覺得我管他, 令他無空間. 可能我做得不夠好. 你可以要求我做好些. 而不是去做一些傷害我的事.


    waste 9 air la, i hold my fire for long enough la. diu le lo mo, this is modern age la, forget it la. no relation can last forever ga. stupid bitch. diu,

    u came to sex site looking for solution in helping marraige! chi 9 sin.

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