
  • 一星期返六日咋? ....咋?? what a life

  • 學一門專業, 搵工轉

  • Someone replied at 2010-10-01 12:30 am


    You have to observe what kind of persons your boss is ar.

    I just think being an employee. My job is to solve problems for my boss. He paid me for solving problems, not creating problems, right?

    You should find the way to get along with her/ him. Otherwise, it is no good for you ga. You can still be yourself but just have to adjust your tone and speech when talking to different people lor. We are taught to be cunning.

    If his/ her bias is that strong, you have to find another way for yourself. Very fair. You are being selected but you can select something you desire ga.

    Sleep tight. Have a good holiday. :-)


    我boss是新黎1個月, 是一個變態女人,講野好冇禮貌, 好clumsy, 表達能力唔多好,樣樣野都講唔清楚, 做完就話人做唔到佢要求, 標準set得好高, 話成個dept冇人meet到佢standard, 日日鬧人, management skill 好差, 人際關係好差, 咩都唔鍾意, 唔satisfied, 自己唔清楚既野就鬧人話人做錯, 好冷血, 一d人情味都冇, 好冇耐性,樣樣野都勁急, 冇reasonable time俾人做, 樣樣野都勁慳,admin同事order多一枝pen就俾佢鬧晒錢, 同事copy野又話晒錢, 以後咩都唔洗copy留record. (其實是公司俾錢, 個個dept都咁用, 你唔用都唔會讚你的, 只會日後俾少d budget 你)...咁既人點相處? 其實人人都唔鍾意佢, 不過其他同事做左好耐, 人工好高,又唔怕俾人抄,處境好過我lor.

    ps: 我份人工係公司俾的, 唔係我boss俾. 不過佢都幚公司勁慳, 明明我old boss & direct supervisor都好鍾意我, 講好會加人工俾我.

    我new boss就專燈寫衰我,同唔肯加人工俾我. 仲要叫我以後唔好claim OT錢. (其實佢黎左一個月, 有咩資格寫衰我? 明明HR係搵我 direct supervisor傾renew contract 既野, 我new boss就爭住唔俾我supervisor傾,要佢自己話晒事).

  • Bai_Wan replied at 2010-10-01 12:31 am


    學一門專業, 搵工轉


    有咩專業搵到食呢? 我唔想晒錢學完又得個吉.


  • if u like add my msn chat [email protected]

  • oldman45 replied at 2010-10-01 12:06 pm


    if u like add my msn chat [email protected]


    can we chat here?

  • 我有個朋友,廿幾歲先學小提琴,而家三十幾,差唔多八級, 可以教人。佢話遲d直頭可以㝝教琴當正職。

  • Man replied at 2010-10-01 12:22 pm


    我有個朋友,廿幾歲先學小提琴,而家三十幾,差唔多八級, 可以教人。佢話遲d直頭可以㝝教琴當正職。


    咁佢好有天份. 想問佢邊度學, 同學左幾錢呢?

    我同屋企人住, 間屋好細, 好曹, 要practice 樂器有d難度.....

  • poorguy

    if u dislike your new boss so much, u should look for a new job or a job transfer within the company.

    i don't agree that only jobs in sales/marketing make good money. if u can't handle the job pressure now, u may not be suitable for commission-based jobs. think of a job that u will excel in. if u are a born housewife, does that mean u are very organized and detail-oriented?

    have u considered a govt job?

  • 其實佢成日練, 好似幾百一個月, 但係要學十年度。

    你識唔識化妝,我朋友個朋友, 本來教書, 因為幫人結婚化妝好好賺,結果冇教書啦

  • poorguy replied at 2010-10-01 11:53 am


    我boss是新黎1個月, 是一個變態女人,講野好冇禮貌, 好clumsy, 表達能力唔多好,樣樣野都講唔清楚, 做完就話人做唔到佢要求, 標準set得好高, 話成個dept冇人meet到佢standard, 日日鬧人, management skill 好差, 人際關係好差, 咩都唔鍾意, 唔satisfied, 自己唔清楚既野就鬧人話人做錯, 好冷血, 一d人情味都冇, 好冇耐性,樣樣野都勁急, 冇reasonable time俾人做, 樣樣野都勁慳,admin同事order多一枝pen就俾佢鬧晒錢, 同事copy野又話晒錢, 以後咩都唔洗copy留record. (其實是公司俾錢, 個個dept都咁用, 你唔用都唔會讚你的, 只會日後俾少d budget 你)...咁既人點相處? 其實人人都唔鍾意佢, 不過其他同事做左好耐, 人工好高,又唔怕俾人抄,處境好過我lor.

    ps: 我份人工係公司俾的, 唔係我boss俾. 不過佢都幚公司勁慳, 明明我old boss & direct supervisor都好鍾意我, 講好會加人工俾我.

    我new boss就專燈寫衰我,同唔肯加人工俾我. 仲要叫我以後唔好claim OT錢. (其實佢黎左一個月, 有咩資格寫衰我? 明明HR係搵我 direct supervisor傾renew contract 既野, 我new boss就爭住唔俾我supervisor傾,要佢自己話晒事).


    How about do you know ur boss's boss? What impression he/ she has for you? How's the HR manager in ur company? You need to try to value everything urself. See whether if you talk to someone who is more powerful. Will he/ she help you? If yes, do that. If you think you are just a small potato and people will just listen & ignore you, you'd better not do anything. Stay till you get a better offer and then say goodbye to this company. :-)

    Ar baby, you've the right to choose the best.

    Sometimes we may encounter some difficult sitaution in our live. Don't complain too much but well plan for yourself, especially if you think that you deserve something better.

    Certainly, you've to upgrade urself. Maybe you can take some courses la. ^^

    Anyway, cheer up & add oil ar!!!

  • hw replied at 2010-10-01 12:27 pm



    if u dislike your new boss so much, u should look for a new job or a job transfer within the company.

    i don't agree that only jobs in sales/marketing make good money. if u can't handle the job pressure now, u may not be suitable for commission-based jobs. think of a job that u will excel in. if u are a born housewife, does that mean u are very organized and detail-oriented?

    have u considered a govt job?


    Agree ar! ^^ Ask urself what you want and find something suitable for urself is very important.

    Still, we are all borned to learn. Don't just limit urself to be a particular type as everyone is unique. You are just urself ar. Just find a job you wanna do and you feel comfortable. And always prepare well for urself. ^^

  • hw replied at 2010-10-01 12:27 pm



    if u dislike your new boss so much, u should look for a new job or a job transfer within the company.

    i don't agree that only jobs in sales/marketing make good money. if u can't handle the job pressure now, u may not be suitable for commission-based jobs. think of a job that u will excel in. if u are a born housewife, does that mean u are very organized and detail-oriented?

    have u considered a govt job?


    my present boss is an extreme case, i seldom see boss tough likes her. i can get along with all of my colleagues & old bosses.

    i agree that i m not suitable for sales jobs, otherwise i would have enter the sales industry for ages. actually im quite introverted, & do not prefer to work with people (i can work well with others & everyone thinks im friendly & nice, but just prefer not to). im well organized and detail-oriented, but there is very few jobs require such character.

    i just applied a govt job last night, wish i have chance to be interviewed.

  • Man replied at 2010-10-01 12:33 pm


    其實佢成日練, 好似幾百一個月, 但係要學十年度。

    你識唔識化妝,我朋友個朋友, 本來教書, 因為幫人結婚化妝好好賺,結果冇教書啦



    化妝我唔識呀, 我自己都好少化.

  • 果個人一次收五六千,好過教書啦

  • 你需要係良好理財計劃,才能賺更多錢

  • Some1 replied at 2010-10-01 12:33 pm


    poorguy replied at 2010-10-01 11:53 am


    我boss是新黎1個月, 是一個變態女人,講野好冇禮貌, 好clumsy, 表達能力唔多好,樣樣野都講唔清楚, 做完就話人做唔到佢要求, 標準set得好高, 話成個dept冇人meet到佢standard, 日日鬧人, management skill 好差, 人際關係好差, 咩都唔鍾意, 唔satisfied, 自己唔清楚既野就鬧人話人做錯, 好冷血, 一d人情味都冇, 好冇耐性,樣樣野都勁急, 冇reasonable time俾人做, 樣樣野都勁慳,admin同事order多一枝pen就俾佢鬧晒錢, 同事copy野又話晒錢, 以後咩都唔洗copy留record. (其實是公司俾錢, 個個dept都咁用, 你唔用都唔會讚你的, 只會日後俾少d budget 你)...咁既人點相處? 其實人人都唔鍾意佢, 不過其他同事做左好耐, 人工好高,又唔怕俾人抄,處境好過我lor.

    ps: 我份人工係公司俾的, 唔係我boss俾. 不過佢都幚公司勁慳, 明明我old boss & direct supervisor都好鍾意我, 講好會加人工俾我.

    我new boss就專燈寫衰我,同唔肯加人工俾我. 仲要叫我以後唔好claim OT錢. (其實佢黎左一個月, 有咩資格寫衰我? 明明HR係搵我 direct supervisor傾renew contract 既野, 我new boss就爭住唔俾我supervisor傾,要佢自己話晒事).


    How about do you know ur boss's boss? What impression he/ she has for you? How's the HR manager in ur company? You need to try to value everything urself. See whether if you talk to someone who is more powerful. Will he/ she help you? If yes, do that. If you think you are just a small potato and people will just listen & ignore you, you'd better not do anything. Stay till you get a better offer and then say goodbye to this company. :-)

    Ar baby, you've the right to choose the best.

    Sometimes we may encounter some difficult sitaution in our live. Don't complain too much but well plan for yourself, especially if you think that you deserve something better.

    Certainly, you've to upgrade urself. Maybe you can take some courses la. ^^

    Anyway, cheer up & add oil ar!!!


    my boss is the highest level i work with.

    i dont have any contact with my boss's boss. & definitely, my boss's boss does not know how well/ bad i do in the company. he/ she may just have heard my performance from my previous boss/ supervisor. i know my previous boss & supervisor have talked to him/her about my salary increment & changing me to perm position. but now, my new boss ruins all the things, she also hates my supervisor & wont accept my supervisor's opinion...im really small potato, & i will start job hunting soon.

    u know, sometimes, i doubt my capability if i deserve this amount (my salary) only. or im just unlucky. all of my friends earn at least double of mine and have better life. i dare not to tell anyone, even my best friends, how much i earn. because they will just ask me not to do such low paid job.

    i have taken some business courses after grad. but seems that it doesnt help in job hunting. the main point is i dont have any target & dont know what job is suitable for me.

  • Man replied at 2010-10-01 12:51 pm




    教書入職2萬幾, 到退休成10萬一個月我覺得都好好, 勝在stable, 又有增長.

    新娘化妝有d萬幾一日, 不過都要自己搵生意.

  • gloriakwi replied at 2010-10-01 12:59 pm




    are u a financial planner? can u give me some opinions? thx.

  • Also, you'd better stay in one industry and one particular field to develop and dun jump to other industries for every job.

    As for senior posts, people will still look at your experience for that industry ga.

    Then just regard urself as unlucky lor. Dun be too upset as this doesn't help. :-)

    How about a master degree? Just a suggestion jer. I know it is not cheap la. ^^

  • Some1 replied at 2010-10-01 1:13 pm


    Also, you'd better stay in one industry and one particular field to develop and dun jump to other industries for every job.

    As for senior posts, people will still look at your experience for that industry ga.

    Then just regard urself as unlucky lor. Dun be too upset as this doesn't help. :-)

    How about a master degree? Just a suggestion jer. I know it is not cheap la. ^^


    i worked in customer service industry b4, that is kind of dead end job. thats why i had to change to another field (my present job) ~ i planned to work here for 2-3 years to get some experiences even i dont really like this field...the fact is im not young anymore & very difficult get a junior position in a new industry.

    to be honest, i dont like business & think a master is a waste of money. but i will do it some time (when i get enough exp & money).

  • someone looks for sex or immoral trade. pls do not leave message here. thanks.

  • The offer for CS field is usually low la.

    If you still dunno what you wanna do and you are still okay with the current field, you can stay in this field ar. (But just look for another chance in other companies. :-))

    You're right. Better not shift to a new field.

    For master, it isn't necessary to be business. It can be art, education or something else.

  • poorguy

    if u don't like your present field, there is really no reason for u to stay in it. u will continue to hate your job wherever u go. Is the govt job that u applied for related to your current field?

  • test

  • hw replied at 2010-10-01 3:48 pm



    if u don't like your present field, there is really no reason for u to stay in it. u will continue to hate your job wherever u go. Is the govt job that u applied for related to your current field?


    我係對現在份工一d興趣都冇, 但又未至於好憎, old boss年代都做得好開心, 係我new boss太難頂姐. 出來做野邊有得講興趣,大多數人都做唔到自己鍾意既工架啦, 都係為搵啖飯食. 其實business field既工我都唔岩, 但冇辦法啦, 香港99%工都係 business field.

    那政府工跟我現在/過去份工/學歷完全冇關, 只要求大學+中英文CRE level2. 所以都冇咩把握.

  • 您們仍年青, 我35, $4xk, 好像很多, 其實很少, 因很多同學earn $5x-6x, 自尊心0

  • 123 replied at 2010-10-01 3:59 pm


    您們仍年青, 我35, $4xk, 好像很多, 其實很少, 因很多同學earn $5x-6x, 自尊心0


    你都係大我5-6年咋, 你都好叻啦.

    如果我35, 有$4xk 已經開心死. 我諗我35都係得1x k, 保得住份工已偷笑. 我自尊心是負數呢.

  • 我3x, 中五程度, 月入3萬幾, 轉工諗都唔敢諗.

  • Some1 replied at 2010-10-01 1:56 pm


    The offer for CS field is usually low la.

    If you still dunno what you wanna do and you are still okay with the current field, you can stay in this field ar. (But just look for another chance in other companies. :-))

    You're right. Better not shift to a new field.

    For master, it isn't necessary to be business. It can be art, education or something else.


    art, education or something else -> 真係要有閒錢先可以lor.

  • 灰 replied at 2010-10-01 4:05 pm


    我3x, 中五程度, 月入3萬幾, 轉工諗都唔敢諗.


    你就好啦, 請問做邊行可以有3萬幾呀?

  • 我好細個就出來做野,同1間公司做左10幾年lu.

  • 路人灰 replied at 2010-10-01 4:08 pm




    你公司對你好好啦, 我係我公司做多廿年都唔會有3x k.

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