究竟Peter叔抑或Fergusxxx PK啲?

  • 大家睇住,Peter叔/ManinShe 即將表演...............龜縮絶技.........將龜頭縮鳩返入去, 然後...................閃!


  • the 2 twin brothers are launching a counter-attack now. good show.

    fergusxxx, btw, i am lame. does it sound familar to you? :p

  • friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:33 pm


    pupil is under-aged, speaking of non-sense

    ask me later when u go University and meet me there.....


    可惜連小學生都睇穿你d英文吾掂,我諗你連教幼稚園既資格都冇. 你一日吾回應你d屎水英文,你一日都係一隻只識龜縮既龜公

  • yo replied at 2010-06-28 1:36 pm


    had stopped responded ??


    hahahahaha....咁都up 得出.


    仲有 it seem 呀,佢係he/she/it 之後原來吾識加's'架,中夠胆話人英文吾好. 佢除左面皮厚之外,真係冇野叻架

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:20 pm


    Spreading rumours about me and launching personal attacks on me proves only one thing: you are anything but a pathetic, jealous looser.

    If you are frustrated and in despair about your meaningless life, try to get some help from a shrink. If you can't afford a shrink, a social worker.


    loser 呀,not looser

  • yo replied at 2010-06-28 1:37 pm

    friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:35 pm

    any comments, Ferg................?


    又錯啦peter叔, any 之後個noun洗咩加's'ar ????


    "Any comments" is correct, in case you don't know.

  • andrew88 replied at 2010-06-28 1:40 pm


    the 2 twin brothers are launching a counter-attack now. good show.

    fergusxxx, btw, i am lame. does it sound familar to you? :p


    counter attack? not bullying?.........v shall overcome?

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:44 pm


    yo replied at 2010-06-28 1:37 pm

    friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:35 pm

    any comments, Ferg................?


    又錯啦peter叔, any 之後個noun洗咩加's'ar ????


    "Any comments" is correct, in case you don't know.


    english lesson again?

    your drag queen's english really does make you proud huh!?

  • Andrew

    I guessed it was you. Having fun?

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 1:23 pm


    . replied at 2010-06-28 1:15 pm


    AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am


    <p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>

    <p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>

    <p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>




    u don't understand? nothing strange, with your low education level..........u r the one who should 搞清楚自己想講乜......


    u don't understand? nothing strange, with your low education level..........u r the one who should 搞清楚自己想講乜......

  • Andrew

    It does, you have any problems with that?

    Tell me what are you good at.

  • 希望大家齊心將D衰人舉報, 提醒新SHE友要小心...

    如果有懷疑, 大家不妨同 ManinShe private chat ,了解吓他的為人....

    現在再重複他常用之 nickname, alias & accounts:

    ManinShe / Einstein / Andy Lau / Wiseman / Johnny Depp / Richard Gere / Strongsexyman / Passerby / Insider / Observer / Peter / man / gentleman / NiceMartin...etc.

     1)  gabrielsexto @yahoo.com.hk
     2)  Man.in.She @live.tw
     3)  Wiseman @live.hk
     4)  Great.Mind @live.hk
     5)  Gentlemartin @live.hk
     6)  Leo.club @live.hk
     7)  SLover @live.hk
     8)  Passerby @hotmail.com
     9)  Great-pretender1010 @hotmail.com
    10) Sexpartnersecretlover @hotmail.com
    11) Mark.gor @hotmail.com
    12) She.com-chatter @hotmail.com
    13) very_good_id @hotmail.com

  • lame replied at 2010-06-28 11:20 am


    dear ivy

    things happen with reasons and consequences.


    nothing special, fate rules. 所以我係抵被插,最好插埋我屎眼

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 pm



    I guessed it was you. Having fun?


    how're you doing buddy? :p

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:48 pm



    It does, you have any problems with that?

    Tell me what are you good at.


    hey i was just having fun. hehe. i know you are improving.

  • friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:33 pm


    pupil is under-aged, speaking of non-sense

    ask me later when u go University and meet me there.....


    everybody knows that i don't respond to all

  • Andrew

    Nothing much happening, the usual stuff.

  • Andrew

    "improving" in what sense?

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:52 pm



    Nothing much happening, the usual stuff.


    your brother is acting like a clown. why don't you give him some sincere advice?

  • Andy_LAU replied at 2010-06-28 1:52 pm


    friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:33 pm


    pupil is under-aged, speaking of non-sense

    ask me later when u go University and meet me there.....


    everybody knows that i don't respond to all


    sorry, i don't.........

  • i get FULL score, never Underscore.....

  • 又開始自言自語....

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 pm



    "improving" in what sense?


    at least i don't see much arguments initiated by you. that's a bloody good sign.

  • friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:56 pm

    i get FULL score, never Underscore.....


    點解唔係用 got ???

  • presently........

  • always.......

  • Andrew

    Don't be funny, I don't have any brothers here.

  • 你咪教壞人啦, 小學生都知係用got.

  • Andrew

    I initiate arguments when I am bored and need some excitement.

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 2:01 pm



    I initiate arguments when I am bored and need some excitement.


    hahaha. good. i like that. :p

  • o岩既, 唔可以將peter大叔同ferguxxx相提並論, 咁會將f先生降左呢架...peter大叔真係黑人憎千萬倍.

  • Andrew

    Why don't you go back to the "English Chat" and stop wasting your time here with a bunch of morons.

  • http://community.she.com/messageboard/relationship/?action=view.topic&id=2269801&page=2&mode=html

    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 9:30 pm

    kt replied at 2010-06-23 9:25 pm
    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:37 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- it's no use u repeat your answer all the time.........it just confirm u r stupid, simple enuf?do u c? =================================================================<br /><br /><br />喂,好似漏左d野bor, confirm<strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">s</font></strong> ar? it just confirms u r <strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">stupid</font></strong>?

    Do your assignment properly, OK?

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 2:03 pm



    Why don't you go back to the "English Chat" and stop wasting your time here with a bunch of morons.


    haha. i dare not to say they are morons. :p

  • um.... replied at 2010-06-28 2:02 pm

    o岩既, 唔可以將peter大叔同ferguxxx相提並論, 咁會將f先生降左呢架...peter大叔真係黑人憎千萬倍.



  • Andrew

    "Dare not say" is the proper use. Don't get offended.


  • <p><img align="absBottom" src="../images/icon_nickname.gif" alt="" /><a href="../profile/?id=9A4A8847-DB83-40C3-927580C4C9B79D21"><font color="#886d59">AndyLAU</font></a> <span><font color="#999999">replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am </font></span></p>

    <div style="WIDTH: 450px; OVERFLOW: hidden" class="topic_reply"><p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p> <br /><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p> <br /><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p></div>

    <p>=================================================<br /><br /><font color="#ff0000"><strong>Do your assignment properly, OK?<br /><br /><br /></strong></font><br /><br /><br /></p>

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am


    <p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>

    <p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>

    <p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>


    Do your assignment properly, OK?

  • 你係邊度揾到幅咁恐怖既相? >.<

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 2:07 pm



    "Dare not say" is the proper use. Don't get offended.



    hahahha.. there u go again.

    check the cambridge dictionary for its proper use please, in case you don't know. :p you need the link?

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 2:06 pm

    um.... replied at 2010-06-28 2:02 pm

    o岩既, 唔可以將peter大叔同ferguxxx相提並論, 咁會將f先生降左呢架...peter大叔真係黑人憎千萬倍.




    唔洗多謝, 亦都唔係同情, 你有排都未夠peter大叔討厭, 只係唔明版主做咩將你地拉埋一齊講.

  • instant replied at 2010-06-28 2:11 pm


    你係邊度揾到幅咁恐怖既相? >.<



  • fergusxxx, you wanna gain upper hand? hehe. show me how good you are first.

  • Andrew

    I have. The proper use in this particular case is "infinitive without to". I didn't say you were wrong, I said the "proper use" of the verb "dare" should be used as an "infinitive without to".

  • Andrew

    One more verb "drag". In proper English, it should be used as an adjective as in your sentence "your drag Queen's English".

  • ...should not be used.....

  • fergusxxx,

    do you realize that drag queeen is one word? no hard feelings as you have never lived aboard. :pcheck the cambridge again please. :)

    should be used as an adjective? hahahha

    i am starting to lose faith on you.

  • friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:56 pm


    i get FULL score, never Underscore.....


    我唔知呢位先生同大家有乜宿怨,我由昨天開始睇,睇了很多關於佢既posts,我只想說,Peter(點叫都好啦),唔好怪我多事,我以一個旁觀者身份,好認真同你講,你愈係咁落去,只會愈來愈自暴其短. 我的英文也不怎好,但我也看得出人家對你的英文指出的錯處,點解你唔回應呢? 我覺得不應再忍受這種網上欺凌,但事實上你又真是有錯不回應,於是便給人一種"雙重標準"的感覺: 對自己的錯處視而不見,但同時間又不停指批評挑剔指責他人,咁又點會令人尊重信服你. 我要說的係咁多,不要再做個無可藥救的懦夫

  • it's like when i say..

    i dont wanna play with you no more.

    wrong english? give me a freaking break smart fergusxx. :p

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