Roses will be the fashion item of this summer!


    "O, my love's like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June "
    — Robert Burns, "My Love is like a Red, Red Rose"

    The word "Rose" means "pink" or "red" in variety of languages like Romance, Greek and Polish. It grows actively in spring and bloom in summer. Rose is not only pretty but strong. It will keep growing and blooming even if gardeners neglect them entirely.

    Rose has always been the symbol of love and beauty. It is always the favourite flower for wedding bouquet or gift to lovers on special occasions, most likely because the beauty and strength of rose is the best metaphor of eternal love.

    To sing the praises of roses, DaGrits has selected 13 items which are up to 25% off in June. Enjoy the never wither roses we prepared for you and your beloved!
    visit them at

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