無聊, 但希望係正常同埋海外人夜之家

  • Bluegirl,
    <br>it's 4pm at my time; yours is 2:00pm? You still have another 1/2 day to go while I am almost getting ready to leave for the day.
    <br>How have you been?
    <br>Do you know some time ago, there is one person open a thread to find you....

  • oh..I thought we're in the same time zone tim..
    <br>yea, I still have 3 hours to go +_+
    <br>really? maybe there's another bluegirl..
    <br>I don't know many ppls here..
    <br>I'm an 'old ghost' here...

  • Who knows that person is really specifically looking for your. But you be surprise some chatters remember you and describe your avatar "the girl sitting on the bed in front of the yellow girl"

  • 嗨 cs, 唔知妳同bluegirl熟~ 妳好~
    <br>岩岩偷左一個鐘懶, 而家好得多啦
    <br>之前幾乎眼皮都跌落黎~ 哈哈

  • HI 無聊人 thread host....
    <br>I am in TX, Blue girl is in CA so there are 2 hours time difference.
    <br>Are you in HK? Working at this hour or just insomnia?

  • CS,
    <br>wa..ng hai fa...
    <br>hahahahaha...those ppls..
    <br>i thought u're used to your work schedule already..
    <br>you still feel sleepy at night?? at work??
    <br>did u just start this night shift not long ago?
    <br>i'm not a night person..i have to sleep early ....the latest..is 12am..
    <br>lo yan ga..has to sleep more...

  • no, i should say, lo yan ga... has to sleep early..
    <br>not more..
    <br>lo yan ga normally don't sleep that much..

  • blue girl,
    <br>let me suggest a chinese typing site, for those people like us who don't know how to type chinese in any methods....
    <br>this site, the chinese appears from cantonese ping yin. it really works. I have abandoned my writing pad since using this site.
    <br>Although it may not be as fast as the standard typing method, but you will get most of the words out.

  • 我番左夜幾乎都有10年了, 係度都有4-5年, 不過唔係時時傾
    <br>有時都會因為日間唔夠訓而難捱既, 咁就會蛇一下, 嘻~
    <br>唔好講自己老人家啦灰姑娘(for gals who bed b4 midnight)
    <br>妳地都唔係老, 最老果個應該係我先岩..

  • 係she,我鍾意打中文同chatters 溝通。
    <br>Besides pin yin, some words can come out typing an english word and it will translate.
    <br>When I use this site, I mix with the words and canto ping yin. anyways, doesn't matter black cat, white cat.... the cat can catch mice is the best cat.

  • 無聊人 you are man or gal?

  • 傾計都要講係男女? 我係佬一件黎...如果係女番夜咁多年,
    <br>真係用咩護膚都死啦 :p

  • hey, now that we have a fixture thread for this time.... who knows, we may become really good buddies over she.com.
    <br>Don't count on me logging on everyday, but if time allows, I will.
    <br>A deal is a deal! :-)
    <br>Well, time to go for me.
    <br>You all have a great day.
    <br>see you.

  • 傾計都要講係男女?
    <br>唔同我對住個佬講女人耶? 嘩,個胸圍好正呀。咁mei?
    <br>有個佬,我地會pretend 矜持啲架麻。。。。

  • 我立thread既原意, 都係唔係for everyday既,
    <br>有閒時, 多d來傾啦cs~
    <br>cu ^^

  • 放心啦, 我都會對女性相敬如賓既~
    <br>或者有一日, 大家熟刑唔介意講果d野呢~ 呵呵
    <br>下次再傾丫 :p

  • CS,
    <br>哇,好正呀。。你真係好掂呀,居然搵到個咁正既網,唔該晒呀。 嘩,真係超方便呀。 好愛你呀!!!!以後可以反工都打到中文喇

  • hahahahahahaha....i'm so happy ar!!!!!
    <br>it will make me getting bad at work...since now i can type chinese...
    <br>i've been bad already..
    <br>listening to radio..chatting here...browsing the web, chatting on the phone.....

  • 有冇咁誇? 仲可以傾電??
    <br>未免令人太妒忌啦掛?? 仲以為妳好似上午咁忙...

  • 出左糧就唔見人, 會唔會走左去買手信比我呢?

  • no, not the same thing...it's one at a time..
    <br>like, this minute, i'm listening to the radio, and working at the same time..
    <br>next minute, chatting at she.com and working..
    <br>then in the afternoon, chit chatting with co worker....
    <br>and so on..

  • 仲有一個鐘咋~ 好sleepy...哈哈
    <br>都係睇緊forum, 加油呀 )))))))))))))

  • have to prepare works for leaving lar,
    <br>lets chat later~ bye ^^

  • open gate :p

  • hey hey!~
    <br>hahaha..i'm back to an hour lunch ~~
    <br>good good..i can go buy lunch today la!!!
    <br>i'll eat hamburger!!
    <br>and fries too!!!
    <br>hahahaha...so 'fat' and 'hot air' too!!!
    <br>ng lee la!!!!!!!!

  • let's see what do i have in my 'food drawer'
    <br>...I have Lindt chocolate, strawberry Pocky, maltesers, teddy bear honey grahams, mcvita oat and chocolate biscuits, Vita lemon tea, Nissin Cup noodle (sea food favor), peanut butter & honey crackers, club & chedder sanwich crackers (haha...must have cheese) and 優之良品 fish柳粒

  • sigh.... jealous u have quota to do so,
    <br>also jealous again for the burgers at your side...
    <br>much delicious than HK~~~~~
    <br>beside burger & sandwiches/hogdog, other alternatives there?

  • aiya...u think i have good burger here??
    <br>no no ar... it's not that good ga ja...i love the MOS burger in hk...we don't have MoS burger ar...i like that sauce that they put into the burger ar..
    <br>the burger that i'm going to order is chinese style... (a chinese own take out restaurant) not that good ga ja..
    <br>and i don' thave too many choices here...my work area...
    <br>..only hot dog..and burger..

  • sorry to hear that....
    <br>MOS burger seems a bit japanese style rite? I love it much when I had a tour in Taiwan, taking much of them.
    <br>some other type as burger king/freshness burger/triple o in HK also delicious, even the worse mcdonalds, will take it occasionally.
    <br>how come your place seems almost chinese style for western food? strange....

  • u know..to be honest..i'd rather take the mcDonald burger...than the chinese one..but too bad...we have NO FAST FOOD restaurant here...no wendy's , no McDong dong...no, BK, no KFC...NOTHING!!!!
    <br>i just placed the order.... they said, it will be ready in 7 mins..
    <br>i need to eat lots of ketchup along with the fries..
    <br>i can't eat the fries w/o ketchup...
    <br>i think..i like the ketchup more than fries..
    <br>guess, how much of ketchup packets i use for one order of regular size mc dong dong fries?

  • if count into HK style mcdonald, u may request for 4 packs ketchup for 1 medium size fries?(notmally they will give u one only now)
    <br>6 mins more for your lunch lah, & u can walk around after meal~ hehe
    <br>I guess sometimes u may having your meal quite far away your office... for better food rite?
    <br>enjoy meal lah~ cu an hour later :P

  • <img style="WIDTH: 285px; HEIGHT: 395px" src="http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/sped/images/reallifephotos/Jack in the Box.jpg" width="347" height="441" alt="" /><br /><br />My lunch today: Jack in the Box.... <br /><br />3 items for $3.00. I had a chicken sandwick, an order of egg roll and a drink.... all for $3.00(US). <br /><br />真係幾平。 <br /><br />我嗰時仲讀僅書,個pocket無$$就會去食Jack。 講梗係十幾年前,3個tacos,都係$0.99。 計埋稅,$1.08。 <br /><br />現在貴左喇,$0.99 僅係買到2個taco 咋(見圖)<br />:-)

  • <div class="topic_reply_info"><img align="absBottom" src="http://community.she.com/messageboard/images/icon_nickname.gif" alt="" /><a href="http://community.she.com/messageboard/profile/?id=39671A9B-CD8F-4E3E-84F5EA2A29F491AE">bluegirl</a> <span><font color="#999999">replied at 2010-06-09 5:42 am </font></span></div>
    <br><div style="WIDTH: 450px; OVERFLOW: hidden" class="topic_reply">CS, <br /><br />哇,好正呀。。你真係好掂呀,居然搵到個咁正既網,唔該晒呀。 嘩,真係超方便呀。 好愛你呀!!!!以後可以反工都打到中文喇 <br /></div>
    <br>_________________________________<br /><br /> 好愛你呀!!!!  <------------------- 呢句arm 聽! hahaha<br /><br />呢個網, 真係我地唔懂中文打字嘅福音!我都介紹左比幾個朋友(打字白癡), 都好似你咁興奮架。 :-)<br />

  • 我都係茄汁怪。 呢度啲茄汁/condiment 任取的。 連飲管,膠叉, etc。 你拿多小都be my guest。 哪有好似香港咁老套, 一order 炸薯條 只可以 配 四packets of ketcup.......  quota 咩?

  • CS, 香港一包薯條通常都係配一包茄汁架咋
    <br>我本身反而係薯魔, 可以唔用茄汁食都津津有味~

  • CS,
    <br>hi hi CS~~
    <br>really $99 ?? with egg roll jack in the box??? we don't have that... oh..well..havent' been to jack for long time..so i don't know..but egg roll wor??? they 're selling egg roll at jack??? i should go find out..
    <br>i think, not just hk...here too... there's 'quota' for ketchup and the sauce too..
    <br>like, if i order the mc nuggets...they only give me one pack for the sauce ga ja!! u need to pay for extra sauce ga!!
    <br>turns out the burger wasn't that bad..
    <br>i order a combo...fries, soda, and cheeseburger, it's just $4.75.
    <br>but i share the fries with my co worker.. and i did count, i used 7 packs of ketchup...
    <br>(and that's for half order of the fries ja wor...)
    <br>if i go back to hk...i may have to bring my own ketchup with me..

  • typo...
    <br>i mean, $.99

  • 7packs ?? is that kidding?? almost 1/3 bottle of that!
    <br>it means each time with u for french fries, i need to reserve a bottle of ketchup for u lol? u are indeed ketchup monster!! like a vampire :P

  • u know what...
    <br>i didn't tell u the answer, i asked u to guess how many packets i use for a regular size fries at mcdonald..
    <br>i use 13 packs ga!!!
    <br>i want to eat fruits now..

  • LOL, tell me your birthday later, i know what gifts to let u satisfy :P
    <br>u almost can use ketchup for bath...as like as milk bath!
    <br>How can mcdonalds will give u so many packs for chips? I wanna know that...

  • bluegirl replied at 2010-06-10 6:47 am
    <br>u know what...
    <br>i didn't tell u the answer, i asked u to guess how many packets i use for a regular size fries at mcdonald..
    <br>i use 13 packs ga!!!
    <br>i want to eat fruits now..
    <br>13 isn't a good number, right?

  • CS_She replied at 2010-06-10 5:14 am
    <br>我都係茄汁怪。 呢度啲茄汁/condiment 任取的。 連飲管,膠叉, etc。 你拿多小都be my guest。 哪有好似香港咁老套, 一order 炸薯條 只可以 配 四packets of ketcup.......  quota 咩?
    <br>just to avoid abuses

  • u can always ask for more..............and, Be my Guest, too

  • bluegirl replied at 2010-06-10 3:34 am
    <br>aiya...u think i have good burger here??
    <br>no no ar... it's not that good ga ja...i love the MOS burger in hk...we don't have MoS burger ar...i like that sauce that they put into the burger ar..
    <br>the burger that i'm going to order is chinese style... (a chinese own take out restaurant) not that good ga ja..
    <br>and i don' thave too many choices here...my work area...
    <br>..only hot dog..and burger..
    <br>usual, unlike that in Hong Kong

  • 無聊人 replied at 2010-06-10 6:53 am
    <br>LOL, tell me your birthday later, i know what gifts to let u satisfy :P
    <br>u almost can use ketchup for bath...as like as milk bath!
    <br>How can mcdonalds will give u so many packs for chips? I wanna know that...
    <br>i know, too, if i know her birthday.........

  • gate open :p

  • no, they don't give me...of coz i can't get that many packs..
    <br>but i save...I collected it from friends, from family...
    <br>so..i got a lot...i save it for later use ga ma!!

  • i made my own lunch today..
    <br>i made shrimp pasta..
    <br>(tomato sauce) kekekekekek...w/ cheese..

  • lol lunch time? seems u will busy in morning~
    <br>its no doubt a good method for collecting ketchup :P
    <br>just wonder your frds & relative their emotion for watching ketchup monster to take your dishes like a bloody pool....
    <br>your dishes seems delicious! just lucky i had it myself (星洲炒米)
    <br>will go out for a walk or fallen asleep @ office?

  • i almost never sleep in the office...becoz feel weird...
    <br>ppls if they come across..and see u sleeping on your desk...
    <br>..i dunno...just feel weird..
    <br>i went out for a walk..short walk...few minutes only..hehehehe...
    <br>tooooooooooooooooooooooo windy....
    <br>星洲炒米...wow..u ate so many oily stuff.
    <br>like the beef chow fun u had the other day..haha..
    <br>how much do u weight now?? must have a big big tummy lor

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