Young gals looking for quality friend


    i'm fireman and non smoker

    can u add my facebook to chat with me

    but i'm not a well educated guy.

    i can make with u for a long time chatmate.

    183cm tall

    [email protected]

  • hi Morrison, Still there? What's your msn

  • hi shallow, fine today ?

  • Hello, May I?

    I am a 36 non-smoker.

    Add me for a private chat?

    [email protected]

  • Shallow.. can we talk in msn ? [email protected]

    Caution : Clean chat olny

  • Hi shallow,

    My email is [email protected]. We can exchange our MSN there but it was very badly named so you may want to consider twice before adding me haha. Cheers

  • nice to meet you, i'm 34 years old, single, male, live in T.S.T, back from canada, this is my msn : [email protected]

  • Why badly name? JohnLocke, don't worry, if I find you are bad, I can simply block you~ haa

  • hi shallow, busy today ?

  • john, very free, especially now waiting to leave office

  • so good of your job wor, then when will you leave ??

    any program after work ?

  • 6pm i think. Will dinner with friend later : )

    how about you? Have to OT?

  • same as you, will leave at 6pm.

    then have dinner with friends also.

    you may add my msn to keep chat <[email protected]>

  • Hi Shallow... u look for me? But i have a deep brain wor...

  • hi shallow,

    u nearly off la wor ............

  • Is "shallow" something you consider a quality, too?



  • Hi Shallow, care for a chat? looking for a chatmate. Non-smoker and well-educated :).

    [email protected]

  • 呢d thread真係好有問題,第一件事就講明只同有"quality"的人做friend,又要well educated, 又要non-smoker,只係做chatmate, 吾見又點會聞到佢陣煙除? 人地係咪well educated,傾兩句就知,吾駛一開頭就rule out 其他人,況且,中意係度講野既人係度講野,你都阻止吾到. 再者,亦會又好多人真係以為自己叫哎吔Ugrad就=well educated,但吾一樣羅。

    版主自己自己shallow,但又要同well educated 有quality既人做"friend", 仲話要係long term, 真係好笑,結左婚行埋禮都冇人話到比你知係咪long term啦,見到呢d thread 真係想死。

    不過亦反映出版主真係shallow羅。至於真正well educated 有內涵既人,想吾想/會吾會同版主做friend, 又係另外一件事羅...

  • Hi Macy, nice to meet you. Im 29 non-smoker, wanna make a new friend?

    Pls add my msn for further chat

    MSN: [email protected]


  • 香港冇得救:

    你咁講好似唔0岩喎~~ 版主想要non-smoker chatmate, 唔代表佢地傾熟左後唔出來見面喎~~ 如果傾熟左 一出來見面先知對方係 smoker, 一定會唔開心. 所版主以預先講定條件 係0岩的~~

    再者 版主所指的是 long term but not forever. 即代表比較長的日子 而唔知短暫時期. 所謂長期, 每個人心中定義唔同, 但general 來講唔係一兩個星期lor你唔好覺得係一生一世先得架

    同埋 一個人 係會對 一d 擁有自己沒有的特質 的人產生興趣的. 例如一個人冇錢, 會對一d 有錢人有興趣. 一個風趣善談的人, 可能會鐘意一個唔講野的聆聽者. 又好似蝸居中的宋思明 一生精明, 竟然會喜歡上一個頭腦簡單, 入世未深的幼嫩女孩咁~~ 所以我又唔覺得 真正well educated 有內涵既人 會唔鐘意版主lor~~

  • 輝FAI replied at 2010-05-27 8:21 pm



    你咁講好似唔0岩喎~~ 版主想要non-smoker chatmate, 唔代表佢地傾熟左後唔出來見面喎~~ 如果傾熟左 一出來見面先知對方係 smoker, 一定會唔開心. 所版主以預先講定條件 係0岩的~~

    再者 版主所指的是 long term but not forever. 即代表比較長的日子 而唔知短暫時期. 所謂長期, 每個人心中定義唔同, 但general 來講唔係一兩個星期lor你唔好覺得係一生一世先得架

    同埋 一個人 係會對 一d 擁有自己沒有的特質 的人產生興趣的. 例如一個人冇錢, 會對一d 有錢人有興趣. 一個風趣善談的人, 可能會鐘意一個唔講野的聆聽者. 又好似蝸居中的宋思明 一生精明, 竟然會喜歡上一個頭腦簡單, 入世未深的幼嫩女孩咁~~ 所以我又唔覺得 真正well educated 有內涵既人 會唔鐘意版主lor~~


    1 版主第一野就有rule out某個catagory既人,我覺得吾啱.

    2 你都識講啦,forever 吾等如long term. 咁一開波就話要long term,又有乜意思? 佢long term既定義係乜? 1個月?2個月定係1個星期? 人人對long term定義吾同,亦冇人可以一定work, 咁佢列呢d criteria出黎咪就係冇意思羅,只可show 到佢點低能白痴.

    同埋版主係咪有精神分裂,點解題目個"gal"要用plural? 吾通版主可以分裂幾個"gals" 出黎?

  • 唔覺得樓主個題目同要求有咩問題. 個題目可能只係typo﹐ 或故意漏個apostrophe. 要求就梗係會rule out某種人, 唔係點解寫要求?

  • save urself from thinking too much

  • 不如由香港冇得救親身示範呢條題目應該點寫!

  • dunt u find life is heavy

  • Thanks for those people who explained for me.

    My thread is only opened for guys feel interested to meet me

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not well educated, too. That's why I want to know some mature and smart people.

    Also, I'm serious to develop a real friendship in stead of chi chat and casual relationship.

    Hope you know what I meant : )

  • gals,i only f.5, is it ok?

  • NC replied at 2010-05-27 9:57 pm


    dunt u find life is heavy



  • onemanband, you are right and you have your choice, too

    I'm not the only girl looking for chatmate :P

  • hi shallow, found the ideal one yet?

  • Hi Shallow,

    Seems that you wanna explain it to everyone criticized you. Don't you feel tired to explain this and that to others? Suggest you to focus to talk to someone nice.

  • no one

    seem u don't wanna be fd with me :(

    oh !! poor me :(

  • hihi, any gals mind to chat??

  • hi gal, nice to see u in here again. :)

    nono, it's not that i don't wanna be fd with you but i just wanna be a wanderer at this moment browsing other people's post to see if something interested me.

  • longann, yes, let's back to the topic : )

  • I still don't see the point why the eligibility of being a friend has to be determined by his educational background in the first place. 

    i'm just curious if 'gal' is one who is well-educated herself... it's just nonsense to make the point "I'm not well educated, too. That's why I want to know some mature and smart people...", if this is the case why don't you just simply state in your subject that you would like to make friends with teachers so that they can teach you what you hadn't been educated. 

    moreover, "well-educated" does not necessarily mean "smart", don't you see it?


  • the only thing that makes sense here is your alias, you are as shallow as you named.

  • Shallow,

    I'm a smoker, not well-educated and not a quality guy, mind to chat?

  • 講到尾,又係港女一名,自己冇料到又想學人釣金龜. 慳d啦!

  • longann replied at 2010-05-28 12:26 am



    I'm a smoker, not well-educated and not a quality guy, mind to chat?


    為表誠意,要long term 喎

  • 豪仔 replied at 2010-05-28 12:28 am


    longann replied at 2010-05-28 12:26 am



    I'm a smoker, not well-educated and not a quality guy, mind to chat?


    為表誠意,要long term 喎


    Nobody can tell long term or not...

  • One thing I can tell is ... I am shallow too!

  • onemanband replied at 2010-05-27 11:50 pm




    港女風格囉. 喺大陸就算要媾個李嘉欣都就唔駛講學歷la. 你慢慢等啦

  • no one replied at 2010-05-28 12:13 am

    hi gal, nice to see u in here again. :)

    nono, it's not that i don't wanna be fd with you but i just wanna be a wanderer at this moment browsing other people's post to see if something interested me.

    i don't wanna keep reply here la.if u want to leave msn to me u can go to my thread ,I look for smart people only...haha

  • From my experience in, 90% guys after added in msn, the questioned they asked immediately are :

    How old?

    Do you have photo?

    What are you looking for ? " if I answer chatmate and clean chat only " 50% of them stop conversation because they expect gals in all looking for SL or SP or ONS

    Guys looking for pretty and hot gals

    Gals looking for smart and quality guys

    It's fair enough

    See how shallow both of us.

  • Hi Shallow, dun be angry, be happy.

    There are many different kinds of ppl and we can only care those care us, so dun be bothered by others mean wordings.

    In fact, comment is easy but who can say himself is good manner.

    anyway, be happy and enjoy the life.

    you may add my msn to further chat, <[email protected]>

  • good morning

  • John, True, added u , let's chat

  • hi shallow,

    the title of ur thread really have drawn my interest.

    the word quality however is somehow hard to define, it's a relative thing. it's more like a key to a keyhole matching thing when it comes to friendship and any relationship.

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