I have just broken up with my boyfriend

  • 9086-4492 mike
    <br>msn : [email protected]

  • hihi,我有182cm高,性格好開朗,好多野講,同我一起多數妳都唔會覺悶,妳唔開心,我會想辦法令妳開心,仲係一個好識製造浪漫既情人,妳想搵人傾計,我會好樂意做妳既聆聽者,現想小姐妳俾機會我認識妳,如有興趣可以add我msn
    <br>"[email protected]"

  • yamaha_1752004,
    <br>Your reply is a bit strange. Haha
    <br>you are looking for SL? i dunno what it stands for.
    <br>anyway, thanks for reply my post.

  • michellesg replied at 2010-05-11 11:34 pm
    <br>相同遭遇, 我都係四年, 岩岩分手, 一個月都唔夠, 因為第三者, so hurt~! I feel lonely and lost too~! .......
    <br>I experienced the same as you, my 2nd bf had another gal.
    <br>It was really hurt.
    <br>When you devoted all my love and passion to my beloved, but he was staying with another one! I did forgive him once, but he did the same again after a year.
    <br>So my advice is - forget him, it makes your life happier...

  • 樂觀面對,
    <br>I am trying to think positive.

  • no alternative

  • man replied at 2010-05-12 6:58 pm
    <br>no alternative

  • 。。。

  • He called me today.
    <br>As there are my personal stuff left in his home, i have to get them back next week.
    <br>It's really the end of our relationship.
    <br>Wanna find a way of relief, but can't force a tear.
    <br>I am upset....

  • 唔好太難過, 時間係治療情傷最好既療劑

  • Vannie replied at 2010-05-12 8:18 pm
    <br>He called me today.
    <br>As there are my personal stuff left in his home, i have to get them back next week.
    <br>It's really the end of our relationship.
    <br>Wanna find a way of relief, but can't force a tear.
    <br>I am upset....
    <br>舊既唔去,新既唔黎.唔駛驚冇人愛嫁.....add oil

  • <br>既然佢都叫到出口叫你攞番野走,咁即係証明佢都冇諗過番轉頭.
    <br>舊既唔去,新既唔黎.唔駛驚冇人愛嫁.....add oil

  • good

  • Vannie:

  • Vannie replied at 2010-05-12 8:56 pm
    <br>舊既唔去,新既唔黎.唔駛驚冇人愛嫁.....add oil

  • 樂觀面對 replied at 2010-05-12 9:51 pm

  • Hi Vannie - Nice to meet you! hope things are getting better. i am sure every single gentlemen here would try best to make you a happier person.

  • Yes, i do feeling better, chatting with ppl is a way of relief too :)

  • Vannie replied at 2010-05-13 4:42 pm
    <br>Yes, i do feeling better, chatting with ppl is a way of relief too :)
    <br>nice to hear that. feel free to let us know how or what to do to make you a happier person.
    <br>Vannie, so what you like to do for fun?

  • at this moment, i just wanna chat with ppl, or sharing, so i would not concentrate on this matter and no time to think abt it....

  • luvceci replied at 2010-05-09 3:49 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bull replied at 2010-05-09 3:19 pm-----------------------------------------------------------------Let it be, it will getting better=================================================================I am trying to, but it's hardwe have been together almost 5 years, i was just 23 when i met himtime flies =================================================================

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