
  • woman replied at 2010-04-11 2:35 pm


    yes........we havent had sex for 2 months....


    I haven't had sex with my wife almost a year..

  • tigerpatpat,

    i forget where i read or heard this phrase :

    "marriage problems stem from bedroom"

    "bedroom is the best arena to resolve marriage problems"

    well, chinese and gwailo are same same. ;P

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 1:04 pm



    i forget where i read or heard this phrase :

    "marriage problems stem from bedroom"

    "bedroom is the best arena to resolve marriage problems"

    well, chinese and gwailo are same same. ;P


    yes, something could be solved with a good F.uc.K.....

  • but if you can't solve it with a good fuc.k, then you are really fuc.ked.

  • realist replied at 2010-04-12 12:30 pm

    B or C isn't bad... you should consider yourself luck that you are not stuck with a F or 'N'.... lol

    good bless me, i am not stuck with a 'F', lol.

  • Didn't read this thread 'til now. To start with, getting married at young age didn't meant to be an unhappy marriage. It all depends on the couple.

    Sad to say, some of the husband would still stuck to their lifestyle and pay less attention to their family. Such lifestyle is merely behind the scene -- when the then GF was not around. Selfish? You can say that. Yet, some of the husband were willing to change and merely need some kind of catalyst.

  • mom,

    if i had to grade mine, she is probably a C+. so i should be grateful.

    and with the 2 little rascals, i don't think i can leave, at least not yet.

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 1:04 pm



    i forget where i read or heard this phrase :

    "marriage problems stem from bedroom"

    "bedroom is the best arena to resolve marriage problems"

    well, chinese and gwailo are same same. ;P



    Yes, I do agree with that phrase, but just don't know why is that happen between us. I do love her, but in sex...... Just Can't turn me on somehow.

  • viper,

    an extra-marital affairs are very common these days, surely i don't promote, yet it is hard to avoid in a modern family.

    btw, we can change our behaviour but not the natural born characteristics.

  • mom,

    what are your natural born characteristics? have you crossed the line before?

  • realist,

    are they angels or devils?

    C+ is not a good grading, you should be more generous.

  • realist,

    haha, grade A-, a little defect found in my gene only, if not, i must have grade A+.

    and, with that defect, i crossed the line again and again.

  • mom,

    my kids? of cos, they are angels, but with devilish behaviors sometimes. haha

    your point is noted, i should be more generous.

  • mom,

    A- who crossed the line again and again. yes, you are generous indeed.

  • tigerpatpat,

    let me ask you a stupid question.

    if your lady loved you but she slept with other man, would you forgive her and accept the defect? some fds of mine say no problem, i think they lie.

  • realist,

    what is your grade then? A-? haha.

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 4:26 pm



    let me ask you a stupid question.

    if your lady loved you but she slept with other man, would you forgive her and accept the defect? some fds of mine say no problem, i think they lie.


    Of Cos, I can't accept it, if it really happens, I think that could be my problem.

  • tiggerpatpat,

    do you ever talk with your lady?

  • mom,

    i am a D at best.

  • realist,

    would your lady visit she.com? i hope she will not read your grading as well as your marking towards her. lol

  • mom,

    i hope not... haha

  • mom,

    to be honest, she knows i am a D.... lol

  • realist,

    mind me to ask you another stupid question?

    does she know that her grading too?

  • mom,

    i wouldn't dare to let you know the truth. not everyone can handle the truth.

  • realist,

    to be honest, if my man knew that i chat with men here, he would stamp me a 'big black pig', one step further, if he knew that i had crossed the lines again and again, my tranquil life would die.

    very agree, not everyone can handle the truth.

    she knows that you are a D, does she know your D's affairs too?

  • mom,

    secrets are best buried deep.

    you must be doing a good job living two lives, right?

  • Cat must be skillful, with 9 lives....

  • realist,

    secrets are best buried deep, whereas no secret exist in the reality.

    how you keep the secrets? back home on time is my best tact.

  • mom,

    agreed. avoiding suspicion is the best approach.

    do you have many lines happening at the same time?

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 6:02 pm



    secrets are best buried deep, whereas no secret exist in the reality.

    how you keep the secrets? back home on time is my best tact.


    prima facie

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 4:41 pm



    do you ever talk with your lady?



    I did. U know? A man become to this age, can't just having sex like we were in young age. Need to do something more on foreplay, but she seems not understand. My god... I can't teach her step by step that is no fun, you know?

  • tigerpatpat,

    in short, she won't blow you or sxxk your balls, right? lol

  • realist replied at 2010-04-12 6:45 pm



    in short, she won't blow you or sxxk your balls, right? lol


    Never and ever

  • tigerpatpat,

    my man is not skillful neither so i know your pain.

    before i tell my experience, i have to declare that it is not a lure. just about a hour ago, i thought of blowing someone when i was on my way to home, and i felt very hot.

  • but now, i calm down with peace.

    this is the tranquil life i look for, too.

  • realist,

    simple is always the best, i prefer one line at one time, however, i was by chance involving in 2 lines, my emotional capacity was overloaded.

    i am not a good player, this is my another defect. lol

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 7:29 pm



    my man is not skillful neither so i know your pain.

    before i tell my experience, i have to declare that it is not a lure. just about a hour ago, i thought of blowing someone when i was on my way to home, and i felt very hot.


    women imagine/dream most of the time

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 7:38 pm



    simple is always the best, i prefer one line at one time, however, i was by chance involving in 2 lines, my emotional capacity was overloaded.

    i am not a good player, this is my another defect. lol


    don't play, or play less....then

  • mom,

    nice thought... did you have someone in mind?  or was it just a faceless dick??

  • mom replied at 2010-04-12 7:29 pm



    my man is not skillful neither so i know your pain.

    before i tell my experience, i have to declare that it is not a lure. just about a hour ago, i thought of blowing someone when i was on my way to home, and i felt very hot.



    Yeah..The way of sex in her mind is just very straight foreward. I can't say it is boring but it is.

  • man replied at 2010-04-12 1:27 am


    Moko84 replied at 2010-04-11 11:18 pm




    not all, and it will usually happen after 3 years, 6 years......



  • lively indeed. Just home. Finished working. I consider my wife to be a A+++ as a mother. She devotes all her time to the children, taking care of each and every aspect. Yet , she doesnt know or doesnt care where I am. Believed or not. Never a call from her in the past yrs. Calls, if any, were all from children.

  • I been sleeping separately inside my room for 10 years. Enjoying indeed I would say. Ok, time for bed. Working tmr. Chat again when free. Seeya.

  • lots of couples sleep in different rooms/places until sex, nothing strange

  • 婚前原全無先兆嗎?

    moko, yes something was there before the marriage, but it's just an inkling of uneasiness, not enough to deter me from going through with it.

    but if you let these doubts affect you, you will never get married... haha

  • there isn't perfect in this world

  • Perfection is imperfect in itself

  • Moko84 replied at 2010-04-13 3:02 am


    man replied at 2010-04-12 1:27 am


    Moko84 replied at 2010-04-11 11:18 pm




    not all, and it will usually happen after 3 years, 6 years......




    ever heard of 7 years' itches?

  • In my opinion chinese tradition money is important to them..they dnt have time to each other keeping their self busy..love is not important for them..

  • truelover,

    we are need love, the greatest diversity between various cultures is the way of expression of love.

    chinese males are comfortable to spend money when they are in love; western males tend to express their love by body language.

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