'Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me."

  • Report:

    I screwed up last weekend.

    Beast and I went out dancing and got drunk. We went to few dance clubs and at the end when we almost ready to leave, he went to the restroom. I was there and i didn't know what happen. Anyway, he said when he came out, he saw me dancing sleazy with a guy and his hands were feeling my boobs up. He was so angry and then pulled me out the bar.

    Then he cried and cried..... now, he is still very upset with me. :(

    I was drunk and I didn't know what I did. : (

  • good nite obi!

  • 一個懂得愛人的男人.... how to be?? that is the question.

  • Women,

    how to put the filling on nose? do you need to numb the area first?


    yes, 搽左藥等廿分鐘到, 就整得....

    不過我知打 botox 無得麻醉...

    話時話, 個 nose 高左, 睇落塊面都尖左 ^^

  • 呢排要shopping...

  • gaga

    oh no! but was he drunk too?

  • 我呢排對於 sp/sl 既睇法越來越抽黎....

  • tarzan replied @ 2010-02-03 9:26 am

    一個懂得愛人的男人.... how to be?? that is the question.


    will you ask a fish how to swim ?

  • tarzan

    so if u know how to swing around trees, u should know how to love a woman. any new jane in your life? (8 ha sin)


    妳咁忙, 點會諗呢d? 女人好多時都係得閒/空虛先會去識SL/SP.

  • hi, dear, i wont love u as i m married, however, do u want to meet now?

  • nut,

    well, the trouble with tarzan is he is never satisfied with staying with any one tree, when the forest around him is so vast....wink

  • Nut,


    家陣睇到 d 情情愛愛野, 好似無咩感覺....

    但, 做人唔可以甘架 >.<

  • 42

    thx but no thx, someone loves me anyway.

  • 哈哈, 呢度久唔久就有人向度搵 sp/sl.

    問心講, 就算有過sp/sl 都唔代表easy 架.

  • obi

    good luck on your job interview!^^

  • obi,

    Good luck to you!


    He was not drunk because he could stand the alcohol but I couldn't.

    Anyway, he can kind of getting over it now but he still feels insecure about me. : (

  • women,

    That sounds easy.

    When I do the filling for the "laugh lines", the doctor had to use needles inside my mouth first (like the dentists use needle to numb the area before they pull the teeth). That's the scariest part.

    The botox needles are easier to take. I can stand the pain.

  • gaga

    don't worry, i'm sure he will get over it soon, u were drunk! but maybe he'll stop bringing u to a club for a while.... : )

  • women9588 replied @ 2010-02-03 5:35 pm



    家陣睇到 d 情情愛愛野, 好似無咩感覺....

    但, 做人唔可以甘架 >.<


    唔係丫, 妳都幾錫G4.

  • she.com has been quiet....

  • nut,

    please don't wake me up...

  • nut,


  • 好耐無report, 因為無咩好report....

    新年後bolt少話會黎探我, 希望佢真係抽到時間, 因為我知佢最近有幾個新project. 我自己就計劃緊4月返o下黎, 不過未訂位.

    呢排同bolt少都幾好, 佢出緊trip, 呢個trip佢唔駛做好多野, 所以我地仲傾多o左電話. : )

  • Seems like everybody is busy in getting ready for the CNY.


    Beast and I have had many things happened to our relationship for the past two weeks. It's somehow like a tv show. I screwed things up in a bar. then we got into a traffic accident in the highway that our car is in total loss but we didn't hurt much. we could have been killed if any car hit us. and then one night, we went out with my gf and ended up we had a threesome. I know that she likes him because she always said to me how much she jealous that my bf treats me so good. But Beast just watched us gals fooling around. He didn't touch her. Then my friend asked Beast to fcuk. Beast said no. Then she begged me and said "please let beast fcuk me....." she was a little bit drunk but she knew what she was doing. Then we both said no and she was a little bit pissed. At the end we called a cab and sent her home.

  • And one night, beast and his friend were talking about me getting drunk that night and his friend said he doesn't believe a gal can get drunk like that. Then I was all upset and walked out the bar and wanted to call a cab home. Beast ran outside and asked me what happened? I cried and said YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME I WAS DRUNK! YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME..... then i hit him. He was so good. he calms me down and said to me he didn't agree with his friend. He believed me that I was drunk...... Then he completely forgive me about that night. We made up.

  • cum on my face please!

  • After all those crazy things, our relationship is even stronger then before. : )

  • Hello !

    我無野 update ^^

  • gaga

    happy to know that u were not injured!

    your gf was up to no good! does she want beast to be her bf too? u must be proud of beast for turning down the 3some opportunity. : )

    hihi women!^^

  • gaga

    it's not unusual to be as drunk as u at all! i have been that drunk many times. i was a party animal for about 2 yrs back in college, i know quite well how it felt like to be dead drunk. maybe that's why i don't drink much anymore, i don't even like wine now, champagne tastes a bit better....

  • hihi~

    我都無野update喎. : )

  • gaga,

    嘩!! 你在寫小說嗎? :P



    如果架車total lost都撞得幾厲害,

    好彩你地無咩大礙. : )





    你幾時會同beast結婚呀? :P

  • nutnut,


    識左咁耐都仲可以有講唔完的話題. : )

  • 最近呢度多左d得意thread,


    又有人想搵女仔新年前在Upper House共渡浪的一晚,



    比之前只係單單地幾個字, trade, support, sp, sl....精彩左dd... : )

  • 哈哈~~真的有趣,

    但又有多少人願意耳語變成是論語呢? :P

  • wing,

    amid all those $$$, tarzan feels naked and poor..... so sad.

  • W 逗妳開心便是,寫信給我 [email protected]

  • tarzan,

    naked & poor都唔算好sad,

    除非你自己也這樣認為. :P

  • Grassmat ,







  • wing,

    tarzan still has the little loin clothe to keep his dignity intact.  that should be enough as long as he stays in his juggle.

  • tarzan,

    that's enough!

    no more sad indeed. : )

  • wingwing

    haha, 話題就梗有o既, 每日有咁多事發生, 講下自己, 講下人地, 其實真係大把野可以傾. ^^

  • your gf was up to no good! does she want beast to be her bf too? u must be proud of beast for turning down the 3some opportunity. : )

    by nut



    by wing


    nut and wing,

    I've just known this gal for 5 months. She is from Korea. She is the gal I talked about here before who introduced me to botox and different kinds of beauty things. She looks really pretty and young. I like her a lot at first and we went out (with Beast) together few times.

    I know that she is very envy about me having a great bf and he is rich. She said to me many times that she loves everything I have. Beast said that she is too slutty and evil because she has many friends with benefits and one night stands. And she asked me to hang out with her without telling Beast. So, Beast asked me not to hang out with her too much. I always listen to Beast and never have been out with her without him. I think he worried that I will be influenced by her and cheat on him at the end.

    I am very happy that Beast didn't take advantage of her that night of course. And I am so moved that he is very loyal and kind at heart.

  • t's not unusual to be as drunk as u at all! i have been that drunk many times. i was a party animal for about 2 yrs back in college....



    wow! I can't imagine that you were that wild before. Your image to me is a super classy woman.

    I am the opposite. I have never had a chance to go clubbing before. :p

  • 撞左你果架新車?


    如果架車total lost都撞得幾厲害,

    好彩你地無咩大礙. : )


    Thanks for asking. It was a rental car because we were having a getaway last weekend. so lucky he bought the insurance. otherwise, It would have cost him hundred thousands for the damage. :(

  • aha, 話題就梗有o既, 每日有咁多事發生, 講下自己, 講下人地, 其實真係大把野可以傾. ^^


    That's true. It might become a habit for both of you. Beast and I also chat all the time and I think if we break up, it would be so hard for me to adjust to having no phone calls all day.... :p

  • morning~~


    嘻嘻~ 我諗你應該改口叫beast做prince or king,


    其實我都好妒忌你喎~ :P


    嗯~~ 只做chit-chat friend會好d.

  • 年廿八, 洗邋遢!


    我要逗好多,好多利是! 嘻嘻~~

  • 留多個message先...

    嘻嘻~~我係第99個post : )



    祝你地個個都同honey長長99. : )

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