
  • 最近閏房寂寞~ 就打算多買個震蛋自我安慰一下~ <br />看到這個震蛋~ 是用作刺激陰核跟 G 點的呢~ <br />好像很好玩~ 就買這一個~ <br /><img onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://www.hk7-11.net/shop/big5/Head_Images/b_20081025012011_7293.jpg');}" border="0" alt="" src="http://www.hk7-11.net/shop/big5/Head_Images/b_20081025012011_7293.jpg" onload="if(this.width>screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" /><br /><a href="http://www.hk7-11.net/shop/big5/shop/productsimg.php?cid=8&pid=1408&cart_id=2010012320111221825561345820">http://www.hk7-11.net/shop/big5/shop/productsimg.php?cid=8&pid=1408&cart_id=2010012320111221825561345820</a><a href="http://www.hk7-11.net/shop/big5/shop/productsimg.php?cid=8&pid=1408&cart_id=2010012320111221825561345820" target="_blank"><font color="#0044dd"></font></a><br />一天下午~ 心思思想拿出來玩一下~ <br />就躺在床上~ 先隔著 T-shirt 輕輕震一下乳頭... <br />一震就硬起來了耶~ (我一個人在家只穿一件 T-shirt ~ 內衣褲都沒穿)<br />然後放到陰核附近~ 手揉著胸~ 手指掃著硬了的乳頭~ <br />「啊~~~」感覺好舒服~ 水也開始流出來了~ <br />再把震蛋插入去~ 校到最大... <br />「哇呀~~~~~」好騷好癢~ 整個身都抖起來了~ 好刺激的感覺~ <br />稍稍習慣一點以後~ 就用手輕輕的又慢慢的抽插一下... <br />「啊.... 呀~~~」感覺更強烈~ 身在抖~ 腰在扭~ <br />右手拿著震蛋輕輕抽插~ 左手揉著胸~ 左手食指掃左乳頭~ <br />然後感覺到陰道一下一下的收縮著~ <br />那就停止抽插~ 換成緊緊的按住.... <br />「哇~~~~」刺激得上半身都坐起了~ 再無力的跌下~ <br />感覺到好多好多水湧出來~ 好滿足的感覺~ <br />就這樣側躺著... 因為震蛋還未關... <br />麻麻騷騷的感覺又來了~ <br />合著腿~ 側躺著~ 按著震蛋~ <br />好快~ 又感覺到陰道一下一下收縮~ <br />好多好多水又湧出來了~ 然後轉身平躺~ <br />再拿著震蛋作細幅度的抽插~ <br />太 high 了~ 太騷太癢了~ 有種空虛感... <br />心裡想著: 誰也好 來插我吧~~ <br />就拿出震蛋... 看到一條水柱被拉出來了... <br />換成震棒~ 一插而盡~ 好充實的感覺~ <br />猛烈的抽插一番~ 陰道又一下一下的收縮了~ <br />這一次~ 滿足感更強~ <br />把棒棒拿出來後~ 小睡了一會~<br />

  • hi Alice,
    <br>Do you think we can ahve a chat in email? I am in the office and can't use msn....sorry about that......
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>Hope to chat with you soon....

  • alice, pls add [email protected]

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