
  • anther c9,

  • beibei,我一 d 都唔叻,我之所以有今日都係我前老公同 sl 所教識我

  • anther c9,
    <br>能在失敗中汲取教訓已經好叻! 真心支持妳

  • c9
    <br>你好值得respect !
    <br>冇錯, 為了兒女, 幾辛苦都可以捱過的

  • another C9,
    <br>其實妳冇老公,又帶住兩個細既,妳好應該搵個 sl 返來同妳對仔女做性教育,就係現在既父母冇做,所以現在既人個個都唔識真正既做愛係點,妳搵個 sl 係對仔女面前做下,咁對仔女至會識,妳係人老冇,就有責任去教佢地,現在佢地又冇老豆,真係好可可憐,妳都唔想見到自己對仔女咁慘係咪?不如妳搵番個 sl 吧!

  • <br>What a scumbag!!!! Hero, I feel so sorry about your parents!
    <br>another C9,
    <br>其實妳冇老公,又帶住兩個細既,妳好應該搵個 sl 返來同妳對仔女做性教育,就係現在既父母冇做,所以現在既人個個都唔識真正既做愛係點,妳搵個 sl 係對仔女面前做下,咁對仔女至會識,妳係人老冇,就有責任去教佢地,現在佢地又冇老豆,真係好可可憐,妳都唔想見到自己對仔女咁慘係咪?不如妳搵番個 sl 吧!

  • hero, you are right! most of the parents won't teach their kids how to make love, that's why most of the young kids they are not very skillful and long lasting with that, you are doing the great job, very good.

  • Smile, I think there's nothing wrong to support her your way as long as you can!! I'm too sympathetic over what happened to her /her kids!! but this shouldn't be endless though.

  • Dear G,
    <br>Thanks for your comment.
    <br>I guess there is a big change on the current situation, it would probably come to the end of this relationship. Something happened recently.

  • smile
    <br>so lucky of your sl
    <br>do u know.... not easy to find right SL

  • 點解男人搵c9做2奶架 ? 我衣d單身年輕女仔又有冇做2奶市場呢 ?講真我有份好安定的工, 又唔想結婚, 反而好想日常生活有個人錫下, 又唔好好似拍拖咁痴身咁煩,我對男人的負擔真係少好多呀, 有冇人考慮下我呀 ? ^^

  • smile, respect her.., make sure you let's her know..u stand by for her, make sure..she know..when she need..u will help
    <br>we have different value..., if u love her, tell to understnad her..try to accept her own choices.....
    <br>u love her..or..u do not mind to offer your love to het..but not love her yet?
    <br>she love u..or trying to love u..?
    <br>wait..if u love

  • as a man...we may never understand...how bad of the feeling...from a broken marriage resulting from a 3rd party...from a woman point of view...
    <br>if she consider u as a bf.., it has already been a big step....
    <br>dun push her..be happy.... be with her..when she need a shoulder..etc..
    <br>may be.. you can gift her daughter some classes..etc..such as piano/painting..classes..etc... suppose she does want her daughter to learn more..etc....
    <br>too many may..be..

  • 唔識講你係唔係行緊正確的路

  • hey sa sa... are u the sa sa i know?

  • 我好迷網.........

  • Can I help?

  • if ok with her.... don't think too much

  • Let the feeling flow, unless you want Fate to rule

  • to build a long term and happy relationship...only one party can be confused..at one moment...
    <br>be a man..take the lead..and dun confuse!!!

  • ha 8
    <br>agree w you... really can build up long term good relationship is not easy, so I say so lucky of him

  • are u my good friend sa sa ?

  • 早幾日有D野發生左.......
    <br>我之前堤過, 不如聖誕假期去大陸玩下, 食下野等等, 她跟我說不想去大陸, 要係屋企照顧女女, 我說好啦, 但係............

  • can u share what had happened?

  • 我24號打佢手提, 鈴聲令我嚇左一大跳....眼淚都忍吾住,........傳來的鈴聲係大陸, 我係24號打左幾次, 佢冇聽我电話.................晚上十點幾, 仍然係大陸鈴聲.............

  • then...?

  • u mean...she is with anohter guy or..her ex husband ? or..?

  • 24號11點幾已經關機, 我留言說, 你去左大陸呀, 得閒打番俾我吖.......
    <br>一直到25號下午, 我打給她, 仍然傳來大陸鈴聲.............26號仍然係大陸鈴聲, 我胡思亂想, 幾個晚上都沒有睡好

  • ic..she likely to have a closer bf..

  • again..if u really love her as a person she..is...., i suppose u know what is love..
    <br>then..respect her freedom and let's her know..u are waiting.let's say..if one yr later..if turth love..turely love her as what she is.....is still around..i suppose..nothing may be changed too
    <br>2007..till now...and broke for one yrs.., as a roadman..i do doubt..how deep and turth the love can be...
    <br>if she is not too silly.. she should not accept u offer too....and may be u did not shared much... i cannot see she love u at all...

  • 她是住在邊境的村屋的, 她己接受了我的提議, 已經幫女女找九龍塘及何文田的小學, 她自已亦在找一份在九龍市區的工作了.

  • 計劃之後就會找市區的住所了

  • at least it is what u want...at this stage.., wish u work harder..it take a lot of soul and effort to run 2 family..haha... good luck..
    <br>dun cry anymore la..ture love can overcome a few days missing...

  • 27號...我晚上用133打給她......
    <br>she took the call as there was no caller display.........
    <br>我話, 你點呀, 返左黎拿.......佢冇出聲........
    <br>我就問, 點呀, 冇事吖嘛, 點解吾應我嘅........

  • have u mentally..prepared..she have another sl at this moment?

  • 我sms佢, 同佢講我好愛佢, 希望佢可以接我电話.......到而家當然未有聯絡到la

  • ha8,
    <br>I did not but now......I am thinking she may has another one

  • is it love...or..passion only ?
    <br>can a woman trust..that is love from a marriage man ?
    <br>may be..."less love" from you..she may take it.. too demanding..make great relaionship gone sour...
    <br>why u have a SL ?

  • 事情發展得太突然, 我好迷網......
    <br>朋友們, 係時候說我活該, 底死, on9, 白痴仔啦

  • 朋友們, 發生左セ事呢, 我應該點呢

  • u may be onx..pak chi..etc.. but.you are what you ar..why care..too much....
    <br>let's say..she not love u...she like u more than a friend....she txh you u..for your support..but no love...., u stil willing to give your "love" ?..
    <br>from her...unless..she is really poor dead..or super greedy... it is really not easy to take your offer..(your offer can be a time bomb..to her...as she not love u)

  • one life..., how many time..u can be ON X...wor... dun think too much la.., take it or leave it..la ..how hurted can that be..3 months..ho mei ? ..how much u may lost too...if u cannot afford..u will not offer to support right ?
    <br>be a man..dun cry..stand up..bite the bullet..take it or leave it..

  • <p>喂,唔好喊啦!! 堅強D 啦!!<br />係she.com呢度,好難得有男人會為自己鐘意既人付出咁多<br />好多人都會欣嘗你呢!!<br /><br />不過, 你真係鐘意佢0既話,你就俾多D自己佢選擇,尊重佢既決定啦!!<br />其實單親未必係你想像之中咁慘,每件事情0既辦法總比問題多<br />就算你唔幫佢請工人,相信佢都有能力自己解決問題啦!!<br /><br />(p.s. 你滿足佢心靈上0既需要,比起你幫佢解決0既金錢既問題黎得重要,俾多D 支持同關心佢啦!!)</p>

  • bbG....good..good..
    <br>only ture care..and heart..gain love..but not $$ ar

  • smile..sometime..something..if we let's go..we get more...

  • smile, <br />唔好過份投入係呢段關係啦...<br />你仲有老婆同埋自己0既屋企ga!!<br />如果你握實拳頭,點都堅持要同佢一齊去解決呢個問題既話,你得到既只會係你拳頭上既野<br />但如果你懂得放開雙手,你可以擁有or得到既可能會多好多<br />希望你堅強d 啦!!!

  • u sleep la..gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  • I am also in somekind of SL relationship. I find that there is no SL relationship in this world. The first time she told me that she would like to have a SL to support her mentally, I found out that she had lots of problems in her life.
    <br>However, once I told her not to get too close to her husband (I might be wrong but most of the people agreed with me the first time when I told them the whole story), she decided to leave her husband and stay with me. I was shocked. I did not expect she would dump her family and be with me.
    <br>I did all my best to maintain this relationship but she had been a pain to me as well. I know I need to take care of this woman as she did had a very hard life and she needs to take care of so many things in this world.
    <br>BUt....so??? Finally she decides to get back with her husband at the end. I am very shocked as that was not something anyone would appreicate. Even her parents would not like her to get back to her ex-husband.
    <br>SO what? What else we can do about that? SMILE!.....You need to wake up and you need to know you still have your family that you are liable to. If she just walks away from your relationship, you have to accept that.

  • noone here

  • smile

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