日本最新Free-Off ICE GEL強勢登場,Ice Gel 免磨Gel甲系列 at Cafe de Nail !試做價 $200

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    <td id="postmessage_26396876" class="t_msgfont">Ice Gel 免磨樹脂系列除了有一般水晶甲質感外, 還擁有Soft Gel的彈性., 卸除方法容易, 而且不會損害真甲.<br /><br />亦因為Ice Gel 擁有易塗易卸的功效, 在日本及歐洲等地已成為一種新興的潮流. 在日本更成為三大品牌之一.<br /><br />顏色出眾, 能做到水晶甲弧度的Ice Gel能帶給追求完美的你, 擁有易用, 美觀及更自然的人造指甲和舒適的美甲享受.卸除方法十分簡單,只需使用含有超過70%丙酮( Acetone )的洗甲水, 浸泡15-20分鐘, 即可輕易卸除.方便回家自行使用.是您或美甲店不可決少的產品之一.<br /><br />另外擁有超過120種顏色的Ice Color Gel亦適合用於任何光療樹脂產品. 它像塗普通指甲油般容易, 只需薄薄的塗上1-2層, 便能充分地表現出豐富美麗的色彩!!!有助您或美甲師發<font color="#ff0000"><font size="4"><strong><font color="#3366ff"><br /></font></strong></font></font><br /><br />ICE GEL 整塗顏色多達120種,試做價 $200 for mini kit short last 1-2 weeks and 試做價 $148 foot massage 45 min 三張水療按摩足浴, 歡迎打電話預約查詢!!! <font color="#800080">2818 8345</font> <br /><br /><font color="#804000"><font color="#ff007f"><font size="2"><font color="#ff007f"><font color="#ff0000"><font size="6"><font color="#000000"><font color="#804000"><font color="#ff007f"><font size="2"><font color="#ff007f"><strong><font color="#ff80bf">營業時間: <font size="4">12:00am~11:00pm</font></font></strong></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br /><br /><br />擁有三個不同的area,包括cafe, Nail 同 水療按摩足浴 !  <br />如你想知詳細環境地方 :<br />Pls ad facebook : <font color="#ff0000">cafe de nail  <font color="#2f4f4f">or ad facebook : <font color="#ff0000">Ice Gel </font></font></font><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><font color="#ff0000"><font size="4"><strong><font color="#3366ff"><br /></font></strong></font></font><strong>必須留電話<font color="#c00000">預先1-2日預約,</font></strong><strong>早3小時前通知改時間或取消預約 thank you gals !!</strong><br /><strong><font color="#c00000"><br /></font></strong><font color="#ff0000"><font size="4"><strong><font color="#3366ff">* 本店只接受現金付款<br /></font></strong></font></font></td>

  • I went to this shop with my friend last Monday nite, as I have receive their Promotion handout outside Lee Garden...<br /><br />We tried their foot massage and their Gel Nail...I really enjoy the time I spent there... and  we have also tried some of their foods & drinks too... the dinner set is not so expensive.. around $44/person. And it is not so busy at dinner time... it is a good place to hang around with friends..  

  • thank you for yr coming , hope can see u next time , cheers !!!

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