
  • udy~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />咁夜先上嚟嘅^^<br /><br />5見左.

  • 有你響到已經有人氣啦<br />我已經飲到醉醉地啦<br />都唔知自己講咩啦

  • lazy<br />yes...but only to the right person^^

  • phil<br />咁早就飲醉...:p

  • What is the right person in your mind?
    <br>Lets see whether I can be the lucky guy?

  • 冇辦法同公司鬼佬飲酒<br />1個鐘6ROUND DRAUGHT PINT BEERS<br />去10次廁所都唔掂啦<br /><br />呢到有咩人??? 可否介紹一下呢?

  • What is the right person in your mind?<br /><br />>>>我已經有個right person喇^^<br /><br />呢到有咩人??? 可否介紹一下呢?<br /><br />>>>呢度有咩人..咪我囉<br />我見到嘅你都見到架<br />仲洗介紹...???

  • 你地都係呢到呢到的老鬼呀?

  • You should keep your eyes open, you never know who you may meet... haha... (its actually really bad to say that, trying to break someone's relationship... hahaha)

  • 我幾個月冇上過呢個網@_@

  • 你地都係呢到呢到的老鬼呀?<br /><br />>>>我唔係老鬼...=.=<br />我係夜鬼啫~<br /><br />You should keep your eyes open, you never know who you may meet... haha... (its actually really bad to say that, trying to break someone's relationship... hahaha)<br /><br />>>>哈哈...你break唔到我呢個relationship架<br />咁就算有另一半都可以keep my eyes open嘅<br />靚野我唔介意睇架....:p

  • hahaha... thats good... it means I still have a remote chance... haha...
    <br>so what do you look for in a guy, is it just the looks?

  • <p>都唔知你地係咩鬼<br />冇時冇刻都可以出POST</p>

  • 招什麼女人-__-我是男仔..哈<br /><br />>>>哈哈...我知你係男啦<br />不過你話俾個topic吸引嘛<br />但好多女仔開d topic介吸引啦<br />我呃水吹之嘛...haha~

  • so what do you look for in a guy, is it just the looks?<br /><br />>>>我相信每個人睇人都係睇樣先嘅<br />你睇女仔應該都係睇樣同身材先啩...haha~

  • topic夠長..

  • 呢排she搞咩<br />個個上嚟都係小朋友咩<br />個個開口埋口都叫人姐姐

  • <p>sorry too drunk<br />checkouttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt<br />good night everyone</p>

  • 我唔會叫係姐姐law
    <br>hi slut~~

  • hmm... thats a fair comment... if its looks you are looking for, I am your man... hahahaha.... (I really cannot believe I can write that hahahah)
    <br>For me looks is one thing, but relationship really need more than just looks...

  • 我有小小醉only~~~~~~~:p

  • hmm... thats a fair comment... if its looks you are looking for, I am your man... hahahaha.... (I really cannot believe I can write that hahahah) <br /><br />>>>I cant believe it too.....XD~<br /><br />For me looks is one thing, but relationship really need more than just looks<br /><br />>>>當然如果2個人要有進一步關係唔只睇樣啦<br />外型只係第一個印像<br />之後要睇2個人溝唔溝通到,夾唔夾嘅^^<br /><br />lodoss<br />hihihihi~~~~~<br />做咩個個都醉...haha~

  • o..
    <br>that i leave..
    <br>nice to meet u:p

  • hahaha, 但都好醒law

  • so communication.. lets start communicating... haha...
    <br>so whats keeping you from sleeping tonight... SLuT... (geez i love this name.. haha... yet i feel so rude keep on repeating it.. haha)

  • lodoss<br />我訓唔訓都係咁嘅樣架啦<br />唔洗返工,日頭訓得晏,夜晚咪夜訓囉~<br /><br />lazy<br />哈.....你又唔洗訓的話咪溝通下囉...hehe<br />改得呢個名就唔mind你係咁叫係咁叫係咁叫啦....haha~

  • haha, 咁都係既............
    <br>唔理你咩slut唔slut, 攬住先算:p

  • no, dont need to sleep here yet, in fact i feel quite bored, i actually just got off work, and feel my life is so dull, all i do is wake up, work, and sleep, and cycle just contnues!!! Need some excitment, something to break the cycle hahaha!!!
    <br>what about you, whats your story? why are you up so late?

  • lodoss<br />我次次飲酒如果少少醉都係訓唔到<br />點解唔飲醉d,溝埋女先返屋企呀....XD~

  • hi, i am 35+,single n live alone mature man,any hot girls wanna hv hot chat or cam fun n try my big jj n good skill make u high n happyad me [email protected]

  • joe<br />咁夜先做完野.....@@<br />你做咩架~<br />我無咩特別story....哈哈<br />而家好得閒囉,唔洗返工<br />不過開始努力搵工喇~

  • d人係咪想去gay forum但又唔知邊度有,所以post個msn等我幫佢呢.....

  • Yea, the last few days have been crazy, piled with work... i do investments...
    <br>what job are you looking for? the market is quite poor, very hard to find good jobs...

  • 而家做investment係咪好辛苦呢,咁嘅市道...<br />我之前做開sec,都係想搵返sec或者admin啦<br />我都知而家market係差d<br />都預左人工低d架喇~

  • slut 姐姐

  • its ok, just a bit too busy lately, but the market is not too bad for investments...
    <br>its good that you have that mentality, dont let yourself idle for too long... otherwise hard to get back into the market
    <br>seriously just a suggestion, while you are between jobs (depending on how long you are between jobs already), you really should find something to do still, like volunteer work and stuff, it looks good on your resume, and makes you more marketable,...

  • joe<br />其實我已經idle左好耐喇......haha<br />不過我知而家嘅市道無可能搵得返以前嘅人工<br />不過好過無得做嘛<br />anyway,thx 4 ur suggestion^^<br /><br />你做到咁夜先收工<br />同你個名好唔襯喎...lazyjoe....haha<br />

  • the longer you have been idle, the more important it would be to demonstrate you have tried to keep busy, like studying, volunteer work etc... but dont feel unhappy the market is bad, is bad for everyone...
    <br>in my bones i am a very lazy person hahaha, just the surroundings doesnt let me hahahaha...

  • joe<br />哈...我好樂觀嘅<br />無咩值得唔開心<br />個個人都捱緊奈啦,又唔係得我一個慘^^<br />我都係好懶架,唔係都唔會咁耐唔做野啦~<br />男人...係應該勤力d嘅<br /><br />lodoss似乎已經醉左訓左lu....:p

  • I believe in fairness, equality... put in work and if its rewarded then its ok, but the place i am at, unfortunately doesnt do that, which is one of the reason i am not too happy...
    <br>honestly having a break from work isnt that bad, i am thinking of taking some time off too, but i am afraid if i do, it would be hard to find another job... aiii... worry worry worry...
    <br>btw, how old are you, SLut hahaha...

  • 呢個時候有份工好緊要<br />放下假囉...抖幾日都好呀^^<br /><br />我2x歲囉^^<br />不過呢度d人唔知係真係個個都好細個定係智商有問題<br />係咪都叫人姐姐<br />成年嘅男人仲周圍叫人姐姐,除左弱智我諗唔到咩理由...haha<br />如果男人老狗仲要扮細個扮cute真係好嘔心~

  • hahahhaha... i like your comments.... haha... now i learn a bit more what you dont like in a guy.. haha...
    <br>i dont know, i havent come here for a very long time, i really dont know what are the age group around here, but in general people seems quite mature, at least dont see people in the teens around here, so i am sure you should be on the young side... hahaha....
    <br>holidays... yea.. want to do that too.... not always easy to get though... i havent had any holidays this year yet... but i kind of want to make sure i have something to do during my holidays too, otherwise i would feel like i wasted it... haha...
    <br>what about you, have you been travelling during this break?

  • 我覺得呢度咩age都有喎<br />可能你少上嚟啦^^<br /><br />唔岩咩...男人係應該man d架嘛<br />好似我之前識嘅男朋友,其實個個都係細過我咁滯<br />但最緊要唔係個男人年紀幾大幾細<br />係佢嘅思想同性格<br />佢地雖然細過我,但絕對唔會俾我有小朋友嘅感覺<br />我諗無乜邊個女人會鍾意同個男人一齊有湊細路嘅感覺啩<br />同埋...無一個女人會鍾意俾人話佢年紀大,肥,醜,老<br />只可以佢自己話自己....haha~<br /><br />我都想去旅行架,不過之前男朋友做野好忙<br />都無時間同我去,佢自己就成日出trip^^

  • SLuT

  • 大弟<br />你都唔早吖^^

  • hi there slut your nickname is so seductive ....are you a real slut?

  • all fair comments, fully agree... its not the age, its the mentality....
    <br>well... you picked the bf, you like these kind of guys, those hard working people who fight to get to the top, and fight for the best..., so i guess you would have to be accomodating to his schedule then...
    <br>So is that the reason why you cant sleep, and bored, because he cant spend time with you?

  • SLuT replied @ 2009-09-26 3:43 am

  • man<br />都係個名啫^^<br /><br />joe<br />我係慣左夜訓啫<br />其實呢個男朋友我已經準備分手架喇~

  • but name means something...btw why not sleep? i just back from clubbing in lkf

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