好迷惘 ,有無人可以幫下我,八年既感情,一句咁既答案,我係咪要繼續

  • Kort, 你話上得黎she多, 覺得好多女仔都信唔過.
    <br>但我最近先開始上she睇到d post後, 發覺d"男人"更加信唔過啦!=_=+

  • O 曬咀.... 版主你都好應該反省下

  • 我都係一個30+的未結婚女人...
    <br>其實女人唔結婚, 是一種罪嘛??

  • 唔好咁樣諗, 只係個人選擇黎0者

  • 版主想要既幸褔係想找到一個愛她的男人然後結婚....其實沒有什麼不妥!
    <br>如果2 樣只可以要一樣..

  • 版主

  • <p>版主真係... 真真係唔適合做人太太.<br />無論幾好條件, 咁唔成熟咁麻煩既女人, 點可能有人想娶.<br />或者再坦白一點, 你男朋友有異心都係天經地義, 你根本唔使玩冷淡.<br />分手啦, 反正遲早既事.  你唔成熟, 真係唔好害人啦, 唔係個個男人都係搵食男架.</p>

  • 我都曾經有一個拍左八年拖的白羊座男朋友
    <br>曾經講到幾山盟海誓咁愛我, 又話要結婚, 結果?咪就係去偷食比我發現law
    <br>可能係因為我自己的過去喇, 我覺得佢可能已經唔係咁愛你架喇
    <br>只係未有一個理由去分手, 就只係因為咁多年一齊的"責任"
    <br>當佢有新目標對像的時候, 就會狠狠咁傷你的心....
    <br>我男友當年都有話同"朋友"出街, 後來我check到原來係同女仔去
    <br>唉... 你一係搵個機會同佢傾清楚, 大家的計劃係點呢?
    <br>其實你問佢計劃係點, 同信唔信佢根本唔關事,
    <br>不過有d男人就係咁奇怪, 一提"結婚"就好似迫佢咁, 越講佢就越抗拒
    <br>不過其實兩個人都唔一定要結婚既, 大家有自己的空間都唔錯
    <br>其實結婚唔係一個目標, 唔係話一定要達成才幸福
    <br>你先諗清楚, 咁係lee一年裡面, 你有無覺得佢唔同左?
    <br>講"結婚"的態度, 同以前有無唔同?
    <br>例如見面的次數有無少? 佢的態度有無唔同?
    <br>我後來回想才發覺, 原有好多先兆, 只係自己後知後覺...
    <br>如果佢真係唔同左.... 你都係有心理準備好d
    <br>如果佢其實都係咁樣, 你就要諗下, 其實變左的係咪你自己??
    <br>最後如果要分手, 都唔一定係壞事, 快d攪清楚, 好過係度拖

  • 佢好似俾唔到幸福我咁 --->
    <br>哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~ 真係笑死我~~

  • Reality
    <br>Dunt be so depressed. you should have married after 3 to 4 years of relatioship but you missed the timing of getting married. the passion of love may reach in 2- 3 years in relatioship.
    <br>In fact, there is no excitment in the relation save and except sentiment for the 8 years time.
    <br>You should understand the statement " love is hurt "
    <br>you are so in love with him with all your concern and attention, your concern may creat pressure over him.
    <br>For instance, a parent may be very demanding on his own kid but not the kids of the neightbourhood. they will be lenient to kids of next door but not their owm child. they scold their child with love , by the way, this will creat bed feeling in the heart of their own kids

  • Reality.
    <br>In the case of your relation. your excessive concern and love will creat pressure to him in the form that he should always report to you his activities. the best way to rectify your relatioship is make him at ease. not to grasp him too tight. In the other way round , you should enhance yourselves in many aspect.
    <br>1. try to make yourselves much more beautiful. keep diet. elegant look,
    <br> sexy look with open minded. to make yourselve much more younger

  • Reality
    <br>2. Read more book of sex skill for instance " joy of sex " " more joy of sex " " how to drive man wild in bed " this will make you freshment to your boyfriend and craziness over you

  • oral sex
    <br>1. put hot water & ice water into mouth, dunt swallow, do the blow job alteratively.
    <br>2.when he nearly jerk off, hold his penis head bottom side and use ice water to do the blow job.
    <br>3. make you nail a little longer to scratch his beck during sexual intercourse.
    <br>4. before sex an hour, let him drink strong wine,
    <br>5.put on some sexy undie .
    <br>6. wear galter belt with sheer stocking , & high heel . even on bed you dunt put off the high heelduring sex. the angle of your virina will be different when penetration , your hip will be eailsy hang up to encounter the push.

  • <br>
    <br>7.try to scream more louddly, butmust not pretend.
    <br>8. say dirty words. if he likes
    <br>9. after he jerk off, try to do the blow job again or during the middle time of the sexual intercourse.
    <br>10.whenever, you do the blow job, use your eyes to glance at with enjoy expreesion in your face.
    <br>11.durring sex , try to put your legs wide and as high angle as possible

    1. whrn you are doing the doggy style , try to lean you your breast as stick to bed and make your hip more up. and always turn your head back to look at your partner.
      <br>13 use you mail to acratch his penis ball during doggy style.

  • 14.swallow his penis ball in your mouth, kiss his ass hole, his toe if you accept.
    <br>15. apply ice-cream or cream on his penis to do the blow job
    <br>16 put the vibrator egg ( swapped with condom )into your vigina deptht and turn on the egg after his penetration. the vibration will excited his penis head during his push

  • no. 17 apply on his peanis before penetration the durex " play " lubricant , enhancing pleasure and do the hand job . making his p
    <br>18. you may talking telepone to girl friend when he is pushing , and you control your screaming.
    <br>19. out -door sexenis into full erection
    <br> 20.. try once by remove all your hairs.

    1. your leanyour head out window and he at the back to do the doggy style overlooking the street . use the curtain to conceal your body. no one discover you are having sex , only see your head
      <br>22. aplly the baby oil to whole body and have sex, the sex should be in the bath room
      <br>23. use sex -chair
      <br> 24. tie him on the bed , do the bondage & blind his eyes . the you kiss over his whole body, and then you go out for a minute, let him alone a moment, ................if you like, when you come back . bring one more femla friend into your room

  • 25.when he is tied up. and blinded use a sharp knike to point at his body and careress with knke and lick hie body
    <br>26. you may buy the" diddo " vibrator for the anus use . just thick like a pecel , inseted into his ass-hole during sex with bubricant
    <br>27.before penetration, you tie up your foot and let his body and shoulder make through up your tied up leg. your will be force to open wide and more up in angle
    <br>28.buy the special cream( which will make your virgun a more tight ) apply into your vigina b4 sex
    <br>30. wear an eye mask after bath

  • Reality
    <br>Sex play an indipensable part in your relatioship.
    <br>enhence yourselves ALL ASPECT hope you will get marriage soon

  • incresing your competiveness is RIGHT THING TO DO
    <br>You BF is smart in making choice when you become the RIGHT one

  • 迷完未呢?

  • 邊個錯都好<br /><br />既然你男友唔想同你結婚點解仲要拖住你﹖<br /><br />好自私

  • are u here

  • 傻 dalas replied @ 2009-08-21 10:27 pm
    <br>依家既女仔, 唔結婚, 又點達到賣身既目的.
    <br>唔好講女仔幾巴閉幾獨立, 睇過咁多條 threads, 個個女仔都當自己係貨咁賣架啦.
    <br>現實你係男人, 你都知娶老婆幾咁賤, 係娶人個位賤.

  • 傻 dalas replied @ 2009-08-21 10:27 pm
    <br>依家既女仔, 唔結婚, 又點達到賣身既目的.
    <br>唔好講女仔幾巴閉幾獨立, 睇過咁多條 threads, 個個女仔都當自己係貨咁賣架啦.
    <br>現實你係男人, 你都知娶老婆幾咁賤, 係娶人個位賤.
    <br>你講得雖然係刻薄左0的, 但的確有好多女人覺得一定要係趕快地係三十之前自己嫁出去.

  • 但嫁左之後唔開心,咁嫁嚟做乜,

  • agreed with dalas san
    <br>so i am single now.
    <br>But anyway, be positive, there still hv a tons of good guy arounding

  • 有0的人0既心態可能係: 唔理好醜, 人生點都要嫁一次.
    <br>我以前有個同學, 佢到今時今日都認為女人最大0既幸福就係嫁得出

  • haha,咁我又唔係負面咁講,

  • dalas replied @ 2009-08-22 3:04 pm
    <br>好多人都會覺得我同你一齊咁耐, 你唔娶我就即係拖住我, 曬我時間, 浪費我青春, 咁你就係賤人喇~

  • 邊有咁多賤人吖,有時我覺得做男人都幾慘,

  • 咁個問題其實就係個女人度啦

  • 真係無啦啦, 整撻啦

  • 我好明白你心情<br />因為我都有一段8年既感情面臨分手<br />但係8年既感情喎,點可以話一句答案就可以解決<br />除非你係一個無情既人,如果唔係咁易斷<br />中間有太多牽掛,太多捨不得<br />如果呢一刻唔認真去諗清楚,你將會浪費更多既時間<br />相比起我,你地既問題簡單得多<br />如果想抒發下,可以email比我<br />[email protected]<br />發生呢d事之後,我有一個諗法<br />就係為自己多d,對自己好d<br />

  • 我同男友拍左8年
    <br>最主要既問題係上年 佢同個女仔單獨去睇過film (我覺得佢冇尊重到你)  ,無同我講 我知道 之後 問佢佢話係朋友only
    <br>上個星期六佢同同事食飯唱k 去到三點幾, 雖然佢有打tel來報到 我有d唔開心 雖然佢真係同同事一班人 (呢d活動你唔應該去理咁多)
    <br>我之後問佢其實我地拍左成幾年 我問佢我地有無計劃
    <br>佢好猶豫 {話我因為唔信佢 佢怕結左會唔開心} (呢2句係廢話)
    <br>我覺得尼個係一個藉口, 我覺得佢愛我唔夠 (呢個唔應該去諗)
    <br>我問佢我係咪佢結婚對像 (呢句唔應該問) 佢無正面答
    <br>我覺得好灰 好失望 (諗少d自然唔會咁多失望)
    <br>佢一直係事業既男仔,我可以諒解,上年我問個佢, 佢話2010 但今年隻字都無提,我覺得佢好似係咪逃避 (係佢冇諗)
    <br>拍左咁多年, 一個commitment都無 
    <br>一直以來 佢重事業,學業少陪我都算 (咁係好事) 我不斷體諒得到既係一個咁既答案
    <br>好灰 , 我係到想 我係咪應該提出分手 (順其自然)
    <br>自己年紀又唔係細 , 咁拖下去都好似無咩用咁 (咁睇你開唔開心)
    <br>衣家我對佢既態度好冷淡 我唔知用咩態度對佢好 (順其自然) , 佢好似俾唔到幸福我咁 (唔好斷估)
    <br>有無d 男仔可以話俾我知,我應該點做

  • 你想點幫佢呢? 佢都唔知自己個問題係邊度, 推post都無用啦

  • <p>每段感情到到某階段都會經歷樽頸位,需要提昇/突破. 所以有人會結婚/生仔,邁向人生另一階段.  好多情侣過吾到呢d關口,亦到分離時. 或者命中註定既人,吾係佢.  一隻手掌拍吾响, 大家諗既方向,想要既野吾同,就冇得傾. sometimes love requires two people not looking to each other but the same direction. 時辰到,就要放手. 冇得吾放.<br /><br />版主而家對男友咁冷淡,係因為有怨懟, 有嬲怒.  既然佢又吾想結婚,你又吾想拖,不如分開冷靜下,睇下呢段感情係咪中應該繼續落去. 如果真命天子吾係佢,攬住吾放都冇用,自己用吾著,都吾會得到幸福. 倒不如放手, 等大家冷靜下, 如果佢好快又揾到另一半,咁恭喜佢, 亦無謂阻人發達.  或者你既真命天子都係到等緊你呢</p>

  • reality
    <br>If you dunt amke too much pressure on him , just let him do anything he want...... & try to pay more attention on your ownself , such as outlook, make-up, style, dressing.........anyway jsut make youselves more beautiful and then you extend your social life , getting to know more friends.........not just limit youselves in the 8 years relation. you will have some dating as well................
    <br>this will create some sense of losing you when your bf find you are unfranky in the relatioship..........he may turn back to you.......just like a game .... all in all , you must enance youselves

  • I totally agree with "feelsad" says,I also experienced those.... Actually, I'm still suffer the pain, it's almost a year, I've been looking for everything that can help me to recover. It's not easy but got to try. Have you seen 王貽興 article? It may be help you to understand "Men"!!!!

  • 好多謝大家從多角度分折我既問題 真係不勝感激
    <br>其實係八年內,本身我一直好信佢大家好開心 我唔會check佢因為通常係佢打俾我
    <br>even佢同朋友出去街個次去到三點 我都無打去check佢
    <br>係直至`上年08年俾我朋友靜靜見到佢同女仔單獨出街同睇戲, 但佢同我講話係一大班人
    <br>我先開始唔多信佢 我都同佢講個pt 唔係同女仔去唔得, 係你仲咩要講大話呢
    <br>其實由拍拖到衣家 我地只係一星期見一次, 因為佢工作讀書都忙 所以有時侯真係想可以多一日來陪下我
    <br>但佢尼排讀書完左一個persiod, 佢都唔會話多左時間多d 陪我, 返而約朋友多, (其實以前連佢d 男仔朋友都同佢講個話點解陪我咁少)
    <br>尼個星期 , 佢好似當無事咁, 如想咁打俾我, ,,, 我尼一刻真係唔知點 ,
    <br>另外我拍拖次數真係唔多, 所以都會想拍咁耐個個都會係結婚個個
    <br>多謝你地話下我 , 我自己都有好好想過 ,可能我真係側重左佢個度
    <br>可能我真係要好好upgrade下自己 ,
    <br>好彩我經濟及生活都算獨立, ,都算有知心朋友

  • 好彩我經濟及生活都算獨立, ,都算有知心朋友
    <br>有乜關係? 莫名其妙

  • Girlie
    <br>王貽興 article? 邊本書好睇啊
    <br>我衣家都係咁睇人生個d 書
    <br>希望令自己relax d

  • snowroad
    <br>係啊佢幾事業放係第一位我覺得做佢女友都要好體諒佢同配合佢, 但有時長期既體諒令到我好累 , 可能又唔係好有主見既女仔
    <br>我承認尼年我疑心係大左 , 但有時同佢出街佢成日話累又成日好似心不在焉咁 所以令我想好多野
    <br>THanks for your useful advice many thanks 可能係尼一刻自己都未適合做個好妻子
    <br>可能結左仲衰 可能我真係,要改下自己
    <br>你有咩問題啊 , 可以share 下麻

  • usual stories

  • want to know the reasons in a Metaphysical way?

  • 好彩我經濟及生活都算獨立, ,都算有知心朋友
    <br>有乜關係? 莫名其妙.........
    <br>經濟獨立, 可以做老姑婆
    <br>識既男仔唔算多, 做人太悶
    <br>而家男少女多, 中女多到吾知點講, 好得人驚

  • hi reality
    <br>are u ok?

  • 唔好因為唔想浪費之前既投資而勉強繼續一齊~

  • K

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