
  • @
    <br>your rational must be stronger than emotional

  • 男人就係識玩呢 D 把戲
    <br>久唔久先 send 個 sms 俾個鍾意自己既女仔
    <br>就已經可以滿足到佢, 等佢以為不論點, 都有掛住佢

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 11:34 am
    <br>yes, a sms from him, would feel like he is thinking of you, sweet~
    <br>or may be this is his strategy to date you, make you feel happy and you would get poison, men sometimes do sth is asking for sth else
    <br>as your opions, if you were in my status, you would leave him or ...?

  • james replied @ 2009-08-09 11:37 am
    <br>男人就係識玩呢 D 把戲
    <br>久唔久先 send 個 sms 俾個鍾意自己既女仔
    <br>就已經可以滿足到佢, 等佢以為不論點, 都有掛住佢

  • @, see what you want, it is opportunity cost, if you want to keep him, you should learn not to love him so much and hve no expectation
    <br>if you choose to leave him, you have to learn how to spend your time without his presence...or to be selfish, is there any of your bf can replace him?

  • agree with james, i know this theory and i acccept it in day one, so i feel more easy in sl relationship
    <br>兩個都好辛苦 <----@, i think you should know the rules of the game, you should not comment on it, you have to accept this and learn how to play

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 11:41 am
    <br>@, see what you want, it is opportunity cost, if you want to keep him, you should learn not to love him so much and hve no expectation
    <br>if you choose to leave him, you have to learn how to spend your time without his presence...or to be selfish, is there any of your bf can replace him?
    <br>as i said我好怕invest time去develop一段關係, 所以如網友所講15/16, 亦都係怕, 所以有少少想keep, 但自己又好難control到對佢的情感, 亦難無期望, 我都係想佢關心我多d :(
    <br>sl唔係有甚麼過人之處, 無話甚麼bf可以replace的, 只是感覺

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 11:43 am
    <br>agree with james, i know this theory and i acccept it in day one, so i feel more easy in sl relationship
    <br>兩個都好辛苦 <----@, i think you should know the rules of the game, you should not comment on it, you have to accept this and learn how to play
    <br>我唔係求有完美的結果, 只係希望有美滿的回憶

  • @, sl relationship has no problem, problem is on you that you cant change yourself to fit the game, so i believe you shont play this game

  • @, i guess you are still young

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 11:49 am
    <br>@, i guess you are still young
    <br>yes, my close fd said I am just mature for ppls, but not for myself

  • how o is your sl? how did you know him?

  • he is 32, I met him from this board

  • and you should know his purpose

  • 咁你點識你sl?

  • hi @, is he married too? why you have 2 bfs still find one more ge?

  • kitty replied @ 2009-08-09 11:58 am
    <br>hi @, is he married too? why you have 2 bfs still find one more ge?
    <br>no, the guys I mentioned just my bf and sl(lover)

  • in she also

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:00 pm
    <br>in she also

  • you are agreedy, so you have two sex partners....is it safe'?

  • kitty replied @ 2009-08-09 12:01 pm
    <br>you are agreedy, so you have two sex partners....is it safe'?
    <br>sorry, this thread no sex chat included

  • boring in his marriage, want to cheat some gals, flirting them, see whehter he is still charming enough to chase gals, find excitment and sex with other gals, guys feel more exciting on it,

  • @, i think kitty is caring you whether you would have sexual transmitted disease je, in case you really have 2 ppl to make love, make sure it is safe, you dun have much money or life to face such problem

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:03 pm
    <br>boring in his marriage, want to cheat some gals, flirting them, see whehter he is still charming enough to chase gals, find excitment and sex with other gals, guys feel more exciting on it,
    <br>so you seek for the same things with him too?

  • i look for a companion, a shoulder to lain on, a protected feeling, a guy to admire me, finally a person who i have feeling on

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:05 pm
    <br>@, i think kitty is caring you whether you would have sexual transmitted disease je, in case you really have 2 ppl to make love, make sure it is safe, you dun have much money or life to face such problem
    <br>her sounds a bit strange, but anyways thanks for her caring
    <br>btw, I seldom sex with SL since we met

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:09 pm
    <br>i look for a companion, a shoulder to lain on, a protected feeling, a guy to admire me, finally a person who i have feeling on
    <br>咁你地點相處? 幾耐見一次? 會唔會通電話?

  • meet a few times a week, we text each other, i only call him during office hour

  • few times a week, 已經好密了

  • you?

  • it is about once a week

  • I hope we can meet more frequency like you and yours sl too

  • 版主, 我支持你啦!

  • is he married so he is not have time to meet you?

  • 咁版主應該搵一個單身既sl會好d.

  • a7501 replied @ 2009-08-09 10:42 am <br /><br />好多時做之前,人地叫你唔好你唔會聽,要親身經歷一次至會知,當買個教訓啦~~ <br /><br />我身邊一直會keep住有兩位情人, 因為我需要大量的"被愛"感覺<br /><br /><br />咁你註定一世都會為呢d事而煩.差在係發生o係你身上定係你另一半身上.

  • he has a sticky gf.
    <br>jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:23 pm
    <br>is he married so he is not have time to meet you?

  • 啊... replied @ 2009-08-09 12:26 pm

  • a7501 replied @ 2009-08-09 12:26 pm
    <br>a7501 replied @ 2009-08-09 10:42 am
    <br>我身邊一直會keep住有兩位情人, 因為我需要大量的"被愛"感覺

  • do you know she has gf when you have sl relationship with him?
    <br>so you cant meet him that often, he has to use excuse to meet you....

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:32 pm
    <br>do you know she has gf when you have sl relationship with him? <----i know before we step into SL relationship
    <br>so you cant meet him that often, he has to use excuse to meet you....<----yes, but your sl is a married man, he also need to creat an excuse for meeting you, but why you and him can meet up that much still?

  • 你明知係煩,你可以選擇另一條路架,係你貪心之嘛,貪字得個貧.

  • a7501 replied @ 2009-08-09 12:35 pm
    <br>人搵錢10k唔夠洗滿足自己, 想搵多d, 叫唔叫貪?

  • yes, he needs to, he is a bussiness man....

  • i dun need to care what excuse he maakes, i just concern wehther we can meet up or not

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:39 pm
    <br>yes, he needs to, he is a bussiness man....
    <br>he own his business or he is as busy as a business man?

  • his job duty allows him to so, he has business meeting

  • jess replied @ 2009-08-09 12:41 pm
    <br>i dun need to care what excuse he maakes, i just concern wehther we can meet up or not
    <br>i told him i really want to meet up always, but seems I am giving him some pressure

  • understand

  • a7501 replied @ 2009-08-09 12:35 pm <br /><br />你明知係煩,你可以選擇另一條路架,係你貪心之嘛,貪字得個貧. <br /><br /><br />人搵錢10k唔夠洗滿足自己, 想搵多d, 叫唔叫貪?<br /><br /><br />兩樣野點扯得埋黎講架......<br />唔通你有感冒,要野埋sl既aids又叫貪心?:p

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