電結他課程(低至$380四堂每一小時-導師已考獲Trinity Rockschool八級證書)

  • 課程收費:<br />$380一對二每月四堂 每堂1小時<br />$400一對一每月四堂 每堂半小時<br />$520一對一每月四堂 每堂45分鐘<br />$640一對一每月四堂 每堂1小時<br />(導師已考獲Trinity Rockschool八級結他證書、曾於琴行任教、並有豐富教學經驗。)<br />每堂均有Notes,讓學生更容易理解。<br />時間彈性,不加收額外的房租費。<br />可安排報考聖三一 Rockschool Grade 1-8考試。 <br /><strong>歡迎email/pm/電話查詢:<br />Tony Liu</strong><br /><strong>Email : </strong><a

    " target="_blank">
    </a><br /><br />陳奕迅 - 淘汰 (Moving On Stage 1 Concert Guitar cover)<br /><a href="
    " target="_blank">
    </a><br /><br />667 (Trinity Rockschool Guitar Grade 8 Exam Piece)<br /><a href="
    " target="_blank">
    </a><br /><br />王菀之 我真的受傷了 Guitar version<br /><a href="
    " target="_blank">
    </a><br /><br /><img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick="zoom(this,'http://www.gregsguitar.com/ex6.jpg')" alt="" src="http://www.gregsguitar.com/ex6.jpg" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border="0" /><br /><br />課程內容<br />Stringing / Tuning <br />Learning the Fretboard <br />Reading Standard Notation <br />Reading Tablature <br />Reading Scale and Chord Charts <br />Flatpicking Technique <br />Fingerpicking  <br />Intervals<br />The Major Scale <br />Modes <br />Chord Construction <br />Chord Progressions <br />Playing Over a Chord Progression <br />Circle of Fifths <br />Suspended Chords <br />Bar Chords <br />Power Chords <br />Seventh Chords <br />Slash Chords <br />Diminished Chords <br />12 Bar Blues <br />The Pentatonic Scale <br />The Blues Scale <br />Resolving <br />Chord Scale Relationships <br />The Minor System <br />Alternative picking<br />Determining the Key <br />Arpeggios<br />

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