私人游泳女教練(private female swimming coach)

  • 本人為 私人游泳女教練,現誠為有興趣學生教授游泳。本人有多年經驗,現任職中學體育教師,教授中學泳隊,並有教練證書,特精於自由式,蛙式,蝶式。

    如有興趣:62206735陳小姐/[email protected]


    I am a private swimming teacher.  I would like to teach students who are interested in learning swimming.

    I have many  years experience in teaching swimming.  I am a PE teacher in secondary school and teach  swimming team especially good at freestyle, breast stroke and butterfly.

    I have got swimming Teachers' Certificate lifesaving instructor, Hydro-Fitness instructor

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